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Act I

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Quotes: Question 1
Who said this? What, drawn and talk of peace? I hate the word as I hate hell, all Montagues, and thee.
A. B. C. D.

Romeo Tybalt Capulet Benvolio

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Quotes: Question 2
Who said this? Part, fools! Put up your swords. You know not what you do.
A. B. C. D.

Romeo Tybalt Montague Benvolio

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Quotes: Question 3
Who said this? But woo her, gentle Paris, get her heart; My will to her consent is but a part.
A. B. C. D.

Romeo Paris Lord Capulet Montague

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Quotes: Question 4
Who said this? A man, young lady! Lady, such a man As all the world why hes a man of wax. A. Lady Capulet B. Nurse C. Juliet D. Romeo
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Quotes: Question 5
Who said this? O, then I see Queen Mab hath been with you. A. Mercutio B. Tybalt C. Capulet D. Benvolio
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Quotes: Question 6
Who said this? I fear, too early; for my mind misgives Some consequence, yet hanging in the stars
A. B. C. D.

Tybalt Mercutio Romeo Benvolio

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Quotes: Question 7
Who said this? O, then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do! A. Romeo B. Tybalt C. Juliet D. Nurse


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Quotes: Question 8
Who said this? My only love, sprung from my only hate! A. Romeo B. Nurse C. Lady Capulet D. Juliet


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Quotes: Question 9
Who said this? Ill look to like, if looking liking move; But no more deep will I endart mine eye Than your consent gives strength to make it fly.
B. C.


Romeo Lady Capulet Juliet Nurse

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Quotes: Question 10
Who said this? Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight! For I neer saw true beauty till this night.

C. D.

Romeo Tybalt Paris Benvolio

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Character: Question 1
Who worries that Romeo spends too much time in his darkened room?

C. D.

Romeo Lord Capulet Lord Montague Benvolio

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Character: Question 2
Who fears that she is in love with a loathed enemy? A. Romeo B. Lady Capulet C. Juliet D. Nurse


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Character: Question 3
Who threatens to start a fight at the Capulets Ball?

C. D.

Tybalt Paris Capulet Romeo

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Character: Question 4
Who talks of dreams, the children of an idle brain? A. Juliet B. Mercutio C. Benvolio D. Tybalt


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Character: Question 5
Who summons Montague and Capulet to discuss the problems in Verona? A. Mercutio B. Prince C. Romeo D. Benvolio
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Character: Question 6
Who suffers because Rosaline does not love him? A. Tybalt B. Mercutio C. Romeo D. Paris


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Character: Question 7
Who wants Juliet to wait two more years before marrying? A. Romeo B. Paris C. Lady Capulet D. Lord Capulet


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Character: Question 8
Who reminds Lord Capulet that younger girls than Juliet are already married? A. Paris B. Nurse C. Lady Capulet D. Tybalt


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Character: Question 9
Who identifies Romeo for Juliet at the end of the ball? A. Benvolio B. Lady Capulet C. Tybalt D. Nurse


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Character: Question 10
Who urges Romeo and the other maskers to go to the Capulets Ball?
A. B.


Romeo Tybalt Mercutio Benvolio


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Plot: Question 1
What event does the Prologue foreshadow?
A. B.


The deaths of Romeo and Juliet The marriage of Romeo and Juliet The death of Romeos and Juliets child The marriage of Paris and Juliet
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Plot: Question 2
Abram and Balthasar, who appear in Scene 1, are examples of

C. D.

Flat characters. typical servants round characters. hot-headed young men.

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Plot: Question 3
In these lines, what is Prince Escalus message to Capulet and Montague? If ever you disturb our streets again, Your lives shall pay the forfeit of the peace. A. Capulet and Montague have been responsible for three brawls B. The city streets have been much disturbed. C. Ancient citizens have had to take up arms

D. Capulet and Montague will pay with their lives if there are further disturbances. Home Next Question

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Plot: Question 4
Choose the item that best restates Capulets answer to Pariss request to marry Juliet. But woo her, gentle Paris, get her heart; My will to her consent is but a part. And she agreed, within her scope of choice Lies my consent and fair according voice, . A. Woo her gently, Paris. When you get her heart, you will have my consent. B. Woo her until you win her over. I will ask her to consent as well. C. Win her heart, gentle Paris. My wanting her to consent is only a part of the process. If she agrees, then you have my consent as well. D. Win her heart, Paris. I shall will her to consent, for my part. Once she agrees, having had a fair choice, I will agree too.


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Plot: Question 5
Romeo agrees with Benvolios plan to go to Capulets party because he hopes to

C. D.

forget his love for Rosaline. catch a glimpse of Rosaline .challenge Tybalt to a fight. make peace with the Capulets.
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Plot: Question 6
What obstacles to Romeo and Juliets relationship are already apparent in Act I? A. The families rivalry and Lady Capulets refusal to allow Juliet to marry so young

B. The families rivalry and Capulets desire for Juliet to marry Paris
C. Montagues refusal to allow the relationship and Benvolios own affection for Juliet D. The Princes refusal to allow the families to mix and Romeos affection for Rosaline Home Next Question

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Plot: Question 7
What detail about Montague helps to make him a round character? A. The description of his home. B. The concern he shows over his sons unhappiness C. The description of his relationship with his wife D. The unpleasant way he treats Benvolio
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Plot: Question 8
In Scene 5, why does Capulet allow Romeo to remain at the feast?
A. B.


He wants to keep an eye on him and see what hes up to. He wants to confront Romeo later when there arent so many people around. He is annoyed and wants to deal with Romeo in his own way. He will not allow a well-mannered guest to be insulted in his home.


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Plot: Question 9
What makes Romeo reluctant to go to the party?
A. B. C.


He is afraid of angering Capulet. He has had a premonition of his death. He is afraid of upsetting his father. Mercutio has warned him against going.


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Plot: Question 10
In Scene 5 at the Capulet feast, Capulet is a dramatic foil for Tybalt because
A. B. C. D.

they both know the Montagues are present, but no one else is aware of it. his enjoyment of the guests differs from Tybalts experience. they are both somewhat upset. his tolerance of the Montagues contrasts with Tybalts outrage. Home Back to First Question

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Essay: Question 1
Write an essay comparing character traits of Romeo, Benvolio, and Mercutio. Look for details about the characters in their speeches, in what other characters say about them, and in the way they interact with one another.
Sample Answer

Sample Answer Essay 1

Romeo: romantic, wants to be in love; moody; able to see the contradictions in love, both romantic and familial; appreciates Benvolios friendship; according to Capulet, is said to be virtuous, and well-governed. Benvolio: tries to keep peace; has a troubled mind; tries to help Romeo get over his unhappy love for Rosaline; makes a plan to visit the Capulets party and dance; Mercutio: loves to talk; makes jokes, puns, and elaborate wordplay; claims to have an ugly face; can extend a subject, such as dreams, into a long, imaginative speech.
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Essay: Question 2
Write a brief essay describing the events of Scene 4, in which Romeo, Benvolio, and Mercutio prepare to go to the Capulets party. Characterize how the young men interact with one another

Sample Answer

Sample Answera short time, then Essay 2 Benvolio wants to dance

leave; both he and Mercutio want Romeo to dance, but Romeo insists he is too sad. Mercutio makes long plays on words, while Benvolio tries to have them continue on their way to the party. Romeo has forebodings, and Mercutio answers them with a long description of the fairy queen, describing her wagon and attendants and the dreams she puts into effect. Romeo and Benvolio ask Mercutio to stop talking, and they head for the dance.

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Essay: Question 3
The Chorus tells the outline of the plot in the Prologue. Identify details from the play foreshadowing that the love between Romeo and Juliet is ill fated. Explain how foreshadowing affects your reading of the play.

Sample Answer

Sample Answer Essay 3

Romeo also feels a foreboding in Scene iv, lines 106113. Both Romeo and Juliet react strongly to learning they have fallen in love with a member of their familys enemy. Although a person may be aware of the tragic ending, one should explain how this knowledge affects a persons feelings as they read.

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Essay: Question 4
In an essay, describe the relationship between Juliet, her mother, and the Nurse, as revealed in Scene 3. How does the Nurse behave toward Juliet? Toward Lady Capulet? How does Juliet respond to her mother and to her Nurse? Which woman seems more enthusiastic about Juliets possible marriage? What level of formality exists among the three? Cite details from the play to support your response. Answer Sample

Sample Answer Essay 4

The Nurse has very motherly memories of Juliet as a baby, and is very excited at the thought of her marrying. The Nurse and Lady Capulet seem close because of raising Juliet together, though the Nurse is unrefined while her lady is formal. Juliet behaves almost formally toward her mother, as if she is closer to the Nurse.
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Essay: Question 5
Describe the interaction between Romeo and Juliet at their first meeting in an essay. Explain why Romeo describes a series of images. Why does Juliet respond the way she does? What is the overall effect of using these images to portray a love scene?
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Sample Answer Essay 5

Romeo suggests that Juliets hand is a shrine, and his lips are pilgrims, meaning he wants to kiss her hand. They make a play on palms as hands and relating to palmers, or pilgrims, as well as using lips to pray and to kiss. Romeo shows himself as an admirer, placing Juliet above him. Juliet responds modestly, but with encouragement. The overall effect of the images is to give the impression that their love is holy and pure.

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