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Chapter 11

Spreadsheet Modeling
and Analysis
Predictive Decision Modeling
 Predictive modeling is the heart and soul of
business decisions.
 Building decision models is more of an art than a

 Creating good decision models requires:

- solid understanding of business functional areas

- knowledge of business practice and research
- logical skills
 It is best to start simple and enrich models as

Strategies for Predictive Decision
 Simple mathematics
◦ “Back-of-the-envelope” calculations can provide the
basis for a more formal model
 Influence diagrams
◦ Introduced in Chapter 1, an influence diagram is a logical
and visual representation of key model relationships
Example 11.1: The Economic Value of a
 A restaurant customer dines 6 times a year and spends
an average of $50 per visit.
 The restaurant realizes a 40% margin on the average bill
for food and drinks.
 Annual gross profit on a customer = $50(6)(0.40) = $120
 30% of customers do not return each year.
 Average lifetime of a customer = 1/0.3 = 3.33 years
 Average gross profit during a customer’s lifetime =
$120(3.33) = $400
Developing a General Model for Example
 V = value of a loyal customer
 R = revenue per purchase
 F = purchase frequency (number of visits per year)
 M = gross profit margin (expressed as a fraction)
 D = defection rate (fraction of customers not
returning each year)
Example 11.2: Developing a Decision Model Using
an Influence Diagram
 Cost = fixed cost + variable cost P = profit p = unit price
C = F + cQ R = revenue c = unit cost
C = cost F = fixed cost
 Revenue = price times quantity sold
S = quantity sold
R = pS D = demand
 Quantity sold = Minimum{demand, quantity sold} Q = quantity
S = min{D, Q} produced
 Profit = Revenue − Cost
P = p*min{D, Q} − (F + cQ) (11.2)
Implementing Models on
 Principles of good spreadsheet design:
◦ Separate the data, model calculations, and model
outputs clearly in designing a spreadsheet.
◦ Do not use input data in model formulas, but reference
the spreadsheet cells that contain the data. In this way, if
the data change or you want to experiment with the
model, you need not change any of the formulas, which
can easily result in errors.
Example 11.3: A Spreadsheet Model
for the Outsourcing Decision
 (Example 1.8 in Chapter 1)
 The scenario involves a manufacturer who can produce
a part for $125/unit with a fixed cost of $50,000. The
alternative is to outsource production to a supplier at a
unit cost of $175.
 Models for total cost:
Example 11.3 Continued
 Excel spreadsheet
Example 11.4: Pricing Decision
Spreadsheet Model
 A firm wishes to determine the best pricing for one of its
products to maximize revenue.
◦ Sales = -2.9485 × price + 3,240.9
◦ Total revenue = price × sales
= price × (-2.9485 × price + 3,240.9)
= -2.9485 × price2 + 3,240.9 × price
Example 11.5: Spreadsheet Implementation of
the Profit Model
 Assume that unit price = $40, unit cost = $24, fixed cost = $400,000,
and demand = 50,000.
 The decision variable is the quantity produced; assume a value of
40,000 units.
Spreadsheet Quality
 Building spreadsheet models (called spreadsheet
engineering) is part art and part science.
 Spreadsheets need to be
◦ accurate,
◦ understandable, and
◦ user friendly.
 Verification is the process of ensuring that a model is
accurate and free from logical errors.
Improving Spreadsheet Quality
 Improve the design and format of the spreadsheet itself.
◦ Sketch a logical design of the spreadsheet.
◦ Break complex formulas into smaller pieces
◦ Design the spreadsheet in a form that the end user can easily
interpret and understand
 Improve the process used to develop a spreadsheet.
◦ Work on one part at a time
◦ Check formula results with simple numbers
 Inspect your results carefully and use appropriate tools
available in Excel.
◦ Use Excel auditing tools
Example 11.6: Modeling Net Income on a
 Gross profit = sales – cost of goods sold
 Operating expenses = administrative expenses
+ selling expenses
+ depreciation expenses
 Net operating income = gross profit
– operating expenses
 Earnings before taxes = net operating income
– interest expense
 Net income = earnings before taxes – taxes
Example 11.6 Continued
 Simple model:
◦ net income = sales - cost of goods sold - administrative expenses
- selling expenses – depreciation expenses - interest expense -
Example 11.6 Continued
 Data-model format
Example 11.6 Continued
 Pro forma income statement
Spreadsheet Applications in Business
 A wide variety of practical problems in business
analytics can be modeled using spreadsheets.
 A useful spreadsheet model need not be complex;
often, simple models can provide managers with the
information they need to make good decisions.
Example 11.7: A Predictive Model for
 The manager of a loan processing department
wants to know how many employees will be
needed over the next several months to
process a certain number of loan files per
month so she can better plan capacity.
 Different types of products, such as a 30-year
fixed rate mortgage, 7/1 ARM, FHA loan, or a
construction loan, each varying in complexity
and time to complete.
 Data:
◦ Forecasts: 700 loan applications in May, 750 in June, 800
in July, and 825 in August.
◦ Each employee works productively for 6.5 hours each
day, and there are 22 working days in May, 20 in June, 22
in July, and 22 in August.

Predict the number of full time equivalent (FTE) staff needed each
month to ensure that all loans can be processed.
Example 11.7 Continued
 Spreadsheet Model
Models Involving Multiple Time
 Many practical models incorporate multiple time periods
that are logically linked together.
 Taking a systematic approach to putting the pieces
together logically can often make a seemingly difficult
problem much easier.
Example 11.8: New-Product Development
 Moore Pharmaceuticals needs to decide whether to
conduct clinical trials and seek FDA approval for a newly
developed drug.
 R&D cost = $700 million
 Clinical trials cost = $150 million
 Market size = 2 million people
 Market size growth = 3% per year
 Market share = 8%
 Market share growth = 20% per year
 Monthly revenue/prescription = $130
 Monthly variable cost/prescription = $40
 Discount rate = 9%
Example 11.8 Continued
 Spreadsheet Model
Example 11.8 Continued
 Spreadsheet Formulas
Single-Period Purchase Decisions
 One-time purchase decisions often must be made in the
face of uncertain demand.
 Newsvendor Problem: How many newspapers to
purchase each day?
 C = cost to purchase a newspaper
 Q = number of newspapers the vendor purchases
 D = number of newspapers demanded
 R = revenue from selling a newspaper
 S = salvage value of unsold newspapers
Net profit = R × quantity sold + S × surplus quantity – C ×Q
= R(min{Q,D}) + S(max{0,Q−D}) − CQ
Example 11.9: A Single-Period Purchase Decision
 A small candy store makes Valentine’s Day gift boxes
that cost $12 and sell for $18.
 In the past, at least 40 boxes have sold by Valentine’s
Day but the actual amount is unknown.
 After the holiday, boxes are discounted 50%.
 C = $12, R = $18, S = $9
 Net profit = R(min{Q,D}) + S(max{0,Q−D}) − CQ
=18(min{Q,D}) + 9(max{0,Q−D}) − 12Q
◦ Note that D is actually uncertain and can be modeled using a
probability distribution.
Example 11.9 Continued
 Spreadsheet model
Overbooking Decisions
 Find the number of reservations to accept to effectively
fill capacity knowing that some customers may not use
their reservations.
 A common practice in these industries is to overbook
◦ When more customers arrive than can be handled, the business
usually incurs some cost to satisfy them.
◦ Therefore, the decision becomes how much to overbook to
balance the costs of overbooking against the lost revenue for
Example 11.10: A Hotel Overbooking
 A popular resort hotel has 300 rooms.
 The room rate is $120 per night.
 Reservations can be cancelled by 6:00 p.m.
 Cost of overbooking is $100 per occurrence.
 Decision variable = number of reservations to accept.
 Customer demand and cancellations are actually random variables.
Model Assumptions, Complexity, and
 Models cannot capture every detail of the real problem,
and managers must understand the limitations of models
and their underlying assumptions.
 Validity refers to how well a model represents reality.
 Judging validity:
◦ Identify and examine the assumptions made in a model to see
how they agree with our perception of the real world
◦ Compare model results to observed results
Example 11.11: A Retirement-Planning
 Start work at age 22, earning $50,000 per year.
 Expect a salary increase of 3% per year.
 Required to contribute 8% to retirement.
 Employer contributes 35% of that amount.
 Expect an annual return of 8% on the portfolio.
Example 11.11 Continued
 Validity issues:
◦ Whether the assumptions of the annual salary increase
and return on investment are reasonable
◦ Whether they should be assumed to be the same each
◦ How the model calculates the return on investment –
Current year balance only? End-of-year balance plus
current-year contributions? Monthly?
Data and Models
 Sources of data
◦ Subjective judgment
◦ Existing databases
◦ Analysis of historical data
◦ Surveys, experiments, or other methods of data
Using Empirical Data in Models
 Many predictive models in business analytics use
empirical data in conjunction with logical model
◦ In other words, we observe some phenomenon and then
try to develop a model that best reflects the data that we
Example 11.12: Modeling Retail
Markdown Pricing Decisions
 In the spring, a department store introduces a new line of bathing
suits that sell for $70.
 The store purchases 1000 of these bathing suits.
 During the prime selling season (50 days), the store sells an
average of 7 units per day at full price.
 Around July 4th, the price is marked down 70% to sell off remaining
 During a special sale, the price was reduced to $49 and sales
increased to 32.2 units per day.
 If the stored decides to sell at full retail price for x days and then
discounts the price by y% for the remainder of the selling season,
followed by the clearance sale, what total revenue could they
Example 11.12 Continued
 Modeling daily sales as a function of price
◦ Assume a linear trend model between sales and price:

daily sales = a – b × price

7 = a – b × 70
32.2 = a – b × 49

Daily sales = 91 – 1.2 × price

Example 11.12 Continued
 Modeling total revenue
1. Sell at full retail price for x days:
◦ Full retail price revenue = 7 units/day × x days ×$70.00 = $490.00x
2. Markdown revenue = units sold x markdown price
◦ Markdown price = $70(100% - y%)
◦ Daily sales = a - b x markdown price = 91 - 1.2 x $70 x (100% - y%)
◦ Units sold at markdown = daily sales x (50 - x), as long as this is less than or
equal to the number of units remaining in inventory from full retail sales.
3. Clearance revenue
◦ Clearance inventory = 1000 - units sold at full retail - units sold at markdown =
1,000 - 7x - [91 - 1.2 × $70.00 × (100% - y%)] × (50 - x)
◦ Clearance price revenue = [1,000 - 7x - [91 - 1.2 × $70.00 × (100% - y%)]
× (50 – x)] × $21.00
 Total revenue = sum of full retail, markdown, and clearance
Example 11.12 Continued
 Spreadsheet model
Developing User-Friendly Applications

 Useful Excel tools

◦ Data validation
◦ Range Names
◦ Form Controls
Example 11.13 Using Data Validation
 Outsourcing Decision Model
◦ Suppose that we know that the unit cost of any item is at least $10 but no
more than $100. If a cost is $47.50, for instance, a misplaced decimal
would result in either $4.75 or $475, which would clearly be out of range.
 Data > Data Tools > Data Validation

Error alert message

Range Names
 Suppose that the unit price is stored in cell B13
and quantity sold is in cell B14.
 Suppose you wish to calculate revenue in cell

◦ Instead of writing the formula =B13*B14, you could
define the name of cell B13 as “UnitPrice” and the name
of cell B14 as “QuantitySold.”
◦ Then in cell C15, write the formula
Form Controls
 Form controls are buttons, boxes, and other mechanisms for
inputting or changing data on spreadsheets easily that can be used
to design user-friendly spreadsheets.
 Activate the Developer tab on the Excel ribbon: File > Options >
Customize Ribbon and check the box for Developer.
Types of Form Controls
 Button
 Combo box
 Check box
 Spin button
 List box
 Option button
 Group box
 Label
 Scroll bar
Example 11.14 Using Form Controls for
the Outsourcing Decision Model
 Spin button for the supplier unit cost (which we will assume might
vary between $150 and $200 in increments of $5)
 Scroll bar for the production volume (in unit increments between
500 and 3000 units)
 Developer > Controls > Insert; then click in the spreadsheet. Right
click and set Format Control options.
Analyzing Uncertainty and Model
 Predictive analytical models are based on
assumptions about the future and incorporate
variables that most likely will not be known with
 It is usually important to investigate how these

assumptions and uncertainty affect the model

What-If Analysis
 Spreadsheet models allow you to easily evaluate
what-if questions by changing input values and
recalculating model outputs.
 Systematic approaches to what-if analysis that are

available in Excel make the process easier and

more useful.
◦ Data tables
◦ Scenario Manager
◦ Goal Seek
Example 11.15: Using Excel for What-If
 Uncertain demand in the Profit Model.
 Excel table using formulas:

of profit:
Data Tables

 Data Tables summarize the impact of one or

two inputs on a specified output.
◦ A one-way data table evaluates an output variable
over a range of values for a single input variable.
◦ Two-way data tables evaluate an output variable over
a range of values for two different input variables.
Creating (Column) Data Tables in Excel
 Create a range of values for some input cell in your model
that you wish to vary.
 Enter the cell reference for the output variable in your model
that you wish to evaluate in the row above the first value and
one cell to the right of the column of input values.
 Select the range of cells that contains both the formulas and
values you want to substitute.
 Data > What-If Analysis > Data Table
 Type the cell reference for the input cell in your model in the
Column input cell box.
Example 11.16: A One-Way Data Table for
Uncertain Demand 1 2
1. Create a column of demand
values (column E). 3
2. Enter =C22 in cell F3 (to
reference the output cell).
3. Highlight the range E3:F11.
4. Data > What-If Analysis > Data
5. Enter B8 for Column input cell
in the Data Table dialog (tells
Excel that column E refers to

Example 11.17: One-Way Data Tables with
Multiple Outputs
 Create a second output column
for revenue.
 Enter =C15 in cell G3.
 Highlight E3:G11.
 Data > What-If Analysis > Data
 Enter B8 for Column input cell in
the Data Table dialog
Two-Way Data Tables
 Type a list of values for one input variable in a column and a list of
input values for the second input variable in a row, starting one row
above and one column to the right of the column list.
 In the cell in the upper left-hand corner immediately above the
column list and to the left of the row list, enter the cell reference of
the output variable you wish to evaluate.
 Select the range of cells that contain this cell reference and both the
row and column of values.
 In the Row input cell of the dialog box, enter the reference for the
input cell in the model that corresponds to the input values in the
 In the Column input cell box, enter the reference for the input cell in
the model that corresponds to the input values in the column.
Example 11.18: A Two-Way Data Table for the
Profit Model
 Evaluate the impact of both
unit price and unit cost
 Create a column of unit
 Create a row of unit costs.
 Enter =C22 in upper left
 Select range of data (not
including headings).
 In Data Table dialog
◦ Enter B6 for Row input cell.
◦ Enter B5 for Column input cell.
Scenario Manager
 Allows creation of scenarios – sets of
values that are saved and can be
substituted in worksheets.
 Data > What-If Analysis > Scenario
 Click Add button to open Add Scenario
 Enter a Scenario Name
 In Changing Cells box, enter cell
references to include in scenario.
 In the Scenario Values dialog enter values
for each of the changing cells.
 Click Show button to display the results
Example 11.19: Using the Scenario Manager for
the Markdown Pricing Model
 Evaluate 4 strategies for pricing and discounts on the
bathing suits in the Markdown Pricing Model.
Goal Seek
 If you know the result that you want from a formula but are not
sure what input value the formula needs to get that result, use
the Goal Seek feature in Excel.
 Data > What-If Analysis > Goal Seek
 Set cell contains the cell reference for the formula you want to
 To value is the target value you want the formula to return.
 By changing cell is the reference of the input value that you
want to change to achieve the set cell value.
Example 11.20: Finding the Break-Even Point in
the Outsourcing Model

 Find the value of demand

for which manufacturing
cost equals purchased
◦ Set cell: B19
◦ To value: 0
◦ By changing cell: B12.

Break-even volume
Parametric Sensitivity Analysis Using
Analytic Solver Platform
 Parametric sensitivity analysis is the term used
by Analytic Solver Platform for systematic
methods of what-if analysis.
◦ A parameter is simply a piece of input data in a model.
 You can create data tables and tornado charts.
Example 11.21: Creating Data Tables
with Analytic Solver Platform
 Create a one-way data table to evaluate
the profit as the unit price in cell B5 is
varied between $35 and $45 in the profit
 Define cell B5 as a parameter by
selecting B5, click Parameters and select

 In the Function Arguments dialog, specify

the range of values.
Example 11.21 Continued
 Click the Reports button and click on Parameter Analysis from the
Sensitivity menu. This displays a Sensitivity Report dialog; use
the arrows to move cells into the panes on the right.

One-way data table result

Example 11.21 Continued
 To create a two-way data table, define both inputs as parameters
and in the Sensitivity Report dialog, be sure to check the box Vary
Parameters Independently near the bottom.
 To create charts to visualize the data tables, click the Charts button,
and then click Parameter Analysis from the Sensitivity menu.
◦ Replace the cell references ($B$5, $B$6, and $C$22) by descriptive names to
facilitate understanding the results.
Tornado Charts
 A tornado chart shows the impact that variation in a
model input has on some output while holding all other
inputs constant.
◦ Shows which inputs are the least and most influential on the
◦ Helps you select the inputs that you would want to further
 Analytic Solver Platform automatically identifies all the
data input cells on which the output cell depends and
creates the chart.
Example 11.22: Creating a Tornado
Chart in Analytic Solver Platform
 In the Profit Model spreadsheet, select cell C22; then
click the Parameters button and choose Identify.

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