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Extra Resources

Intro UNIT Classroom Language

UNIT 5 Places and Buildings

English RALLY ON 1

UNIT 1 Personal Identification

UNIT 4 Daily life

CREDITOS UNIT 3 Hobbies, Leisure and sport

UNIT 2 Actions in Progress

Title Pages Intro Unit introduction18-19 Saying hello and Goodbye...........20-21 Using Classroom Language.... 22-23 Learning how to spell.......24-25 Talking about days and months...............26-27 Learning how to use a Dictionary....28-29 My Project..30-31

Unit 2 introduction Talking about colors and possessions Talking about specific clothes Asking about what people are wearing Asking about current actions Identifying people in a crowd Talking about famous people Asking about what is happening Talking about current actions Talking about what people are doing Integration Self-Evaluation Learn to Learn Vocabulary My Project

52-53 54-55 56-57 58-59 60-61 62-63 64-65 66-67 68-69 70-71 72-73 74 75 76-77



Unit 1 introduction
Using Numbers Talking about nationality Asking about occupations Introducing friends Talking about people Asking about people Integration Self-Evaluation Learn to Learn Vocabulary

34-35 36-37 38-39 40-41 42-43 44-45


46-47 48 49

My Project


Unit 3 introduction Talking about sports Asking about likes and dislikes Talking about peoples activities Talking about free time Making and accepting suggestions Talking about where to eat Responding to an invitation Refusing an Invitation Integration Self-Evaluation Learn to Learn Vocabulary

78-79 80-81 82-83 84-85 86-87 88-89 90-91 92-93 94-95 96-97 98 99

My Project


UNIT 4 Daily life Title Unit 4 introduction Asking about and telling time Talking about school subjects Talking about preferences Talking about celebrations Talking about important dates Talking about routines Talking about weekend activities Asking about habitual activities Asking about the frequency of activities Talking about leisure activities Talking about daily activities Talking about teenage life Integration Self-Evaluation Learn to Learn Vocabulary My Project Pages 102-103 104-105 106-107 108-109 110-111 112-113 114-115 116-117 118-119 120-121 122-123 124-125 126-127 128-129 130 131 132-133

UNIT 5 Places and Buildings

Unit 5 introduction Describing a town Talking about famous places Describing places in a town Asking about location Asking about specific places Asking about the exact location of places Asking for and giving directions in a town Asking for and finding places Integration Self-Evaluation Learn to Learn Vocabulary My Project

134-135 136-137 138-139 140-141 142-143 144-145 146-147 148-149 150-151 152-153 154 155 156-157

Extra Resources

Monolingual and bilingual Dictionaries


Interactive Dictionary
Grammar Reference Audioscripts

166-173 174-180

Reference Books and Websites

Student and Teacher Bibliography Student CD-ROM track List

182 183

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