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Compiler Design (CD)

GTU # 3170701

Unit – 3
Syntax Analysis (I)

Prof. Dixita B. Kagathara

Computer Engineering Department
Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology, Rajkot
+91 - 97277 47317 (CE Department)
Topics to be covered
 Looping
• Role of parser
• Context free grammar
• Derivation & Ambiguity
• Left recursion & Left factoring
• Classification of parsing
• Backtracking
• LL(1) parsing
• Recursive descent paring
• Shift reduce parsing
• Operator precedence parsing
• LR parsing
• Parser generator
Role of Parser
Role of parser
Token Parse
Source Lexical tree
Parser Rest of front
program analyzer
Get next token

Symbol table

 Parser obtains a string of token from the lexical analyzer and reports syntax error if any
otherwise generates parse tree.
 There are two types of parser:
1. Top-down parser
2. Bottom-up parser

Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
B Kagathara #3170701
(PS)  Unit
Basic Probability
Analysis (I) 4
Context free grammar
Context free grammar
 A context free grammar (CFG) is a 4-tuple where,
is finite set of non terminals,
is disjoint finite set of terminals,
is an element of and it’s a start symbol,
is a finite set formulas of the form where and

 Nonterminal symbol:
 The name of syntax category of a language, e.g., noun, verb, etc.
 The It is written as a single capital letter, or as a name enclosed between < … >, e.g., A or
<Noun Phrase> → <Article><Noun>
<Article> → a | an | the
<Noun> → boy | apple

Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
B Kagathara #3170701
(PS)  Unit
Basic Probability
Analysis (I) 6
Context free grammar
 A context free grammar (CFG) is a 4-tuple where,
is finite set of non terminals,
is disjoint finite set of terminals,
is an element of and it’s a start symbol,
is a finite set formulas of the form where and

 Terminal symbol:
 A symbol in the alphabet.
 It is denoted by lower case letter and punctuation marks used in language.

<Noun Phrase> → <Article><Noun>

<Article> → a | an | the
<Noun> → boy | apple

Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
B Kagathara #3170701
(PS)  Unit
Basic Probability
Analysis (I) 7
Context free grammar
 A context free grammar (CFG) is a 4-tuple where,
is finite set of non terminals,
is disjoint finite set of terminals,
is an element of and it’s a start symbol,
is a finite set formulas of the form where and

 Start symbol:
 First nonterminal symbol of the grammar is called start symbol.

<Noun Phrase> → <Article><Noun>

<Article> → a | an | the
<Noun> → boy | apple

Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
B Kagathara #3170701
(PS)  Unit
Basic Probability
Analysis (I) 8
Context free grammar
 A context free grammar (CFG) is a 4-tuple where,
is finite set of non terminals,
is disjoint finite set of terminals,
is an element of and it’s a start symbol,
is a finite set formulas of the form where and

 Production:
 A production, also called a rewriting rule, is a rule of grammar. It has the form of
A nonterminal symbol → String of terminal and nonterminal symbols

<Noun Phrase> → <Article><Noun>

<Article> → a | an | the
<Noun> → boy | apple

Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
B Kagathara #3170701
(PS)  Unit
Basic Probability
Analysis (I) 9
Example: Context Free Grammar
Write non terminals, terminals, start symbol, and productions for following grammar.
E  E O E | (E) | id
O+|-|*|/ |↑

Non terminals: E, O
Terminals: id + - * / ↑ ( )
Start symbol: E
Productions: E  E O E | (E) | id
O+|-|*|/ |↑

Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
B Kagathara #3170701
(PS)  Unit
Basic Probability
Analysis (I) 10
 A derivation is basically a sequence of production rules, in order to get the input string.
 To decide which non-terminal to be replaced with production rule, we can have two options:
1. Leftmost derivation
2. Rightmost derivation

Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
B Kagathara #3170701
(PS)  Unit
Basic Probability
Analysis (I) 12
Leftmost derivation
 A derivation of a string in a grammar is a left most derivation if at every step the left most non
terminal is replaced.
 Grammar: SS+S | S-S | S*S | S/S | a Output string: a*a-a

Parse tree represents the
S-S structure of derivation
S - S
a*S-S S S
* a
a*a-a a a
Leftmost Derivation Parse tree

Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
B Kagathara #3170701
(PS)  Unit
Basic Probability
Analysis (I) 13
Rightmost derivation
 A derivation of a string in a grammar is a right most derivation if at every step the right most
non terminal is replaced.
 It is all called canonical derivation.
 Grammar: SS+S | S-S | S*S | S/S | a Output string: a*a-a

S * S
S*S-a a S S
a*a-a a a
Rightmost Derivation Parse Tree
Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
B Kagathara #3170701
(PS)  Unit
Basic Probability
Analysis (I) 14
Ambiguous grammar
 Ambiguity, is a word, phrase, or statement which contains more than one meaning.

A long thin piece of potato


A small piece of silicon

Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
B Kagathara #3170701
(PS)  Unit
Basic Probability
Analysis (I) 16
 In formal language grammar, ambiguity would arise if identical string can occur on the RHS of
two or more productions.
 Grammar:
𝑵𝟏 𝑵𝟐 Replaced by
or ?

 can be derived from either N1 or N2 𝜶

Prof. Dixita
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Analysis (I) 17
Ambiguous grammar
 Ambiguous grammar is one that produces more than one leftmost or more then one rightmost
derivation for the same sentence.
 Grammar: SS+S | S*S | (S) | a Output string: a+a*a

S*S S+S
S * S S + S
S+S*S a+S
a+S*S S + a+S*S
S a a S * S
a+a*S a+a*S
a+a*a a a+a*a
a a a
 Here, Two leftmost derivation for string a+a*a is possible hence, above grammar is ambiguous.

Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
B Kagathara #3170701
(PS)  Unit
Basic Probability
Analysis (I) 18
 Parsing is a technique that takes input string and produces output either a parse tree if string is
valid sentence of grammar, or an error message indicating that string is not a valid.
Types of Parsing

Top down parsing: In top down parsing Bottom up parsing: Bottom up parser starts
parser build parse tree from top to bottom. from leaves and work up to the root.
Grammar: String: abbcde
SaABe S
AAbc | b
Bd a A B e
A b c d
a b b c d e
Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
B Kagathara #3170701
(PS)  Unit
Basic Probability
Analysis (I) 20
Classification of Parsing
Classification of parsing

Top down parsing Bottom up parsing (Shift reduce)

Back tracking Operator precedence

Parsing without
backtracking (predictive LR parsing
descent LALR

Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
B Kagathara #3170701
(PS)  Unit
Unit 31 –– Syntax
Basic Probability
Analysis (I) 22
Classification of parsing

Top down parsing Bottom up parsing (Shift reduce)

Back tracking Operator precedence

Parsing without
backtracking (predictive LR parsing
descent LALR

Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
B Kagathara #3170701
(PS)  Unit
Unit 31 –– Syntax
Basic Probability
Analysis (I) 23
 In backtracking, expansion of nonterminal symbol we choose one alternative and if any
mismatch occurs then we try another alternative.
 Grammar: S cAd Input string: cad
A ab | a


c A d c A d c A d
Make prediction Make prediction

a b Backtrack a Parsing done

Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
B Kagathara #3170701
(PS)  Unit
Basic Probability
Analysis (I) 25
Left Recursion
Problems in Top-down Parsing
Left recursion
 A grammar is said to be left recursive if it has a non terminal such that there is a derivation for
some string
 Grammar: AA |


A 𝛼 𝞫
A 𝛼
A 𝛼

A 𝛼 A 𝛼

𝞫 𝞫
Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
B Kagathara #3170701
(PS)  Unit
Basic Probability
Analysis (I) 27
Left recursion elimination


𝛼 𝛽

 𝐴 ’𝜖

Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
B Kagathara #3170701
(PS)  Unit
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Analysis (I) 28
Examples: Left recursion elimination
EE+T | T
E’+TE’ | ε
TT*F | F
T’*FT’ | ε
XX%Y | Z
X’%YX’ | ε

Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
B Kagathara #3170701
(PS)  Unit
Basic Probability
Analysis (I) 29
Left Factoring
Problems in Top-down Parsing
Left factoring


 Left factoring is a grammar transformation that is useful for producing a grammar suitable for
predictive parsing.
 It is used to remove nondeterminism from the grammar.

Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
B Kagathara #3170701
(PS)  Unit
Basic Probability
Analysis (I) 31
Left factoring

𝛼𝛽| 𝛼δ

Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
B Kagathara #3170701
(PS)  Unit
Basic Probability
Analysis (I) 32
Example: Left factoring
SaAB | aCD
S’AB | CD
A xByA | xByAzA | a

A xByAA’ | a
A’ Є | zA

Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
B Kagathara #3170701
(PS)  Unit
Basic Probability
Analysis (I) 33
First & Follow
Rules to compute first of non terminal
1. If and is terminal, add to .
2. If , add to .
3. If is nonterminal and is a production, then place in if for some , a is in , and 𝜖 is in all of that
is . If 𝜖 is in for all then add 𝜖 to .
Everything in is surely in If does not derive 𝜖, then we do nothing more to , but if , then we
add and so on.

Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
B Kagathara #3170701
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Analysis (I) 35
Rules to compute first of non terminal
Simplification of Rule 3
If ,
• If does not derives
• If derives

• If & Y2 derives ∈

• If , Y2 & Y3 derives ∈

• If , Y2 , Y3 …..YK all derives ∈

(note: if all non terminals derives ∈ then add ∈ to FIRST(A))

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(PS)  Unit
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Analysis (I) 36
Rules to compute FOLLOW of non terminal
1. Place S is start symbol)
2. If then everything in except for 𝜖 is placed in
3. If there is a production or a production where contains then everything in

Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
B Kagathara #3170701
(PS)  Unit
Basic Probability
Analysis (I) 37
Example-1: First & Follow
Compute FIRST ETE’
First(E) E’+TE’ | ϵ
E  T E’ Rule 3 TFT’
ETE’ A  Y1 Y2 First(A)=First(Y1) T’*FT’ | ϵ
F(E) | id
FIRST(E)=FIRST(T) = {(, id }

NT First
First(T) E { (,id }
T  F T’ Rule 3
TFT’ E’
A  Y1 Y2 First(A)=First(Y1)
T { (,id }
FIRST(T)=FIRST(F)= {(, id } T’
First(F) F { (,id }
F(E) 
Fid 
F ( E ) F id
A  Rule 1 A  Rule 1
add to add to
FIRST(F)={ ( , id }
Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
B Kagathara #3170701
(PS)  Unit
Basic Probability
Analysis (I) 38
Example-1: First & Follow
Compute FIRST ETE’
First(E’) E’+TE’ | ϵ
E’+TE’ T’*FT’ | ϵ
F(E) | id
E’  + T E’ Rule 1
 add to
A NT First
E { (,id }
E’𝜖 E’ { +, 𝜖 }
T { (,id }
E’  Rule 2
F { (,id }
A  add to

FIRST(E’)={ + , 𝜖 }
Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
B Kagathara #3170701
(PS)  Unit
Basic Probability
Analysis (I) 39
Example-1: First & Follow
Compute FIRST ETE’
First(T’) E’+TE’ | ϵ
T’*FT’ T’*FT’ | ϵ
F(E) | id
T’  * F T’ Rule 1
 add to
A NT First
E { (,id }
T’𝜖 E’ { +, 𝜖 }
T { (,id }
T’ { *, 𝜖 }
T’  Rule 2
F { (,id }
A  add to

FIRST(T’)={ * , 𝜖 }
Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
B Kagathara #3170701
(PS)  Unit
Basic Probability
Analysis (I) 40
Example-1: First & Follow
Compute FOLLOW ETE’
FOLLOW(E) E’+TE’ | ϵ
Rule 1: Place $ in FOLLOW(E) T’*FT’ | ϵ
F(E) | id
NT First Follow
E { (,id } { $,) }
E’ { +, 𝜖 }
F  ( E ) Rule 2
T { (,id }
A  B
T’ { *, 𝜖 }
F { (,id }

FOLLOW(E)={ $, ) }

Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
B Kagathara #3170701
(PS)  Unit
Basic Probability
Analysis (I) 41
Example-1: First & Follow
Compute FOLLOW E’+TE’ | ϵ
T’*FT’ | ϵ
ETE’ F(E) | id
NT First Follow
E  T E’ Rule 3 E { (,id } { $,) }
A  B
E’ { +, 𝜖 } { $,) }
T { (,id }
E’+TE’ T’ { *, 𝜖 }
F { (,id }
E’  +T E’ Rule 3
A  B

FOLLOW(E’)={ $,) }

Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
B Kagathara #3170701
(PS)  Unit
Basic Probability
Analysis (I) 42
Example-1: First & Follow
Compute FOLLOW ETE’
FOLLOW(T) E’+TE’ | ϵ
ETE’ T’*FT’ | ϵ
F(E) | id
NT First Follow
E  T E’ Rule 2 E { (,id } { $,) }
A  B
E’ { +, 𝜖 } { $,) }
T { (,id }
T’ { *, 𝜖 }
F { (,id }
E  T E’ Rule 3
A  B

FOLLOW(T)={ +, $, )
Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
B Kagathara #3170701
(PS)  Unit
Basic Probability
Analysis (I) 43
Example-1: First & Follow
Compute FOLLOW ETE’
FOLLOW(T) E’+TE’ | ϵ
E’+TE’ T’*FT’ | ϵ
F(E) | id
NT First Follow
E’  + T E’ Rule 2 E { (,id } { $,) }
A  B
E’ { +, 𝜖 } { $,) }
T { (,id } { +,$,) }
T’ { *, 𝜖 }
F { (,id }
E’  + T E’ Rule 3
A  B

FOLLOW(T)={ +, $, ) }
Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
B Kagathara #3170701
(PS)  Unit
Basic Probability
Analysis (I) 44
Example-1: First & Follow
Compute FOLLOW ETE’
FOLLOW(T’) E’+TE’ | ϵ
TFT’ T’*FT’ | ϵ
F(E) | id
NT First Follow
T  F T’ Rule 3 E { (,id } { $,) }
A  B
E’ { +, 𝜖 } { $,) }
T’*FT’ T { (,id } { +,$,) }
T’ { *, 𝜖 } { +,$,) }
F { (,id }
T’  *F T’ Rule 3
A  B

FOLLOW(T’)={+ $,) }
Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
B Kagathara #3170701
(PS)  Unit
Basic Probability
Analysis (I) 45
Example-1: First & Follow
Compute FOLLOW ETE’
FOLLOW(F) E’+TE’ | ϵ
TFT’ T’*FT’ | ϵ
F(E) | id
NT First Follow
T  F T’ Rule 2 E { (,id } { $,) }
A  B
E’ { +, 𝜖 } { $,) }
T { (,id } { +,$,) }
T’ { *, 𝜖 } { +,$,) }
F { (,id }
T  F T’ Rule 3
A  B

FOLLOW(F)={ *, + ,$ , )
Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
B Kagathara #3170701
(PS)  Unit
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Analysis (I) 46
Example-1: First & Follow
Compute FOLLOW ETE’
FOLLOW(F) E’+TE’ | ϵ
T’*FT’ T’*FT’ | ϵ
F(E) | id
NT First Follow
T’  * F T’ Rule 2 E { (,id } { $,) }
A  B
E’ { +, 𝜖 } { $,) }
T { (,id } { +,$,) }
T’ { *, 𝜖 } { +,$,) }
F { (,id } {*,+,$,)}
T’  * F T’ Rule 3
A  B

FOLLOW(F)={ *,+, $, ) }
Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
B Kagathara #3170701
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Analysis (I) 47
Example-2: First & Follow
A a | 𝜖
B b | 𝜖
C c NT First Follow
D d | 𝜖 S {a,b,c} {$}
E e | 𝜖 A {a, 𝜖} {b, c}
B {b, 𝜖} {c}
C {c} {d, e, $}
D {d, 𝜖} {e, $}
E {e, 𝜖} {$}

Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
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(PS)  Unit
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Analysis (I) 48
Parsing Methods

Top down parsing Bottom up parsing (Shift reduce)

Back tracking Operator precedence

Parsing without
backtracking (predictive LR parsing
descent LALR

Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
B Kagathara #3170701
(PS)  Unit
Unit 31 –– Syntax
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Analysis (I) 49
LL(1) parser (Predictive parser or Non recursive descent parser)
 LL(1) is non recursive top down parser.
1. First L indicates input is scanned from left to right.
2. The second L means it uses leftmost derivation for input string
3. 1 means it uses only input symbol to predict the parsing process.

a + b $ INPUT

Stack parsing OUTPUT
Z program

Parsing table M

Model of LL(1) Parser

Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
B Kagathara #3170701
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Basic Probability
Analysis (I) 50
LL(1) parsing (predictive parsing)
Steps to construct LL(1) parser
1. Remove left recursion / Perform left factoring (if any).
2. Compute FIRST and FOLLOW of non terminals.
3. Construct predictive parsing table.
4. Parse the input string using parsing table.

Prof. Dixita
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Analysis (I) 51
Rules to construct predictive parsing table
1. For each production of the grammar, do steps 2 and 3.
2. For each terminal in , Add to .
3. If is in , Add to for each terminal in . If is in , and is in , add to .
4. Make each undefined entry of M be error.

Prof. Dixita
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Example-1: LL(1) parsing
BbB |
NT First
Step 1: Not required S {a}

Step 2: Compute FIRST B {b,𝜖}

First(S) S  a B a Rule 1
SaBa A  add to
FIRST(S)={ a }

BbB B𝜖

B  b B  𝜖
 Rule 1
A A 
add to Rule 2
add to
FIRST(B)={ b , 𝜖 }
Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
B Kagathara #3170701
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Analysis (I) 53
Example-1: LL(1) parsing
BbB | NT First Follow
ϵ S {a} {$}
Step 2: Compute FOLLOW B {b,𝜖} {a}
Rule 1: Place $ in FOLLOW(S)
Follow(S)={ $ }

SaBa BbB

S  a B a Rule 2 B  b B Rule 3
A  B First( A  B Follow(A)=follow(B)

Follow(B)={ a }
Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
B Kagathara #3170701
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Analysis (I) 54
Example-1: LL(1) parsing
BbB | NT First Follow
ϵ S {a} {$}
Step 3: Prepare predictive parsing table B {b,𝜖} {a}

NT Input Symbol
a b $
S SaBa

Rule: 2
a=FIRST(aBa)={ a } A
a = first()
M[S,a]=SaBa M[A,a] = A

Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
B Kagathara #3170701
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Analysis (I) 55
Example-1: LL(1) parsing
BbB | NT First Follow
ϵ S {a} {$}
Step 3: Prepare predictive parsing table B {b,𝜖} {a}

NT Input Symbol
a b $
S SaBa
B BbB

Rule: 2
a=FIRST(bB)={ b } A
a = first()
M[B,b]=BbB M[A,a] = A

Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
B Kagathara #3170701
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Analysis (I) 56
Example-1: LL(1) parsing
BbB | NT First Follow
ϵ S {a} {$}
Step 3: Prepare predictive parsing table B {b,𝜖} {a}

NT Input Symbol
a b $
S SaBa Error Error
B Bϵ BbB Error

Rule: 3
b=FOLLOW(B)={ a } A
b = follow(A)
M[B,a]=B𝜖 M[A,b] = A

Prof. Dixita
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Example-2: LL(1) parsing
SaB | ϵ
BbC |
CcS | ϵ
Step 1: Not required
NT First
Step 2: Compute FIRST S { a, 𝜖 }
First(S) B {b,𝜖}
SaB S𝜖 C {c,𝜖}

S  a B  𝜖
Rule 1 Rule 2
A  A 
add to add to

FIRST(S)={ a , 𝜖 }

Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
B Kagathara #3170701
(PS)  Unit
Basic Probability
Analysis (I) 58
Example-2: LL(1) parsing
SaB | ϵ
BbC |
CcS | ϵ
Step 1: Not required
NT First
Step 2: Compute FIRST S { a, 𝜖 }
First(B) B {b,𝜖}
BbC B𝜖 C {c,𝜖}

B  b C  𝜖
Rule 1 Rule 2
A  A 
add to add to

FIRST(B)={ b , 𝜖 }

Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
B Kagathara #3170701
(PS)  Unit
Basic Probability
Analysis (I) 59
Example-2: LL(1) parsing
SaB | ϵ
BbC |
CcS | ϵ
Step 1: Not required
NT First
Step 2: Compute FIRST S { a, 𝜖 }
First(C) B {b,𝜖}
CcS C𝜖 C {c,𝜖}

C  c S  𝜖
Rule 1 Rule 2
A  A 
add to add to

FIRST(B)={ c , 𝜖 }

Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
B Kagathara #3170701
(PS)  Unit
Basic Probability
Analysis (I) 60
Example-2: LL(1) parsing
Step 2: Compute FOLLOW
Follow(S) Rule 1: Place $ in FOLLOW(S)
Follow(S)={ $ }
CcS SaB | ϵ
BbC |
C  c S Rule 3 ϵ
A  B Follow(A)=follow(B) CcS | ϵ
Follow(S)=Follow(C) ={$}
NT First Follow
S {a,𝜖} {$}
BbC SaB B {b,𝜖} {$}

 C {c,𝜖} {$}
B  b C Rule 3 S a B Rule 3
A  B Follow(A)=follow(B) A  B Follow(A)=follow(B)
Follow(C)=Follow(B) ={$} Follow(B)=Follow(S) ={$}

Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
B Kagathara #3170701
(PS)  Unit
Unit 31 –– Syntax
Basic Probability
Analysis (I) 61
Example-2: LL(1) parsing
SaB | ϵ
NT First Follow
BbC |
S {a,𝜖} {$}
B {b,𝜖} {$}
Step 3: |Prepare
ϵ predictive parsing table C {c,𝜖} {$}

N Input Symbol
T a b c $

S SaB
SaB Rule: 2
a=FIRST(aB)={ a } a = first()
M[S,a]=SaB M[A,a] = A

Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
B Kagathara #3170701
(PS)  Unit
Basic Probability
Analysis (I) 62
Example-2: LL(1) parsing
SaB | ϵ
NT First Follow
BbC |
S {a} {$}
B {b,𝜖} {$}
Step 3: |Prepare
ϵ predictive parsing table C {c,𝜖} {$}

N Input Symbol
T a b c $

S SaB S𝜖
S𝜖 Rule: 3
b=FOLLOW(S)={ $ } b = follow(A)
M[S,$]=S𝜖 M[A,b] = A

Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
B Kagathara #3170701
(PS)  Unit
Basic Probability
Analysis (I) 63
Example-2: LL(1) parsing
SaB | ϵ
NT First Follow
BbC |
S {a} {$}
B {b,𝜖} {$}
Step 3: |Prepare
ϵ predictive parsing table C {c,𝜖} {$}

N Input Symbol
T a b c $

S SaB S𝜖
B BbC
BbC Rule: 2
a=FIRST(bC)={ b } a = first()
M[B,b]=BbC M[A,a] = A

Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
B Kagathara #3170701
(PS)  Unit
Basic Probability
Analysis (I) 64
Example-2: LL(1) parsing
SaB | ϵ
NT First Follow
BbC |
S {a} {$}
B {b,𝜖} {$}
Step 3: |Prepare
ϵ predictive parsing table C {c,𝜖} {$}

N Input Symbol
T a b c $

S SaB S𝜖
B BbC B𝜖
B𝜖 Rule: 3
b=FOLLOW(B)={ $ } b = follow(A)
M[B,$]=B𝜖 M[A,b] = A

Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
B Kagathara #3170701
(PS)  Unit
Basic Probability
Analysis (I) 65
Example-2: LL(1) parsing
SaB | ϵ
NT First Follow
BbC |
S {a} {$}
B {b,𝜖} {$}
Step 3: |Prepare
ϵ predictive parsing table C {c,𝜖} {$}

N Input Symbol
T a b c $

S SaB S𝜖
B BbC B𝜖
C CcS
CcS Rule: 2
a=FIRST(cS)={ c } a = first()
M[C,c]=CcS M[A,a] = A

Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
B Kagathara #3170701
(PS)  Unit
Basic Probability
Analysis (I) 66
Example-2: LL(1) parsing
SaB | ϵ
NT First Follow
BbC |
S {a} {$}
B {b,𝜖} {$}
Step 3: |Prepare
ϵ predictive parsing table C {c,𝜖} {$}

N Input Symbol
T a b c $

S SaB Error Error S𝜖

B Error BbB Error B𝜖
C Error Error CcS C𝜖
C𝜖 Rule: 3
b=FOLLOW(C)={ $ } b = follow(A)
M[C,$]=C𝜖 M[A,b] = A

Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
B Kagathara #3170701
(PS)  Unit
Basic Probability
Analysis (I) 67
Example-3: LL(1) parsing
EE+T | T
TT*F | F
F(E) | id
Step 1: Remove left recursion
E’+TE’ | ϵ
T’*FT’ | ϵ
F(E) | id

Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
B Kagathara #3170701
(PS)  Unit
Basic Probability
Analysis (I) 68
Example-3: LL(1) parsing
Step 2: Compute FIRST ETE’
First(E) E’+TE’ | ϵ
E  T E’ Rule 3 TFT’
ETE’ A  Y1 Y2 First(A)=First(Y1) T’*FT’ | ϵ
F(E) | id
FIRST(E)=FIRST(T) = {(, id }

NT First
First(T) E { (,id }
T  F T’ Rule 3
TFT’ E’
A  Y1 Y2 First(A)=First(Y1)
T { (,id }
FIRST(T)=FIRST(F)= {(, id } T’
First(F) F { (,id }
F(E) 
Fid 
F ( E ) F id
A  Rule 1 A  Rule 1
add to add to
FIRST(F)={ ( , id }
Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
B Kagathara #3170701
(PS)  Unit
Basic Probability
Analysis (I) 69
Example-3: LL(1) parsing
Step 2: Compute FIRST ETE’
First(E’) E’+TE’ | ϵ
E’+TE’ T’*FT’ | ϵ
F(E) | id
E’  + T E’ Rule 1
 add to
A NT First
E { (,id }
E’𝜖 E’ { +, 𝜖 }
T { (,id }
E’  Rule 2
F { (,id }
A  add to

FIRST(E’)={ + , 𝜖 }
Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
B Kagathara #3170701
(PS)  Unit
Basic Probability
Analysis (I) 70
Example-3: LL(1) parsing
Step 2: Compute FIRST ETE’
First(T’) E’+TE’ | ϵ
T’*FT’ T’*FT’ | ϵ
F(E) | id
T’  * F T’ Rule 1
 add to
A NT First
E { (,id }
T’𝜖 E’ { +, 𝜖 }
T { (,id }
T’ { *, 𝜖 }
T’  Rule 2
F { (,id }
A  add to

FIRST(T’)={ * , 𝜖 }
Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
B Kagathara #3170701
(PS)  Unit
Basic Probability
Analysis (I) 71
Example-3: LL(1) parsing
Step 2: Compute FOLLOW ETE’
FOLLOW(E) E’+TE’ | ϵ
Rule 1: Place $ in FOLLOW(E) T’*FT’ | ϵ
F(E) | id
NT First Follow
E { (,id } { $,) }
E’ { +, 𝜖 }
F  ( E ) Rule 2
T { (,id }
A  B
T’ { *, 𝜖 }
F { (,id }

FOLLOW(E)={ $, ) }

Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
B Kagathara #3170701
(PS)  Unit
Basic Probability
Analysis (I) 72
Example-3: LL(1) parsing
Step 2: Compute FOLLOW E’+TE’ | ϵ
T’*FT’ | ϵ
ETE’ F(E) | id
NT First Follow
E  T E’ Rule 3 E { (,id } { $,) }
A  B
E’ { +, 𝜖 } { $,) }
T { (,id }
E’+TE’ T’ { *, 𝜖 }
F { (,id }
E’  +T E’ Rule 3
A  B

FOLLOW(E’)={ $,) }

Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
B Kagathara #3170701
(PS)  Unit
Basic Probability
Analysis (I) 73
Example-3: LL(1) parsing
Step 2: Compute FOLLOW ETE’
FOLLOW(T) E’+TE’ | ϵ
ETE’ T’*FT’ | ϵ
F(E) | id
NT First Follow
E  T E’ Rule 2 E { (,id } { $,) }
A  B
E’ { +, 𝜖 } { $,) }
T { (,id }
T’ { *, 𝜖 }
F { (,id }
E  T E’ Rule 3
A  B

FOLLOW(T)={ +, $, )
Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
B Kagathara #3170701
(PS)  Unit
Basic Probability
Analysis (I) 74
Example-3: LL(1) parsing
Step 2: Compute FOLLOW ETE’
FOLLOW(T) E’+TE’ | ϵ
E’+TE’ T’*FT’ | ϵ
F(E) | id
NT First Follow
E’  + T E’ Rule 2 E { (,id } { $,) }
A  B
E’ { +, 𝜖 } { $,) }
T { (,id } { +,$,) }
T’ { *, 𝜖 }
F { (,id }
E’  + T E’ Rule 3
A  B

FOLLOW(T)={ +, $, ) }
Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
B Kagathara #3170701
(PS)  Unit
Basic Probability
Analysis (I) 75
Example-3: LL(1) parsing
Step 2: Compute FOLLOW ETE’
FOLLOW(T’) E’+TE’ | ϵ
TFT’ T’*FT’ | ϵ
F(E) | id
NT First Follow
T  F T’ Rule 3 E { (,id } { $,) }
A  B
E’ { +, 𝜖 } { $,) }
T’*FT’ T { (,id } { +,$,) }
T’ { *, 𝜖 } { +,$,) }
F { (,id }
T’  *F T’ Rule 3
A  B

FOLLOW(T’)={+ $,) }
Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
B Kagathara #3170701
(PS)  Unit
Basic Probability
Analysis (I) 76
Example-3: LL(1) parsing
Step 2: Compute FOLLOW ETE’
FOLLOW(F) E’+TE’ | ϵ
TFT’ T’*FT’ | ϵ
F(E) | id
NT First Follow
T  F T’ Rule 2 E { (,id } { $,) }
A  B
E’ { +, 𝜖 } { $,) }
T { (,id } { +,$,) }
T’ { *, 𝜖 } { +,$,) }
F { (,id }
T  F T’ Rule 3
A  B

FOLLOW(F)={ *, + ,$ , )
Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
B Kagathara #3170701
(PS)  Unit
Basic Probability
Analysis (I) 77
Example-3: LL(1) parsing
Step 2: Compute FOLLOW ETE’
FOLLOW(F) E’+TE’ | ϵ
T’*FT’ T’*FT’ | ϵ
F(E) | id
NT First Follow
T’  * F T’ Rule 2 E { (,id } { $,) }
A  B
E’ { +, 𝜖 } { $,) }
T { (,id } { +,$,) }
T’ { *, 𝜖 } { +,$,) }
F { (,id } {*,+,$,)}
T’  * F T’ Rule 3
A  B

FOLLOW(F)={ *,+, $, ) }
Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
B Kagathara #3170701
(PS)  Unit
Basic Probability
Analysis (I) 78
Example-3: LL(1) parsing
Step 3: Construct predictive parsing table ETE’
E’+TE’ | ϵ
NT Input Symbol
T’*FT’ | ϵ
id + * ( ) $ F(E) | id
E’ NT First Follow

T E { (,id } { $,) }

T’ E’ { +, 𝜖 } { $,) }
T { (,id } { +,$,) }
T’ { *, 𝜖 } { +,$,) }
ETE’ F { (,id } {*,+,$,)}
Rule: 2
a=FIRST(TE’)={ (,id } A
a = first()
M[E,(]=ETE’ M[A,a] = A
Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
B Kagathara #3170701
(PS)  Unit
Basic Probability
Analysis (I) 79
Example-3: LL(1) parsing
Step 3: Construct predictive parsing table ETE’
E’+TE’ | ϵ
NT Input Symbol
T’*FT’ | ϵ
id + * ( ) $ F(E) | id
E’ E’+TE’ NT First Follow

T E { (,id } { $,) }

T’ E’ { +, 𝜖 } { $,) }
T { (,id } { +,$,) }
T’ { *, 𝜖 } { +,$,) }
E’+TE’ F { (,id } {*,+,$,)}
Rule: 2
a=FIRST(+TE’)={ + } A
a = first()
M[E’,+]=E’+TE’ M[A,a] = A

Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
B Kagathara #3170701
(PS)  Unit
Basic Probability
Analysis (I) 80
Example-3: LL(1) parsing
Step 3: Construct predictive parsing table ETE’
E’+TE’ | ϵ
NT Input Symbol
T’*FT’ | ϵ
id + * ( ) $ F(E) | id
E’ E’+TE’ E’𝜖 E’𝜖 NT First Follow

T E { (,id } { $,) }

T’ E’ { +, 𝜖 } { $,) }
T { (,id } { +,$,) }
T’ { *, 𝜖 } { +,$,) }
E’𝜖 F { (,id } {*,+,$,)}
Rule: 3
b=FOLLOW(E’)={ $,) } A
b = follow(A)
M[E’,$]=E’𝜖 M[A,b] = A
Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
B Kagathara #3170701
(PS)  Unit
Basic Probability
Analysis (I) 81
Example-3: LL(1) parsing
Step 3: Construct predictive parsing table ETE’
E’+TE’ | ϵ
NT Input Symbol
T’*FT’ | ϵ
id + * ( ) $ F(E) | id
E’ E’+TE’ E’𝜖 E’𝜖 NT First Follow

T TFT’ TFT’ E { (,id } { $,) }

T’ E’ { +, 𝜖 } { $,) }
T { (,id } { +,$,) }
T’ { *, 𝜖 } { +,$,) }
TFT’ F { (,id } {*,+,$,)}
Rule: 2
a=FIRST(FT’)={ (,id } A
a = first()
M[T,(]=TFT’ M[A,a] = A
Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
B Kagathara #3170701
(PS)  Unit
Basic Probability
Analysis (I) 82
Example-3: LL(1) parsing
Step 3: Construct predictive parsing table ETE’
E’+TE’ | ϵ
NT Input Symbol
T’*FT’ | ϵ
id + * ( ) $ F(E) | id
E’ E’+TE’ E’𝜖 E’𝜖 NT First Follow

T TFT’ TFT’ E { (,id } { $,) }

T’ T’*FT’ E’ { +, 𝜖 } { $,) }
T { (,id } { +,$,) }
T’ { *, 𝜖 } { +,$,) }
T’*FT’ F { (,id } {*,+,$,)}
Rule: 2
a=FIRST(*FT’)={ * } A
a = first()
M[T’,*]=T’*FT’ M[A,a] = A

Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
B Kagathara #3170701
(PS)  Unit
Basic Probability
Analysis (I) 83
Example-3: LL(1) parsing
Step 3: Construct predictive parsing table ETE’
E’+TE’ | ϵ
NT Input Symbol TFT’
id + * ( ) $ T’*FT’ | ϵ
F(E) | id
E’ E’+TE’ E’𝜖 E’𝜖
NT First Follow
E { (,id } { $,) }
T’ T’𝜖 T’*FT’ T’𝜖 T’𝜖
E’ { +, 𝜖 } { $,) }
F T { (,id } { +,$,) }
T’𝜖 T’ { *, 𝜖 } { +,$,) }
b=FOLLOW(T’)={ +,$,) } F { (,id } {*,+,$,)}
Rule: 3
M[T’,+]=T’𝜖 A
b = follow(A)
M[T’,$]=T’𝜖 M[A,b] = A
Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
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Basic Probability
Analysis (I) 84
Example-3: LL(1) parsing
Step 3: Construct predictive parsing table ETE’
E’+TE’ | ϵ
NT Input Symbol
T’*FT’ | ϵ
id + * ( ) $ F(E) | id
E’ E’+TE’ E’𝜖 E’𝜖 NT First Follow

T TFT’ TFT’ E { (,id } { $,) }

T’ T’𝜖 T’*FT’ T’𝜖 T’𝜖 E’ { +, 𝜖 } { $,) }

T { (,id } { +,$,) }
F F(E)
T’ { *, 𝜖 } { +,$,) }
F { (,id } {*,+,$,)}
Rule: 2
F(E) A
a = first()
a=FIRST((E))={ ( } M[A,a] = A
Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
B Kagathara #3170701
(PS)  Unit
Basic Probability
Analysis (I) 85
Example-3: LL(1) parsing
Step 3: Construct predictive parsing table ETE’
E’+TE’ | ϵ
NT Input Symbol
T’*FT’ | ϵ
id + * ( ) $ F(E) | id
E’ E’+TE’ E’𝜖 E’𝜖 NT First Follow

T TFT’ TFT’ E { (,id } { $,) }

T’ T’𝜖 T’*FT’ T’𝜖 T’𝜖 E’ { +, 𝜖 } { $,) }

T { (,id } { +,$,) }
F Fid F(E)
T’ { *, 𝜖 } { +,$,) }
F { (,id } {*,+,$,)}
Rule: 2
Fid A
a = first()
a=FIRST(id)={ id } M[A,a] = A
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Example-3: LL(1) parsing
 Step 4: Make each undefined entry of table be Error
NT Input Symbol
id + * ( ) $
E ETE’ Error Error ETE’ Error Error
E’ Error E’+TE’ Error Error E’𝜖 E’𝜖
T TFT’ Error Error TFT’ Error Error
T’ Error T’𝜖 T’*FT’ Error T’𝜖 T’𝜖
F Fid Error Error F(E) Error Error

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Analysis (I) 87
Example-3: LL(1) parsing
Step 4: Parse the string : id + id * id $
NT Input Symbol
id + * ( ) $
E ETE’ Error Error ETE’ Error Error
E$ id+id*id$
E’ Error E’+TE’ Error Error E’𝜖 E’𝜖
TE’$ id+id*id$ ETE’
T TFT’ Error Error TFT’ Error Error
FT’E’$ id+id*id$ TFT’
T’ Error T’𝜖 T’*FT’ Error T’𝜖 T’𝜖
idT’E’$ id+id*id$ Fid
F Fid Error Error F(E) Error Error
T’E’$ +id*id$
E’$ +id*id$ T’𝜖
+TE’$ +id*id$ E’+TE’
TE’$ id*id$ FT’E’$ id$
FT’E’$ id*id$ TFT’ idT’E’$ id$ Fid
idT’E’$ id*id$ Fid T’E’$ $
T’E’$ *id$ E’$ $ T’𝜖
*FT’E’$ *id$ T*FT’ $ $ E’𝜖
Prof. Dixita
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Parsing methods

Top down parsing Bottom up parsing (Shift reduce)

Back tracking Operator precedence

Parsing without
backtracking (predictive LR parsing
descent LALR

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Unit 31 –– Syntax
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Analysis (I) 89
Recursive descent parsing
 A top down parsing that executes a set of recursive procedure to process the input without
backtracking is called recursive descent parser.
 There is a procedure for each non terminal in the grammar.
 Consider RHS of any production rule as definition of the procedure.
 As it reads expected input symbol, it advances input pointer to next position.

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Example: Recursive descent parsing
Procedure E Proceduce Match(token t)
Procedure T
{ {
If lookahead=num If lookahead=t
If lookahead=’*’
{ lookahead=next_token;
Match(num); Else
T(); Error();
If lookahead=num
} }
T(); Procedure Error
} {
If lookahead=$
Else Print(“Error”);
Error(); }
Declare success;
NULL E num T
} T * num T | 𝜖
3 * 4 $ Success

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Example: Recursive descent parsing
Procedure E Procedure T Proceduce Match(token t)
{ { {
If lookahead=num If lookahead=’*’ If lookahead=t
{ { lookahead=next_token;
Match(num); Match(‘*’); Else
T(); If lookahead=num Error();
} { }
Else Match(num);
Error(); T(); Procedure Error
If lookahead=$ } {
{ Else Print(“Error”);
Declare success; Error(); }
Else }
Error(); Else
} NULL E num T
} T * num T | 𝜖
3 * 4 $ Success 3 4 * $ Error
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Handle & Handle pruning
Handle & Handle pruning
 Handle: A “handle” of a string is a substring of the string that matches the right side of a
production, and whose reduction to the non terminal of the production is one step along the
reverse of rightmost derivation.
 Handle pruning: The process of discovering a handle and reducing it to appropriate left hand
side non terminal is known as handle pruning.
EE*E String: id1+id2*id3
Rightmost Derivation Right sentential form Handle Production
E id1+id2*id3 id1 Eid
E+E E+id2*id3 id2 Eid
E+E*E E+E*id3 id3 Eid
E+E*id3 E+E*E E*E EE*E
E+id2*id3 E+E E+E EE+E
id1+id2*id3 E
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Shift reduce parser
 The shift reduce parser performs following basic operations:
1. Shift: Moving of the symbols from input buffer onto the stack, this action is called shift.
2. Reduce: If handle appears on the top of the stack then reduction of it by appropriate rule is
done. This action is called reduce action.
3. Accept: If stack contains start symbol only and input buffer is empty at the same time then
that action is called accept.
4. Error: A situation in which parser cannot either shift or reduce the symbols, it cannot even
perform accept action then it is called error action.

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Example: Shift reduce parser
Grammar: Stack Input Buffer Action
EE+T | T $ id+id*id$ Shift
TT*F | F $id +id*id$ Reduce Fid
Fid $F +id*id$ Reduce TF
String: id+id*id $T +id*id$ Reduce ET
$E +id*id$ Shift
$E+ id*id$ Shift
$E+id *id$ Reduce Fid
$E+F *id$ Reduce TF
$E+T *id$ Shift
$E+T* id$ Shift
$E+T*id $ Reduce Fid
$E+T*F $ Reduce TT*F
$E+T $ Reduce EE+T
$E $ Accept
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Viable Prefix
 The set of prefixes of right sentential forms that can appear on the stack of a shift-reduce
parser are called viable prefixes.

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Parsing Methods


Top down parsing Bottom up parsing (Shift reduce)

Back tracking Operator precedence

Parsing without
backtracking (predictive LR parsing
descent LALR

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Operator precedence parsing
Operator precedence parsing
 Operator Grammar: A Grammar in which there is no Є in RHS of any production or no adjacent
non terminals is called operator grammar.
 Example: E EAE | (E) | id
A + | * | -
 Above grammar is not operator grammar because right side EAE has consecutive non
 In operator precedence parsing we define following disjoint relations:

Relation Meaning
a<.b a “yields precedence to” b
a=b a “has the same precedence as” b
a.>b a “takes precedence over” b

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Precedence & associativity of operators

Operator Precedence Associative

↑ 1 right
*, / 2 left
+, - 3 left

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Steps of operator precedence parsing
1. Find Leading and trailing of non terminal
2. Establish relation
3. Creation of table
4. Parse the string

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Leading & Trailing
Leading:- Leading of a non terminal is the first terminal or operator in production of that non
Trailing:- Trailing of a non terminal is the last terminal or operator in production of that non
Example: EE+T | T
TT*F | F

Non terminal Leading Trailing

E {+,*,id} {+,*,id}
T {*,id} {*,id}
F {id} {id}

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Rules to establish a relation
1. For a = b, , where is or a single non terminal [e.g : (E)]
2. a <.b [e.g : +T]
3. a .>b [e.g : E+]
4. $ <. Leading (start symbol)
5. Trailing (start symbol) .> $

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Example: Operator precedence parsing
Step 1: Find Leading & Trailing of NT
E E +T| T
Nonterminal Leading Trailing T T *F| F
E {+,*,id} {+,*,id} F id
T {*,id} {*,id}
F {id} {id}

Step 2: Establish Relation Step3: Creation of Table

+ * id $
1. a <.b + >
<. <. .
* .
> .
> <. .
id .
> .
>   .
$ <. <. <.  

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Example: Operator precedence parsing
Step 1: Find Leading & Trailing of NT
E E+ T| T
Nonterminal Leading Trailing T T* F| F
E {+,*,id} {+,*,id} F id
T {*,id} {*,id}
F {id} {id}

Step2: Establish Relation Step3: Creation of Table

1. a .>b + * id $
+ >
<. <. .
* .
> .
> <. .
id .
> .
>   .
$ <. <. <.  

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Example: Operator precedence parsing
Step 1: Find Leading & Trailing of NT
E E+ T| T
Nonterminal Leading Trailing T T* F| F
E {+,*,id} {+,*,id} F id
T {*,id} {*,id}
F {id} {id}

Step 2: Establish Relation Step 3: Creation of Table

+ * id $
1. $< Leading (start symbol)
+ >
<. <. .
2. $ <. * .
> .
> <. .
3. Trailing (start symbol) .> $ id .
> .
>   .
$ <. <. <.  

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Example: Operator precedence parsing
Step 4: Parse the string using precedence table
Assign precedence operator between terminals
String: id+id*id
+ * id $
$ id+id*id $ + .
> <. <. .
$ <. id+id*id$ * .
> .
> <. .
$ <. id .> +id*id$ id .
> .
>   .
$ < .
<. <.  
$ < id > + < id*id$
. . .

$ <. id .> + <. id .> *id$

$ <. id .> + <. id .> *<. id$
$ <. id .> + <. id .> *<. id .> $

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Example: Operator precedence parsing
Step 4: Parse the string using precedence table EE+T | T
1. Scan the input string until first .> is encountered. TT*F | F
2. Scan backward until <. is encountered.
3. The handle is string between <. and .>
$ <. Id .> + <. Id .> * <. Id .> $ Handle id is obtained between <. and .> + * id $
Reduce this by Fid + .
> <. <. .
$ F + < Id > * < Id > $
. . . . Handle id is obtained between <. and .>
* .
> .
> <. .
Reduce this by Fid
$ F + F * <. Id .> $ Handle id is obtained between <. and .> id .
> .
>   .
Reduce this by Fid $ <. <. <.  
$F+F*F$ Perform appropriate reductions of all nonterminals.
$E+T*F$ Remove all non terminals.
$ + * $ Place relation between operators
$ <. + <. * >$ The * operator is surrounded by <. and .>. This
indicates * becomes handle so reduce by TT*F.
$ <. + >$ + becomes handle. Hence reduce by EE+T.

$ $ Parsing Done

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Operator precedence function
Operator precedence function
Algorithm for constructing precedence functions
1. Create functions and for each that is terminal or .
2. Partition the symbols in as many as groups possible, in such a way that and are in the same
group if .
3. Create a directed graph whose nodes are in the groups, next for each symbols do:
a) if , place an edge from the group of to the group of
b) if , place an edge from the group of to the group of
4. If the constructed graph has a cycle then no precedence functions exist. When there are no cycles
collect the length of the longest paths from the groups of and respectively.

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Operator precedence function
1. Create functions fa and ga for each a that is terminal or $. E E+T | T
T T*F | F F

f+ f* fid f$

g+ g* gid g$

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Operator precedence function
 Partition the
. symbols in as many as groups possible, in such a way that f a and gb are in the same
group if a = b.

+ * id $
+ .
> <. <. .
gid fid
* .
> .
> <. .
id .
> .
>   .
$ <. <. <.  
f* g*

g+ f+

f$ g$

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Operator precedence function
3. if a <· b, place an edge from the group of g b to the group of fa
if a ·> b, place an edge from the group of f a to the group of gb

+ * id $
+ .
> <. <. .
gid fid
f * .
> .
> <. .
id .
> .
>   .
f* g* $ <. <. <.  

g+ f+
f+ .> g+ f+  g+
f * . > g+ f*  g+
fid .> g+ fid  g+
f$ g$ f$ <. g+ f$  g+

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Operator precedence function
3. if a <· b, place an edge from the group of g b to the group of fa
if a ·> b, place an edge from the group of f a to the group of gb

+ * id $
+ .
> <. <. .
gid fid
f * .
> .
> <. .
id .
> .
>   .
f* g* $ <. <. <.  

g+ f+
f+ <. g* f+  g*
f * . > g* f*  g*
fid .> g* fid  g*
f$ g$ f$ <. g* f$  g*

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Operator precedence function
3. if a <· b, place an edge from the group of g b to the group of fa
if a ·> b, place an edge from the group of f a to the group of gb

+ * id $
+ .
> <. <. .
gid fid
f * .
> .
> <. .
id .
> .
>   .
f* g* $ <. <. <.  

g+ f+
f+ <. gid f+  gid
f* <. gid f*  gid
f$ <. gid f$  gid
f$ g$

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Operator precedence function
3. if a <· b, place an edge from the group of g b to the group of fa
if a ·> b, place an edge from the group of f a to the group of gb

+ * id $
+ .
> <. <. .
gid fid
f * .
> .
> <. .
id .
> .
>   .
f* g* $ <. <. <.  

g+ f+
f+ <. g$ f+  g$
f* <. g$ f*  g$
fid <. g$ fid  g$
f$ g$

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Operator precedence function

+ * id $
f 2
gid fid

f* g* 4. If the constructed graph

has a cycle then no
precedence functions exist.
g+ f+ When there are no cycles
collect the length of the
longest paths from the
f$ g$
groups of fa and gb

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Operator precedence function

+ * id $
f 2
gid fid
g 1

f* g*

g+ f+

f$ g$

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Operator precedence function

+ * id $
f 2 4
gid fid
g 1

f* g*

g+ f+

f$ g$

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Operator precedence function

+ * id $
f 2 4
gid fid
g 1 3

f* g*

g+ f+

f$ g$

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Operator precedence function

+ * id $
f 2 4 4
gid fid
g 1 3

f* g*

g+ f+

f$ g$

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Operator precedence function

+ * id $
f 2 4 4
gid fid
g 1 3 5

f* g*

g+ f+

f$ g$

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Operator precedence function

+ * id $
f 2 4 4 0
gid fid
g 1 3 5 0

f* g*

g+ f+

f$ g$

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Analysis (I) 124
Parsing Methods

Top down parsing Bottom up parsing (Shift reduce)

Back tracking Operator precedence

Parsing without
backtracking (predictive LR parsing
descent LALR

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Introduction to LR Parser
LR parser
 LR parsing is most efficient method of bottom up parsing which can be used to parse large
class of context free grammar.
 The technique is called LR(k) parsing:
1. The “L” is for left to right scanning of input symbol,
2. The “R” for constructing right most derivation in reverse,
3. The “k” for the number of input symbols of look ahead that are used in making parsing
decision. INPUT
a + b $

LR parsing
program OUTPUT
Parsing Table
Action Goto
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Closure & goto function
Computation of closure & goto function
SAS | b
ASA | a
Closure(I): SA.S


( I, A S.b
to A.SA
Go A.a
S.AS Goto(I,b)
S.b Sb.
Goto(I,S) A.SA
Go A.a
I ,a S.AS
) S.b

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SLR Parser
Example: SLR(1)- simple LR
S  AA
S AA . 5
A  aA | b S’ S. 𝑰𝟏
𝑰𝟐 𝐺𝑜𝑡𝑜(𝐼2, 𝐴) A a . A
𝑰𝟎 𝐺𝑜𝑡𝑜(𝐼0,𝑆) A. aA 3

S A . A
2 ,𝑎 ) A. b
, 𝐴 ) A. aA 𝑡𝑜 ( 𝐼
( 𝐼 0 𝐺 𝑜
𝑜 𝑡𝑜
S. AA
A. aA
𝐺 A. b
A b. 4

𝐺𝑜 𝑡
A. b 𝑜 (𝐼 𝐴 )
0 , 𝑎) 3
( 𝐼 3 , A aA . 6 LR(0) item set
𝑜 𝑡 𝑜
grammar A a . A 𝐺
𝐺𝑜𝑡𝑜(𝐼0,𝑏) A. aA 𝐺𝑜𝑡𝑜(𝐼3,𝑎) A a . A
A b. 4 A. b 𝐺𝑜 𝑡 A. aA 3

3,𝑏 A. b
A b. 4

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Rules to construct SLR parsing table
1. Construct , the collection of sets of LR(0) items for
2. Stateis constructed from . The parsing actions for state are determined as follow :
a) If is in  and GOTO  , then set to “shift j”. Here a must be terminal.
b) If is in , then set to “reduce A ” for all a in ; here A may not be S’.
c) If is in , then set action to “accept”.
3. The goto transitions for state i are constructed for all non terminals A using the
4. All entries not defined by rules 2 and 3 are made error.

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Example: SLR(1)- simple LR
S AA . 5
S’ S. 𝑰𝟏
𝑰𝟐 𝐺𝑜𝑡𝑜(𝐼2, 𝐴) A a . A
𝑰𝟎 𝐺𝑜𝑡𝑜(𝐼0,𝑆) A. aA 3

S A . A ) A. b
𝐼( 2 , 𝑎
Action Go to
S’. S
0 , 𝐴 ) A. aA 𝑜 𝑡 𝑜
S. AA 𝑡𝑜 ( 𝐼 𝐺 Item a b $ S A

A. aA
𝐺𝑜 A. b
A b. 4 set
𝐺𝑜 𝑡 0 S3 S4 1 2
A. b 𝑜 (𝐼 𝐴 )
0,𝑎 3
( 𝐼 3 , A aA . 6 1 Accept
) 𝑜𝑡 𝑜
A a . A 𝐺 2 S3 S4 5
𝐺𝑜𝑡𝑜(𝐼0,𝑏) A. aA 𝐺𝑜𝑡𝑜(𝐼3,𝑎) A a . A 3 S3 S4 6

A b. 4 A. b 𝐺𝑜 𝑡 A. aA 3 4 R3 R3 R3
3,𝑏 A. b 5 R1
S  AA
) 6 R2 R2 R2
A  aA | b A b. 4

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CLR Parser
How to calculate look ahead?
How to calculate look ahead?
S’  . S , $
C cC | d
A  . X ,
S.CC, $
C.cC, c|d S  . C C , $
C.d, c|d A  . X ,

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Example: CLR(1)- canonical LR
S AA. ,$ 6 A aA.,$ 9

S’ S., $ 𝑰𝟏 A a.A,$

𝑜 ( 𝐼 6 , 𝐴 ) 6

𝐺𝑜𝑡𝑜(𝐼2, 𝐴) 𝐺𝑜 𝑡 A a.A,$
𝑰 𝟎 𝐺𝑜𝑡𝑜(𝐼0,𝑆)
𝑰𝟐 A. aA,$
𝐺𝑜 𝑡𝑜 ( 𝐼 6 , 𝑎 ) A. aA,$
𝐺𝑜 𝑡𝑜 ( 𝐼 6 , 𝑏)

, 𝑎)
A. b, $

(𝐼 2
S A.A,$ A. b, $
S’.S,$ ) A.aA, $

A b. ,S
, 𝐴
7 7
𝑡 𝑜 ( A b. ,$
A. b, $
A.aA, a|b 𝐺𝑜𝑡𝑜(𝐼2,𝑏)
A.b, a|b
, 𝐴 ) A aA.,a|b
( 𝐼 3 LR(1) item set

𝑜𝑡 𝑜

grammar 𝐺
(𝐼 0

Aa.A, a|b 3


A.aA ,a|b 𝐺𝑜𝑡𝑜(𝐼3,𝑎) A a.A , a|b

A. b, a|b 𝐺 A.aA , a|b
A b., a|b 4 𝑜 𝑡𝑜
( 𝐼 3 A.b , a|b
, 𝑏)
S  AA
A  aA | b 4
A b., a|b

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Jay R Dhamsaniya
B Kagathara #3170701
(PS)  Unit
Basic Probability
Analysis (I) 136
Example: CLR(1)- canonical LR
S AA. ,$ 6 A aA.,$ 9

S’ S., $ 𝑰𝟏 A a.A,$

𝑜 ( 𝐼 6 , 𝐴 ) 6

𝐺𝑜𝑡𝑜(𝐼2, 𝐴) 𝐺𝑜 𝑡 A a.A,$
𝑰 𝟎 𝐺𝑜𝑡𝑜(𝐼0,𝑆)
𝑰𝟐 A. aA,$
𝐺𝑜 𝑡𝑜 ( 𝐼 6 , 𝑎 ) A. aA,$
𝐺𝑜 𝑡𝑜 ( 𝐼 6 , 𝑏)

, 𝑎)
A. b, $

(𝐼 2
S A.A,$ A. b, $
S’.S,$ ) A.aA, $

A b. ,$
, 𝐴
7 7
𝑡 𝑜 ( A b. ,$
A. b, $
A.aA, a|b 𝐺𝑜𝑡𝑜(𝐼2,𝑏) Item Action Go to
8 set a b $ S A
A.b, a|b
, 𝐴 ) A aA.,a|b
( 𝐼 3

𝑜𝑡 𝑜

𝐺 0 S3 S4 1 2
(𝐼 0

Aa.A, a|b 3
1 Accept

A.aA ,a|b 𝐺𝑜𝑡𝑜(𝐼3,𝑎) A a.A , a|b 2 S6 S7 5

A. b, a|b 𝐺 A.aA , a|b 3 S3 S4 8
A b., a|b 4 𝑜 𝑡𝑜
( 𝐼 3 A.b , a|b 4 R3 R3
, 𝑏) 5 R1
S  AA 6 S6 S7 9
A  aA | b 4
A b., a|b 7 R3
8 R2 R2
Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
B Kagathara #3170701
(PS)  Unit
Basic Probability
Analysis (I) 137
LALR Parser
Example: LALR(1)- look ahead LR
S AA. ,$ 6 A aA.,$ 9

S’ S., $ 𝑰𝟏 A a.A,$

𝑡𝑜 ( 𝐼 6 , 𝐴) 6

𝑰 𝟐 𝐺𝑜𝑡𝑜(𝐼2, 𝐴) 𝐺𝑜 A a.A,$
𝑰𝟎 𝐺𝑜𝑡𝑜(𝐼0,𝑆)
A. aA,$
𝐺𝑜 𝑡𝑜 ( 𝐼 6 , 𝑎 ) A. aA,$
𝐺𝑜 𝑡𝑜 ( 𝐼 6 , 𝑏)

, 𝑎)
A. b, $

(𝐼 2
S A.A,$ A. b, $
S’.S,$ ) A.aA, $

A b. ,$
, 𝐴

7 7
𝑡𝑜 ( A b. ,$
A. b, $
A.aA, a|b 𝐺𝑜𝑡𝑜(𝐼2,𝑏) 36 CLR
A.b, a|b
, 𝐴 ) A aA.,a|b
( 𝐼 3 Aa.A, a|b|$

𝑜𝑡 𝑜

𝐺 A.aA , a|b|$
(𝐼 0

Aa.A, a|b 3
A. b, a|b|$

A.aA ,a|b 𝐺𝑜𝑡𝑜(𝐼3,𝑎) A a.A , a|b

A. b, a|b 𝐺 A.aA , a|b
A b., a|b 4 𝑜 𝑡𝑜 47

( 𝐼 3 A.b , a|b A b., a|b|$

, 𝑏)
S  AA 89

A  aA | b 4
A b., a|b A aA.,a|b|$

Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
B Kagathara #3170701
(PS)  Unit
Basic Probability
Analysis (I) 139
Example: LALR(1)- look ahead LR

Item Action Go to
set a b $ S A
Item Action Go to
0 S3 S4 1 2 set a b $ S A
1 Accept
2 S6 S7 5 0 S36 S47 1 2
3 S3 S4 8 1 Accept
4 R3 R3 2 S36 S47 5
5 R1 36 S36 S47 89
6 S6 S7 9 47 R3 R3 R3
7 R3 5 R1
8 R2 R2 89 R2 R2 R2
9 CLR Parsing Table
R2 LALR Parsing Table

Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
B Kagathara #3170701
(PS)  Unit
Basic Probability
Analysis (I) 140
Parser Generator
YACC tool or YACC Parser Generator
 YACC is a tool which generates the parser.
 It takes input from the lexical analyzer (tokens) and produces parse tree as an output.

Yacc Compiler
(translate.y) C Compiler a.out

Input a.out output

Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
B Kagathara #3170701
(PS)  Unit
Basic Probability
Analysis (I) 142
Structure of Yacc Program
 Any Yacc program contains mainly three sections
1. Declaration
2. Translation rules
3. Supporting C-routines

Structure of Program
<left side><alt 1>|<alt 2>|……..|<alt n>
Declaration It is used to declare variables, constant & Header files
<left side> : <alt 1> {semantic action 1}
%% | <alt 2> {semantic action 2}
int x,y;
Translation rule | <alt n> {semantic action n}
const int digit=50;
%% %%
#include <ctype.h>
Supporting C routines All the function needed are specified over here.

Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
B Kagathara #3170701
(PS)  Unit
Unit 31 –– Syntax
Basic Probability
Analysis (I) 143
Example: Yacc Program
 Program: Write Yacc program for simple desk calculator

/* Declaration */ /* Translation rule */ /* Supporting C routines*/

%{ %% yylex()
#include <ctype.h> line : expr ‘\n’ {print(“%d\n”,$1);} {
%} expr : expr ‘+’ term {$$=$1 + $3;} int c;
% token DIGIT | term; c=getchar();
term : term ‘*’ factor {$$=$1 * $3;} if(isdigit(c))
| factor; {
factor : ‘(‘ expr ‘)’ {$$=$2;} yylval= c-’0’
| DIGIT; return DIGIT
%% }

EE+T | T return c;
TT*F | F }
F(E) | id
Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
B Kagathara #3170701
(PS)  Unit
Basic Probability
Analysis (I) 144
1. Compilers Principles, Techniques and Tools, PEARSON Education (Second Edition)
Authors: Alfred V. Aho, Monica S. Lam, Ravi Sethi, Jeffrey D. Ullman
2. Compiler Design, PEARSON (for Gujarat Technological University)
Authors: Alfred V. Aho, Ravi Sethi, Jeffrey D. Ullman

Prof. Dixita
Jay R Dhamsaniya
B Kagathara #3170701
(PS)  Unit
Basic Probability
Analysis (I) 145
Thank You

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