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'wish' and 'if only' | LearnEnglish (britishcouncil.

I wish
opposite to the real situation
I wish/ If only + past simple (present situation)
I wish/ If only + would + inf (annoyance/ complaint)
I wish/ If only + past perfect (regret about past)

If only
wish she wasn’t
only she didn’t work

wish my brother didn’t

wish he could send only I could sleep
only he knew how to use

wish I could watch

wish my dad didn’t wake me up at 7 a.m.
only he didn’t get up only I didn’t have to go
only I had talked to him.

wish I knew someone.

only the car hadn’t broken down.

wish I had turned the oven off/ turned off the oven.

only I had got off at the right station.

wish I had gone to a professional hairdresser!

wish I had heard the instructions.

I wish/ If only I could do it.

If only/ I wish it wasn’t so heavy!

I wish you wouldn’t wear them.
If only/ I wish I hadn’t lent it to him!
I wish/ If only I had washed it!

I wish/ if only I hadn’t been rude to her. If only/ I wish she wasn’t ill.
I wish I hadn’t bought this CD.

I wish/ If only she had answered my emails. I wish/ If only you hadn’t broken my sunglasses!

I wish/ If only he wasn’t always late. I wish they wouldn’t/ didn’t make fun of me.

I wish/ If only I could ride a bike! I wish/ If only you had told me about it.

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