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Core Objects, Variables, In-

put, and Output

Section 1
Chapter 2

• Numbers are referred to as numeric lit-

• Two Types of numbers: ints and floats
– Whole number written without a decimal
point called an int : 34, -34
– Number written with a decimal point called
a float : 23.45, 34.
• Arithmetic Operators
– Addition(+), subtraction(-), multiplication(*),
division(/), and exponentiation(**).
• Result of a division is always a float
• Result of the other operations is a float if

– Either of the numbers is a float
– Otherwise is an int.
The print Function
• Used to display numbers on the monitor
– If n is a number, print(n) displays number n.
– The print function can display the result of
evaluated expressions
– A single print function can display several val-
ues: print(m, n, r, …)
Example 1: Program
• In mathematics problems, quantities are
referred to by names
• Names given to the values are called
Example 2: Program uses speed, time …
calculates distance
• Assignment statements

• Expression on right evaluated

– That value assigned to variable
• The art of programming is
– Getting the right values in the right variables at the right time
• Rules
– It may consist only of the letters a-z, the digits 0-9, the
– It must start with a letter or underscore(_)
– Python only remembers the first 35 characters.
• Examples
– R2d2, pay_day, _2a
– Pay-day, 2a, name$
• Case sensitivity
– Balance, BALANCE, BaLance, balance
– camelCaps, milleniumBug, dayOfTheWeek
– Initial_value, x_average, interest_rate
• Names in Python are case-sensitive
• There are thirty-three words, called re-
served words (or keywords)
– Have special meanings in Python
– Cannot be used as variable names
– See Appendix B
The abs Function The int Function

The round Function

abs, int, and round Example
• Example 3: Program evaluates func-
tions, prints results
Augmented Assignments
• Remember: expression on right side of
assignment statement evaluated before
assignment is made
var = var + 1
• Python has special operator to accom-
plish same thing
var += 1
Augmented Assignments
• Example 4:
Program illustrates
Two Other Integer Operators
• Integer division operator
– Written //
• Modulus operator
– Written %
Two Other Integer Operators
• Example 5: converts 41 inches to 3 feet,
5 inches:
Parentheses, Order of Precedence

• Parentheses used to clarify meaning of

an expression
• Order of precedence
1. Terms inside parentheses (inner to outer)
2. Exponentiation
3. Multiplication, division (ordinary and inte-
ger), modulus
4. Addition and subtraction
Example: Bank interests
• $1000 has been deposited in your bank account with annual in-
terest rate of 9%. What is the total money you get after 1 year ?
• Rough structure plan
– Get the data (initial balance & interest rate) into python
– Calculate the interest (9% of $1000, i.e. $90)
– Add the interest to the balance ($90+$1000, i.e. $1090)
– Display the new balance
Example: Bank interests
• $1000 has been deposited in your bank account with annual in-
terest rate of 9%. What is the total money you get after 1 year ?
• Rough structure plan
– Get the data (initial balance & interest rate) into MATLAB
– Calculate the interest (9% of $1000, i.e. $90)
– Add the interest to the balance ($90+$1000, i.e. $1090)
– Display the new balance
• Program balance=1000
interest= rate*balance
Syntax Errors
• Grammatical and punctuation errors are
called syntax errors.

Table 2.1 Three Syntax Errors

Runtime Errors
• Errors discovered while program is run-
ning called runtime errors or exceptions

Table 2.2 Three Runtime Errors

Runtime Errors
• When Python encounters exception
– Terminates execution of program, displays

FIGURE 2.2 An Error Message for an Exception Error

Logic Error
• Occurs when a program does not per-
form the way it was intended
• Example
average = firstNum + secondNum / 2
• Syntax correct, logic wrong: should be
average = (firstNum + secondNum) / 2
• Logic errors are most difficult type of er-
ror to locate
Numeric Objects in Memory
• Consider this code:

• This is

FIGURE 2.3 Numeric objects in memory.

Homework ch2-1
• Solve the exercise.
– Use the Python program to solve it.
– Print screen the Editor (program) and Figure, and hard copy it.
– Submit it by next next class.
– 2-1 과제 : 4, 6, 8, 10, 19, 24, 27, 28, 30, 34, 38, 49, 50, 51, 61, 63, 66,
67, 70, 73, 75, 76, 77
– 과제 실습일 : 다음 수업시간 조교 2 명 .
– 제출 : icampus 탑재 .
Homework ch2-1_ 온라인용
• Solve the exercise.
– 실습시간 조교에게 질문 & 답변 (icampus 문의게시판 또는 email)
– 2-1 과제 : 4, 6, 8, 10, 19, 24, 27, 28, 30, 34, 38, 49, 50, 51, 61, 63, 66,
67, 70, 73, 75, 76, 77
Homework ch2-1
• Solve the exercise.
– 실습시간 조교에게 질문 & 답변
– 조교가 돌아다니며 질문 못하고 못 풀고 있는 학생 직접 지도
– 문제별 시간분배 : 4~51 20 분 , 61~67 20 분 , 70~77 30 분
– 2-1 과제 : 4, 6, 8, 10, 19, 24, 27, 28, 30, 34, 38, 49, 50, 51, 61, 63, 66,
67, 70, 73, 75, 76, 77

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