Ob Presentation

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Prepared by: Zeeshan Ahmed (k19 PG 01)

Shaiq Ali (k19PG05)


 Organization behavior is the process of

studying and understanding the behavior of
individuals in the organization .
 It is the part of management process which
aims at improving the performance of the
organizations through understanding and
controlling human behavior
Importance of OB

 While working in an organization, it is very

important to understand others behavior as
well as make others understand ours.
 In order to maintain a healthy working
environment, we need to adapt to the
environment and understand the goals we
need to achieve. This can be done easily if we
understand the importance of OB.
Following points bring out the importance of OB

 It helps in explaining the interpersonal

relationships employees share with each
other as well as with their higher and lower
 Any change within the organization can be
made easier.
 It helps in making the organization more

 People refers to different employees in the

organizations . The people works as either
individually or in group and make up the
whole working structure of the organization.
 Employees help in achieving objectives of the
organizations .
Organization Structure

 Structure is the layout design of an

 It is the construction and arrangement of
relationships, strategies according to the
organizational goal.
 It enables the proper division of whole work
and allocating right work to the right person .
 Example:
Organizational structure defines the
relation of a manager with employees and
 Technology is the one with the help of which
employees are able to perform their task
effectively . In its absences , it is difficult for
employees to work with their hands .
 Technology makes the task and work of people
 It includes different method , machines , tools
and resources. The requirement of technology
depends upon the nature of the work to be
done .

 All organizations operate within an internal

and external environment. A single
organization does not exists alone .
 An organization is a part of a larger system
that contains many other elements , such as
the government , the family and other
What can be included or excluded
in the organization ?

What can be included in What can be excluded in

the organization the organization

Companies Tribes

Armies Families

Hospitals Friendship groups

Contributing discipline of
OB field:
 Psychology :
The science that seeks to measure , explain
and some change the behavior of humans
and other animals .
i.e Personality ,emotion ,leadership
effectiveness , job satisfaction , employee
selection , individual decision making etc .
 Sociology :
The study of people in relation to their fellow
human beings .
 Organization system:

 Team work

 Communication

 Intergroup behavior
 Social psychology:
It deals with social interactions between
individual and groups .
organizations analyzing individual behavior and
interpersonal interactions is critical for
understanding organizational effectiveness and
success , as well as individual satisfaction .
 Importance of social – psychology :
 social psychology helps people manage their
stress , depression and other social issues and
improve their decision making .
 Anthropology :
“Anthropo means Man” and” logy means study”
The use of anthropology focus on the study of the
societies to learn about human beings , their
cultures , environment and activities .
It works on cultures and environment has helped to
understand the differences in fundamental values
, attitudes, and behavior between people in
different countries and within the different
organizations .
 Political science :
political science studies the behavior of
individuals and groups within a political
environment .
 Some topics are :
Structuring of conflict
Allocation of power

Group level
Individual level
Model of OB:

 The first is the individual level which involves

psychology and understanding human
behavior .
 Second level is groups, which involves social
psychology and sociological insights into
human interaction .
 The top level is organizational level, where
organization theory and sociology come into
play undertake system level analyses and the
study of how firms engage with one another
in the marketplace .

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