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The process of development in early childhood

Observation: role of oxytocin
Oxytocin is the love hormone guiding the process of bonding and parenthood in
Mothers have higher levels of oxytocin during and after pregnancy.
It is a rewarding hormone that activates positive feelings in the individual.
Mother, father and child both produce the hormone for the same purpose.
The more one interacts with the child on a parental level the more oxytocin each
Connection to course material
As noted in the process of parturition, several hormones are produced for different
The mother is the most physically active parent so it expected that they should
have more oxytocin.
Physiological changes such as development of the fetus inside the mother call for
intense emotional changes.
Oxytocin also helps in the recovery process allowing mothers to forget the pain of
childbirth and continue procreating.
Understanding the role of hormones and how the body works in general is to
essential to the health care community.
The better scientist understand these processes the more accurately they can
deal with illnesses and abnormalities.
Hormone production is also associated with diet and environment this information
helps individuals take better care of themselves.
Sleep is important for adults and children alike.
Infants and adults operate on a different clock system.
Infants sleep after eating which is mostly during the day.
There is a conflict between the parents schedule and the babies natural
Relation to course material.
In the early stages infants grow fairly fast.
For this reason they require enough sleep to allow their bodies to work the
developement process.
It is understandable that children should sleep more after eating since they have
the necessary fuel for their bodies to use.
The sound of the baby crying activates the mother’s brain explaining why mothers
cannot sleep with a restless baby,
Sleep plays an essential role in the development of children.
Parents should understand that children are not used to fasting all night long.
The relation between sleep and food is obvious and should be followed to ensure
proper development
Children must feel safe and loved for them to sleep better.
Adequate sleep is also important to the mothers recovery from giving birth.
First steps
While children develop at varying rates most can walk by the first year of their
Walking is a complicated process that shows physical and psychological
Walking is also an exercise activity that leads to the strengthening of bones and
development of muscles.
Relation to the course
The timeline to walking as described in the film is inline with course material.
Children acquire locomotive skills before birth in the womb.
They can move their arms and legs as a soon as 7 weeks into pregnancy
It takes time for the infant body to develop strong enough muscles to support the
child's body weight.
They also require a cognitive brain in order to understand the environment they
are walking on, such a brain has developed by 10 months of the baby’s life.
Understanding the standard walking period of a child helps detect abnormalities.
Such may occur due to malnutrition or illness.
The earlier we detect the issue the better chances we have of resolving it.
Children with stunted growth may benefit from supplements and professional care.
First words.
In this episode babies were seen to respond to natural language and pay attention
to human voices.
The experiment involved placing the baby between two attractive lights and
playing natural voices on one side and unnatural ones on the other.
This test sought to answer the question whether babies recognize speech at a
young age.
It became clear that babies are more interested in hearing people talk over most
distracting things.
Relation to course
The idea that babies would be interested in human speech is to be expected
according to the books.
They are drawn to their instinctive behaviors and borrow from their parents
Parents being the first teachers a child has they immediately begin to recognize
their speech regardless of the language.
The child uses it s voice to communicate as well crying when hungry or
Parents need to understand the role they play as teachers to their offspring.
From this experiment it is clear that addressing the child and talking to them helps
develop their talking ability.
Children can detect emotion in the voice and relate the same to the parent.
The environment in which the child grows is crucial to the kind of language they
will be speaking.
The human infant is born with amazing capabilities.
When placed on the mothers belly immediately after birth they will move up to the
breast as if understanding its location.
Another experiment involved placing the baby in water and it clearly swims to stay
afloat and even turns for air.
It seem we are born with all the skills we need only taking time to adjust to the new
Relation to course
The development of the body is complete by the time the child is born.
Even while in the womb fetus are known to kick and punch the uterus walls.
The urge to move is tied to the natural instinct and is common in every healthy
Early movement is an indication that the features required for locomotion including
the brain, arms and legs are in good shape.
The development of the body begins earlier than was expected.
Children are able to move all their limbs as soon as they are born.
This means that through practice and maturity children get the confidence to walk.
This proves the importance to exercising childrens limbs including trying to let
them walk on their own.

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