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What Organization Design

• Jay Galbraith star model

• Begin with strategy; define goal & path to get there (ex grow market what we do & don’t do)
• Unique differentiatitor (Capabilities), hal ini membutuhkan konfigurasi yang unik dari sisi
• Struktur (gimana cara mengorganisasinya)
• apa aristek utama organisasinya)
• Apa peran kunci
• Bagaimana power dialokasikan
• Struktur powerful tapi gak cukup karena akan ada silo, jadi butuh proses sebagai elemen kunci
selanjutnya (gimana work flow antar peran, keputusan dibuat)
• Kemudian butuh matrics & reward (how know wether theyare successful and reward them)
• People practices, what talent profiles needed, program hr apa utk attract retent, dan debelop)
• Cukture (part strategy development), what behaiors will be most important to achieving our
5 milestone
1. Current strategy (capabilities required to execute;
current operating mode)inform what problem
need to solved by org designwhere we now
2. Where we wan to be; strategic grouping choose
structure & process;
3. Create structure reiterate no 2 and integrating
4. Choose people
5. Learning & adhusting

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