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Submitted to Assistant professor Dr: Sher shah

Submitted by Asad ibrar

• Department of Forestry and wildlife management
• Roll no: F17-0950
• Semester 7th
• subject: Forest utilization
Presentation topic

Forest Products Utilization and

Sustainable Development
Role of forests and forest products


•Climate change

•Watershed, soil protection

•Contribute to livelihood
Forestry contribution to GDP

• 1-4% of GDP

• Poor information available

• Need additional efforts

Forest resources and
poverty alleviation

•350 million people rely on forests

for subsistence

•World forests areas declining

•major impact on strategies aimed

at poverty alleviation
Forest can provide

•Subsistence goods
•Cash income
•Indirect social and environmental
Areas for action for
People-centered approach to SFM

•Strengthening rights, capabilities

and governance:

•Reducing vulnerability

•Capture emerging opportunities

•Working in partnership
Forest product utilization in Pakistan
Wood products vs their substitutes

•Based on LCA

•Wood products have favorable profiles

•Lower fossil fuel consumption

Carbon sink and substitution
effects of wood products

•Reducing or avoiding greenhouse

gas emissions
•Sequester carbon
•Substitute carbon
Strategies for a sustainable
use of wood
•Sustainable forest management
•Sustainable use of non-wood forest
•Wood and wood-based products
•Institutional framework
Joint approach

•International organizations,
•Private sector
•Local population

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