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Management Issues in

Systems Development

Chapter 10
Today’s Lecture
• Introduction
• Project Management
– Definition, scope, best practices
– Change management
– Risk management
• Modernizing Legacy Systems
– To replace or not to?
– Improvement

Today’s Lecture
• Measuring systems benefits
– Differentiating systems roles
– IT investment assessments
– Return on (IT) Investments
• Conclusion

• What are the management issues surrounding
systems development?
• IS as three separate businesses (lens)
– Infrastructure management (operations)
– Customer relationship (helpdesk)
– Product innovation (systems development)
• Project management is most sought-after skill
in systems development today

Project Management
• Project is a collection of related tasks and
activities undertaken to achieve a specific goal
within a finite time period (temporal)
• IT projects are similar to other forms but
arguably more difficult
– Intangibility (you cannot see it or feel it!)
• People become confused and concerned
• IT project management
– Coordination (managing interdependencies)

Scope: Job of a Project Manager
• Getting the project started (Why, what and
When, Who and How)
• Managing the schedule
• Managing the budget
• Managing the benefits
• Managing the risks, opportunities and issues
• Soliciting feedback and formative evaluation

Change Management
• Beyond technical aspects of system
• Managing change (people side of system)
– Assimilation of new systems into work processes
• Resistance (organizational inertia)
• ODR a methodology to manage technology-
triggered change (stakeholders involved)
– Sponsor
– Change agent
– Target

Change Management cont’d
• Discussed in earlier chapters
• Early 1990s architecture
– More flexibility than mainframe systems
– Workload (processing) split between client and
• Integration of pizzazz of the PC world with the
necessary back-end production strengths of
the mainframe world

The BOC Group
Case example: Change Management
• Re-engineer BOC’s core processes
• Teams assigned different processes to improve
– Understand semantics of entire process
– How to implement change
– Input into training plan
– Devise communication plan
• Garnering True Executive Sponsorship
– Vice presidents and directors
– ODR training workshop for sponsors

The BOC Group cont’d
• Involving middle management
– Advisory council
• Upward job: give feedback on implemented changes
• Downward job: obtain employee buy-in

The BOC Group cont’d
• One successful change project
– Team studied existing paperwork processing for
delivering gas products and invoicing customers
– Synergy established among IM and business staff
• Unexpected positive change dynamics (IT triggered)
– Implemented PODD in place of paper
– PODD advisory council facilitated upward and
downward communication
– Training program for drivers (less resistance)
– Sponsors identified and mitigated project risks
Risk Management
• Management of risks in IT projects crucial
– Technical risk
• Sub-performance; scope creep
– Business risk
• IT-triggered organizational change not as planned
• Risk management “cookbook”
1. Assess the risk
2. Mitigate the risk
3. Adjust project management approach

Risk Management cont’d
1. Assess change risks (predominant factors)
– Leadership
• Project leader should be business executive
• How does project leadership affect outcome?
– Employees’ perspective
• How would they react and why?
– Scope and urgency
• Is the scope too wide? How urgent?
– Gibson’s “plus-minus” decision tree

Risk Management cont’d

Risk Management cont’d
• Mitigate the risks: involves identifying,
evaluating, prioritizing, and implementing
countermeasures to reduce risks
– Risk avoidance
• Identify and eliminate source of perceived risk
– Risk limitation
• Implementing controls to contain potential risk effects
– Risk transfer
• Letting others assume risk (outsourcing)

Risk Management cont’d
3. Adjust project management approach
– Project management style
• Authoritative vs. participatory
– Project budget and timeframe
• Rigid vs. flexible
– Gibson’s Four Approaches
• Big Bang Approach (all other 3 must be positive)
• Improvisation
• Guided evolution
• Top-down coordination

Gibson’s Four Approaches to Risk

Dow Corning
Case Example: Risk Management
• Successful ERP implementation (1995-1999)
– How did it manage the different business risks?
• Phase 0: Get Ready (assessed risks)
– Leadership (high)
– Employee perception (high)
– Scope and urgency (high)

Dow Corning cont’d
• Phase 1: Understand the new system
– Used improvisation approach of participatory
management and flexible deadlines
• Emphasized building employee commitment
• Phase 2: Redesign work processes
– Used guided evolution approach of participatory
management and fixed deadlines
• Achieving employee commitment did little to get work
processes redesigned
• Continued through the pilot (ERP cutover in new
European subsidiaries)

Dow Corning cont’d
• Phase 3: Implement ERP worldwide
– Used top-down coordination with an authoritative
management style and flexible timelines
• Pilot’s success demonstrated managers’ resolve and
shifted employee perception to the positive
• “Company wide” scope created negative shift
• Phase 4: Complete implementation
– Used the Big Bang approach of authoritative
management and firm deadlines
• ERP implemented in most sites by 1998, so all risk
factors turned positive

Fast Tips: Good IS Management
• Establish the ground rules: Define the technical and
architectural specifications for the systems following four
guidelines (Adhere to industry standards, Use an open
architecture, Web-enable the system, and Power with
• Foster discipline, planning, documentation and
• Obtain and document “final” user requirements
• Obtain tenders from all appropriate potential vendors
• Include vendors /suppliers in decision making
• Convert existing data
• Follow through after implementation
Modernizing Legacy Systems
• BCG study: Replace or not?
– About 40% of replacement projects fail
– Seduction of “new toys”/new technology
– Upgrading is a better option
• BCG three analyses (replace or not)
– Costs-benefits of system
– Fit between new system and business needs
– IS staff capabilities (Can they do the job?)

Options for Improving Legacy Systems
1. Restructuring the system
– Getting system ready for reengineering
– e.g., An application working fine but not running
efficiently needs restructuring
– 7 steps involved in the process- Use automated
restructuring engines (Read on Page #319-320)

Restructuring the System

Options for Improving Legacy Systems
2. Reengineering the system (not BPR)
– Reverse Engineering
• Extracting and converting data elements from existing
systems and formats
– Forward Engineering
• Moving them to new hardware platforms and creating
new applications

Reengineering the System

Verizon Directories
Case Example: Reverse Engineering
• Produced, marketed and distributed
telephone directories
• Directory publishing system
– Four main databases, designed application by
• Data elements difficult to change, enhance and reuse
• Acquired reengineering tools to improve

Verizon Directories
• Blueprint project
– Used a graphical tool to “reverse engineer” a
poorly designed database from its physical to its
data model, and designed a new data model
(blueprint) that is more flexible
• Reuse project
– Employed reengineering tools to reuse data
elements in the largest existing database to create
a new production scheduling system

Options for Improving Legacy Systems
3. Refurbishing the system
– Add new extensions to a “good working” old system
– Surround Strategy- Legacy system is a black-box.
– Some examples of legacy system extensions
• Supply input in a new manner
• Make new uses of input
• Allow programs to deal more comprehensively with data
• Add a Web interface around a “blackbox”
– e.g., FedEx’s package tracking system

Options for Improving Legacy Systems
4. Rejuvenate the system
– Adding new functions to a reengineered system
to make it more valuable
– Phases of rejuvenation process
1. Recognize a system’s potential
2. Clean up the system and make it more efficient
3. Establish a strategic role for the system
 Add new functionalities to create business value

Case Example: System Rejuvenation
• Initiated Web Services program (2002)
– Access to Amazon’s state-of-art Web technology platform (pay
for what you use)
– No control over how subscribers use its system, but in return,
others are creating gadgets, links, services, and software that cannot accomplish on its own
– Diversify into e-commerce platform business
• Used Web Services to rejuvenate its internal system by
giving it a strategic role via XML

Options for Improving Legacy Systems
5. Rearchitect the system
– Involves having an architecture for new systems,
and then using that design to upgrade legacy
– CTOs now devising enterprise level IT
• How systems are interconnected
– One-system-at-a-time migration strategy

Toyota Motor Sales
Case Example: Rearchitect the System
• Created global reference IT architecture
– Standard and integrated application development environment
– Mapping of business requirement to IT strategies
• New architecture enabled the company to
– Remediate legacy systems
– Keep systems designs robust
– Deliver application faster
– Permit future flexibility

Options for Improving Legacy Systems
6. Replace with a package or service
– Replace a legacy system with a commercial
• Commercial packages have many options and features
that can be customized
– Replace with service delivered over the Internet
• Quick availability
• Outsource IS responsibility to vendors
• Cost can be expensed (tax benefits)

Case Example: Replace with a service
• Legacy contact management system
– Incompatible with new systems and not adaptable
for new business needs
– Maintained by consultants ($)
• Replaced with SalesForce CRM system
– Pay by use
• Equivalent to maintenance costs
– Provides necessary management information

Options for Improving Legacy Systems
7. Rewrite the system
– System is “too far gone” to rescue
• Code convoluted and patched; technology antiquated
– Alternative to replacement
• Rare (usually only for very specialized systems)

Measuring Systems Benefits
• Measuring the value of information systems is
an ongoing task for IS managers (justify)
– Constant evolution of technology
• Top executives demand specific links between
new systems and corporate financial
measures (e.g., ROA, revenue)
– Is this reasonable?

Measuring Systems Benefits cont’d
• Difficult task because IT itself is only one of many
factors that contribute to successful use of systems
– IT can trigger a series of events toward a goal, but those events
are very much dependent on organizational context
– Can you measure the value of decision support systems or data
– Can you calculate the ROI of e-commerce systems?
• Three suggestions to alleviate this conundrum
1. Distinguish between different roles of systems
2. Measure what is important to management
3. Assess investments across organizational levels

Distinguish Between the Different
Roles of Systems
• Information systems can play three roles
1. Performance: “Support systems” to increase
2. Business Value: Carry out a business strategy
• e.g., CAD system used to design products
3. Product or Service: Itself or as a basis for a
product or service
• e.g., Web-based information services

Distinguish Between the Different
Roles of Systems
1. Measuring organizational performance
– Meeting deadlines and milestones
– Operating within budget
– Quality (efficiency, costs)
• e.g., time and costs reductions
2. Measuring business value
– Impact on value network (relationships)
• Customers, partners, suppliers
3. Measuring a product or service
– Can be measured as a business venture (ROI)

Measure What is Important to
• Identify all indicators management use
(besides accounting) to determine corporate
– Customer relations
• e.g., satisfaction
– Employee morale
– Cycle time
• In other words, devise measurements for
what management considers its key success
factor(s), with regard to information systems

Assess Investments Across
Organizational Levels
• Sources of value for IT at three levels
– Individual
– Division (or department)
– Corporation
• Impact focus of an IT investment extends to
– Economic performance payoffs
– Organizational process payoffs
– Technology impacts (functionality)
• Combine views to form 3 x 3 matrix
A Trucking Company
Case Example: Assess Investment Across Organizational
• Refrigerated carrier business
– Sustained 50% loss in market share
– $10 million IT investment to improve position
• Satellite tracking and communication system
• Measures
– Increased driver productivity (.5 hr/day; $59.60/mth savings)
– Improved load truck matching (1% deadhead time; $49.68/mth
– Customers willing to pay premium for ability to communicate
(unexpected revenue benefits)

Do Investors Value IT Investments?
• A study found that every $1 invested in computers
yielded up to $17 in stock market value (and no less than
$5) vis-à-vis
– $1 invested in property, plant and equipment (book value) only
yielded $1 in stock market value
– $1 investment in other assets (inventory, liquid assets, and
accounts receivables) yielded only $0.70
• Researchers’ argument
– IT investment creates intangible asset value
• Know-how, skills, organizational structures

• Project management is cardinal but also
toughest job in IS
– Cannot be outsourced
– Managerial skills (technical and business) crucial
• Mostly about managing people (stakeholders)
• IS project success is dependent on
– Sponsor commitment
• understanding and exercising role
– Assisting targets in making the change

Conclusion cont’d
• Information systems difficult to keep up-to-
• Process of justifying a new system can
uncover what is important to management
• Measuring benefits afterward can help
companies spot latent benefits
• Investors more highly value companies with
higher IT investments?
– What do you think?

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