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We are different, but one

Quarter 1: Lesson 6
• identify actions or behaviors that promote respect for individual
differences in the family;

2. analyze situations involving family duties that promote good


3. appreciate the importance of responsibility in establishing good

relationship despite individual differences.
We are all unique, but we also have similarities. It is
important that we are aware of our personal
characteristics most especially those that can help us
establish good relationships.

Individual differences are already a given fact and the

best way to deal with it is
acceptance and respect.
As we live in this new normal, it is
necessary to gain insights about our
behaviors that
promote respect for individual differences
especially within our family. Such insight
promote healthy relationships and
responsible family members.
Share to the class
how you understand
the word "respect".
Answer the questions in each column.
Here are some ways on how you can show respect for individual
differences within the family:

Frequent communication
Ask questions if there are clarifications and avoid making assumptions
Make some adjustments if necessary
Involve yourself by doing your responsibilities
Learn to understand and accept other’s differences (strengths and weaknesses)
Yearn for what is good for all members of the family
Think Pair Share
Choose a partner then you will be given 5 minutes to answer the
following questions within your parnter.

1. We may have individual differences but


2. What I appreciate most with our differences in the family is


3. We celebrate our similarities by


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