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Exultant Phala

Introduction of assessment

 Assessment is the gathering and assembling of data about a child’s needs, including
social, psychological, and educational evaluations used to determine services; a process
using observation, testing, and test analysis to identify an individual’s strengths and
weaknesses in order to plan his or her educational services. Briefly said, assessment is a
methodical way of obtaining data to describe functioning, identify needs, and establish
objectives and goals.
The phrase “assessment” in education refers to the vast range of techniques or instruments that
teachers employ to assess, gauge, and record pupils’ academic preparedness, learning progress,
skill development, or educational requirements. There’s the different kinds of assessments
which is assessments of learning, assessment for learning and assessments as learning

Education professionals use a wide range of assessment tools and methods to gauge
everything from a four-year-readiness old’s for kindergarten to a twelfth-grade student’s
comprehension of advanced physics, despite the fact that assessments are frequently confused
with traditional tests, particularly the standardized tests created by testing companies and given
to large populations of students
Assessments are frequently created to gauge particular aspects of learning, such as a student’s level of familiarity
with the subject or skill the teacher plans to teach, or their capacity to understand and evaluate a variety of texts and
readings, much as academic sessions serve varied purposes. Assessments are also used to pinpoint the deficiencies
and strengths of certain students so that teachers can offer individualized academic support, educational programs,
or social services.  Additionally, a diverse range of organizations and people—including teachers,
district administrators, universities, for-profit businesses, state departments of education, and
groups made up of a combination of these people and institutions—develop assessments.

General education assessment measures the effectiveness of our General Education program through
the systematic collection and evaluation of information about student learning
Explanation of concepts

The purpose of assessment is to gather relevant information about student performance or

progress, or to determine student interests to make judgments about their learning
process. After receiving this information, teachers can reflect on each student’s level of
achievement, as well as on specific inclinations of the group, to customize their teaching
Daily input regarding the teaching and learning process is provided by assessment. The
effectiveness of teaching and learning can be strengthened by the assessment. It also
promotes the idea that teaching is a formative process that changes over time in response
to student participation and feedback. This creates a positive classroom relations.

The main goal of assessment is to assist in identifying learning gaps in pupils and the proper corrective a
ctions to close them so that students can continue or improve their 
learning. As the class progresses through a unit of study, it gathers data on a student’s knowledge and
skills to identify learning gaps.
The purpose of assessment gives the students feedback on their work with the atlas and
advice on how to strengthen, reassess, and communicate their learning.

Assessing Students is necessary because :

The teacher may want to use formative assessments to monitor student understanding
throughout a class or unit.
 A diagnostic exam may be beneficial for students who are having learning challenges
since it can identify conditions including poor reading comprehension, trouble
remembering spoken or written words, concerns with speech or hearing, and issues with
hand-eye coordination
Types and examples of the assessments

There’s 3 types of assessment which is

• Assessment of learning
• Assessment for learning
• Assessment as learning

For assessment of learning, the examples includes (Exams, Portfolios,

Final projects). For assessments for learning, examples includes (formative assessments
and diagnostic assessments) and for assessment as learning include (self-assessments
and peer assessments.)
Assessment that is learning-centered is intended to support student learning, not only assess how well they
have learned after the learning process has been completed. Learner-centered education uses interactive
strategies to engage the students and develop their abilities. This educational approach helps students
develop skills such as decision making and problem solving, team work, and presentation skills that are
relevant to the current labor needs.
Through discussions and group activities, learners can engage with their teams in learner-centered
education. This strategy promotes group seating for collaborative learning. Students discuss, collaborate,
learn how to deal with others, and perform a variety of other everyday duties that will eventually help them
become team players while they are seated with their peers.

The types of assessment includes Assessment of learning,

assessment for learning and assessments as learning
Example of leaner-centered

(Working in groups )

In groups of 4 members, arrange planets starting from the sun and give names of the planets
as well. Each group will present their work to the class
(10 marks)
Assessment of learning

Assessment of learning refers to strategies designed to confirm what

students know, demonstrate whether or not they have met curriculum outcomes or the goals of their
individualized programs, or to certify
proficiency and make decisions about students’ future programs or
placements. It is designed to provide evidence of achievement to parents,
Other educators, the students themselves, and sometimes to outside
Assessment of learning is the assessment that becomes public and results in statements or symbols
about how well students are learning. It often contributes to pivotal decisions that will affect students’
futures. It is important, then, that the
underlying logic and measurement of assessment of learning be credible and defensible.
Assessment for learning

Assessment for learning is a teaching and learning strategy that generates feedback that is then applied to
enhance student performance. Students become more invested in the educational process and, as a result,
feel more confident about the standards and content they are required to study. AFL is intended to
"close the gap" between a learner's current status and where they want to be in their
learning and accomplishment, according to one way of thinking about it. Tasks designed by
competent teachers assist students in doing this.
With AFL, students become more engaged in their education and begin to "think like
teachers." They actively consider where they are, where they are going, and how they will
get there
Assessment as learning

Students can learn about themselves as learners and become aware of how they learn through this
process, developing their megacognition (knowledge of one’s own thought processes). Students often
evaluate their own and each other’s work as they reflect on it, choosing their next course of study
(often with the teacher’s assistance, especially early on). Students who use assessment as a learning
tool are better able to take ownership of their education and keep track of their progress.

IT Occurs when students evaluate their performance and keep track of it to inform their future
learning objectives (formative assessment) Learning assessments take place when teachers compare
student performance to objectives and criteria using evidence of student learning (summative
Examples include, self-assessments and peer assessments.
Assessment of learning Assessment for learning Assessment as learning
Deals with what as been learned Provides suggestions of what to do Students could learn what they do not
know or they construct knowledge more

Is designed for the information of those Assists educators and students Assist students
not directly involved in daily learning
and teaching (school administration,
parents, school board)

Always present in a period report Used to provide feedback Supports students’ metacognitive skills

Does not always involve students Always involve students Involve students

Reported as part of an achievement Not reported as part of an achievement Part of achievement

grade grade.
Examples : exams, Portfolios and final Examples : formative and diagnostic Self-assessments and peer assessments
projects assessments

1. Using the Food web provided above, complete the

questions below.
a. What is the producer on the food web above? Why?
b. Name the consumers?
c. What does a Fox eat?
d. A mouse and a grasshopper eats?
e. Mention animals that eats by Hawks
The requirements of SBA

School-Based Assessment with CAPS is a continual organized process for identifying, acquiring, and evaluating data
about students’ performance utilizing several types of evaluation. Basically, to assign grades to students over the course
of the term rather than all at once or twice. in order to establish the comparability of the marking standards used in
school-based assessment (SBA), teachers are required to grade the work of their students. Relationships between external
and internal evaluations might take many different shapes in the case of public exams.
When evaluating their pupils, instructors use a variety of methods and techniques. Creating awareness for the following
through this evaluation is important. Recognize the learner’s advantages. Analyze the learner’s weak point.

Care should be taken when designing assessment tasks to ensure that they contain the required topic information and
skills and have the appropriate range of cognitive demands and degree of difficulty. Before engaging in formal
assessment activities, the instructor must make sure the students have had several opportunities for informal assessment
of their comprehension of the subject matter.
How assessment of learning support learning

Assessment of learning often given at the conclusion of a unit or grading period,

and at they assess a student’s comprehension by comparing his or her
performance to that of the class as a whole. Assessment of learning: occurs when
teachers use evidence of student learning to make judgements on student
achievement against goals and standards (summative assessment).
It demonstrate whether or not they have met curriculum outcomes or the goals
of their individualized programs, or to certify proficiency and make decisions
about students’ future programs or placements. It is designed to provide
evidence of achievement to parents, their educators, the students themselves,
and sometimes to outside groups
How assessment for learning support learning

Assessment For Learning helps in making understanding and knowledge, as John Hattie describes
it, ‘more visible’. Assessment for learning helps learners understand what excellence looks like and
how they can develop their own work to reach that level. Feedback has a positive effect on learner
achievement. This then informs the teaching practice so that educators know how to amend their
approach accordingly – to support students in getting where they need to be. Through this cycle,
students are actively engaged in their learning, and they also learn the strategies required to
maximize their own progress

The benefits of Assessments for learning progress is:

Better communication between professors and students.
Increased attainment and success.
• Increased learner self-esteem, resiliency, and confidence.
How assessment as learning support learning

Students can learn about themselves as learners and become aware of how they learn through this
process, developing their megacognition (knowledge of one’s own thought processes). Students often
evaluate their own and each other’s work as they reflect on it, choosing their next course of study
(often with the teacher’s assistance, especially early on). Students who use assessment as a learning
tool are better able to take ownership of their education and keep track of their progress.

IT Occurs when students evaluate their performance and keep track of it to inform their future
learning objectives (formative assessment) Learning assessments take place when teachers compare
student performance to objectives and criteria using evidence of student learning (summative
Examples include, self-assessments and peer assessments.
Informal assessment Formal assessment
Activity 2.2 Deals with what as been learned Provides suggestions of what to do

Is designed for the information of those Assists educators and students

not directly involved in daily learning
and teaching (school administration,
parents, school board)

Always present in a period report Used to provide feedback

Does not always involve studentsI only Always involve students

Reported as part of an achievement Not reported as part of an achievement

grade grade.
Examples : exams, Portfolios and final Examples : formative and diagnostic
projects, test, quizzes assessments
Importance of informal assessment
Informal assessment can help teachers determine the strengths and shortcomings of their pupils as well as
organize upcoming lessons. Informal assessments are led by content and performance rather than facts.
Informal evaluations need to be trustworthy, valid, and useful. It is also fair to students from various
backgrounds, i.e., appropriate for the target audience and objective. Informal assessment also have clear
scoring procedures. It remain relevant to the content being taught. An excellent informal assessment
activity give motivation to students while also providing constructive feedback to help them improve their
performance. Finally, engaging, interactive activities are generally regarded as excellent informal
Two informal activities (follows)
Class activity 1

1.Look at the picture and answer

the questions that follows

1. How many planets are in the solar system?

2. ____________ is the smallest planet
3. ____________is the largest planet
4. Planet __________ is our home, the planet we live
5. Which planet would you like to visit?___________
Class Activity 2 Date :
Short answers
1. Complete the spaces with the words provided below
Organism. River
Plans. Sun. Human. Oceans
Grass. Tree soil Biomes
a. A living thing is also called __________
b. Types of ecosystem, micro ecosystem, messo ecosystem and ____________
c. People, animals and ___________ Are also called living things
d. All living things depend on non-living things like sunlight, temperature, climate and
e. Example of non-living thing _____________
)marks 10(

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