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◦ Lesson Information

Rationale ◦ ✓ What CAPS subject are you teaching? English

◦ ✓ What is the topic of this lesson? Reading and Viewing
◦ ✓ What is the CAPS specific focus?
◦ Read a text on the importance of a questionnaire and how to fill it in
◦ • Information required
◦ • Language us
◦ Reading process
◦ compare, contrast, evaluate)
◦ Reading and viewing for comprehension
◦ • Skimming
◦ Scanning
◦ • Summarize
◦ • Visualization
◦ • Make inferences
◦ • Meaning of words
◦ Department of Basic Education (2011) Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement
(CAPS), Grades 7-9, English (online) website:
What are the lesson objectives (for the full lesson plan)?
-Learners will be able to identify main points (what is the story about)
- Read and answer the questions based on the story
- To identify words related to the topic and organize ideas as well
- To pronounce words
Summary of content to cover
In English , learners will focus specifically on the domain of reading and also
writing . Content area reading is most simply, reading to learn. It encompasses all
the skills and abilities required for a student to read the scenario. The lesson will
focus on reading of a chosen story and also writing. which may includes doing
answering questions based on the story. . The content teaches learners on how to
read and later incorporate it into writing.
This content covers the content of Reading as well as writing. Learners need to
carefully understand the story they will be focusing on and later be able to write
the activity about it.
B. How does the 15-minute slice that you are teaching online fit
into this lesson?
I will check the learner's prior knowledge by showing tem a
picture of te book and allows them to share their own
knowledge regarding it (what do you understand about the
pictures below
after the part of the lesson
◦ After that, i will allow students to summarizs the story
(give summary ) in individual to test each other's
knowledge about the story
Why have you chosen to teach this slice of the lesson?

To transfer required knowledge to the learners and also

provide an adequate detail of what students suppose to do.
Also to give full detai for stdents to understand the lesson
much better
C. How have you adapted this slice of your lesson for
online teaching?

◦ Powerpoint presentation (slides)

◦ Because it is easier for me to use and be able to visualize everything for everyone
to be able to see what i am talking about.

◦ Make a quize
◦ By making a quiz, i will be able to text every students's knowledge (kahoot
Presenting a lesson
GRADE 7 seven
• Reading
• Viewing
DATE OF LESSON 24 August 2023

◦ 1. By the end of this lesson, learners will be able

◦ to… Identify the main points (what is the story about)
◦ Read and answer the questions based on the story
◦ Students will be able to identify words related to the topic and organize ideas
as well
◦ To reflect on the story ( Summarize the story)

The teaching stratergies
Small group work
The small group work is the teaching strategies that allow learners to be exposed
to work in small groups . This strategy allows learners to work together to
explore their ideas regarding the topic and also ask related questions if they
don’t understand. Small group work in the classroom has various advantages,
including engaging students in their own learning, bringing course material to
life, expanding students’ knowledge, and honing specific abilities. More than
from listening, people learn via doing. The distinction between students being
able to repeat what they’ve been taught and genuinely understanding it can be
made in a small-group setting.
Cooperative learning

A teaching strategy called cooperative learning places students in groups of

varying abilities and rewards them for the success of the group as a whole
rather than just one individual student. In cooperative learning, the teacher
mostly uses the activities where one student is required to research about a
certain topic and teach it to the other group. In this activity, learners will be
required to draw and design their own bar graphs, this will allow them to
work in groups so that they can generate their own knowledge. It allows all
learners to cooperate in the activity. Even thou they work in groups, it
increases their responsibility towards the task.
Introduction phase
greeting the learners and introducing the topic
which is about reading and viewing and also
include the lesson objectives and lesson material
including (story book) which indicate that they
will be reading and viewing at the end . The
teacher will use a project to visualize the the story
through projector for every student to see. Ask
learners questions to see if they have any prior
knowledge about the topic.
Pre- activity

1. What does the wordd "Cowboy" means ?

2. Have you seen a Cowboy before

3. Would you like to be a Cowboy?

5 minutes
Teaching and learning
teacher can be able to explain the topic while moving around the class
and also inform learners to concentrate because they will be doing the
activity after that. The teacher must be specific with the learners and
allow them to engage peacefully so that they can gather in. Learners
will be shown a picture of the chosen story so that they know what the
lesson is about

Read the story together so that everyone can understant much better

Ask them if they understand the topic and if they don’t, the teacher
can help as soon as possible.
Cowboy is simply a person who works on a ranch and rides on a horse
while he herds cattles.

Cowboys are responsible for herding and maintaining the health of

animals across these vast ranches. Cowboys often work with horses to
herd cattle and sheep. Cowboy culture is an important part of the
identity of ranching regions
This is what a cowboy
looks like
Read the story with the

A teacher can use a small group work strategy which allows learners to
work in small groups and group themselves into small groups . Being in
group can help learners to acquire some knowledge ,skills and they can be
able to explore and share ideas . Give them an activity based on the story,
give them time to read in order to understand the topic and allow each
group to answer the questions and do orals (which is to present about the
story at the end (summarize)) .

35 minutes
The teacher will allow students to summarize the story in individual to see if
they understand.
The teacher will also question the learners on possible problems experienced
in the worksheet that may form a barrier to them in completing the activity
-Appreciate the learner's cooperation and dedication with you throughout the
lesson by giving them encouragement and motivation words. This can excite
learners and prepares them for the next lesson.
Example : “you did well, keep up the good work “

10 minutes
Learner’s Activity

1. Read the story provided and answer the questions that follows:

a. What is the tittle of the story? (1)

b. Who’s the name of the characters in the story (2)
c. Where was David’s parents going? (1)
d. What was the reason to go there? (2)
e. What did David learn from Pappy’s house? (2)
f. Did he ever feel like a cowboy at the end?, why? (2)

a. The Cowboy
b. David and Pappy
c. Another country
d. To help sick children to get well and teach them about Jesus
e. To feed chickens, the cows and also the horses
f. Yes, because of the work he was doing at Pappy’s house
Extra work

Summarize your work in groups and present it to your peers

(present your work in groups (oral)

10 minutes
The end of the lesson
Thank you!!

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