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08/15/2023 MD.ATAUR RAHMAN 1

Total Subject : 8
1. Elizabethan and Jacobean Drama
2. 16th and 17th century poetry
3. 17th and 18th century Non-Fiction prose
4. Restoration and Eighteenth century Fiction
5. Restoration and Eighteenth century poetry and Drama
6. Victorian Poetry
7. Literary Criticism ( up to Romantic period)
8. Introduction to Linguistics

08/15/2023 MD.ATAUR RAHMAN 2

1. Elizabethan and Jacobean Drama

C.Marlowe : The tragical History of Doctor Faustus

W.Shakespeare: Macbeth , The Merchant of Venice

Ben Jonson: Volpone

John Webster: The Duchess of Malfi

Total Drama: 5
Writer : 4
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2. 16th and 17th century poetry
1.Edmund Spenser: The Faerie Queen,Book 1 Canto -1

2. john Donne: The sun Rising, the canonization, batter my heart, death
be not pround, a valediction

3. Andrew marvell: To his coy mistress, the definition of love

4. George Herbert : Easter wings, the collar

5. George Milton: Paradise lost, Book-1


Total poem: 11
Writer : 5
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3. 17th and 18th century Non-Fiction prose
F.Bacon : of marriage and single life , of truth ,of
plantation , of great place , of Revenge, of love

Addision and Steele : The spectator’s account of himself,

of the club, sir Roger at Church, his account of his
Disappoinment in love, Death of sir Roger

Samuel Johnson: Life of Cowley

Edmund Burke: Speech on East India Bill

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4. Restoration and Eighteenth century Fiction

Aphra Ben : Oroonoko

Daniel Defoe : Robinson crusoe

Henry Fielding : Tom Jones

Jonathan Swift : Gulliver’s Traveles

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5.Restoration and Eighteenth century poetry and Drama

John Dryden : Absalom and Achitophel :a poem

William Congreve: The way of the world

Alexander pope: The rape of the lock

Oliver Goldsmith : She Stoops to conquer

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6. Victorian Poetry
A.Tennyson : Locksley Hall , Oenone, the Lotos Eaters,

R. Browning : The last Ride Together, Andrea del sarto,

Fra Lippo Lippi, My last Duchess

M. Arnold : Thyrsis, Dover Beach , The scholar Gypsy

G. Manley Hopkins : The Windhover, Felix Randal ,

Spring and fall:to a young child , pied Beauty

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7. Literary Criticism ( up to Romantic period)

Aristotle: Poetics(1-14,24,26)

Sydney : An Apology for poetry

Dr. S. Johnson : Preface to Shakespeare

W .wordsworth : Preface to Lyrical Ballads

S.t Coleridge : Biographia Literaria (4,14, 17)

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8. Introduction to Linguistics

 Language
 Basic concepts in Linguistics
 Phonetics and phonology
 Morphology
 Syntax
 Pragmatics
 Semantics
 Phycholinguistics
 seciolinguistics

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