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Control Systems-I

2 sign changes in the first column of the array so 2 poles lies in the RH of s
Symmetrical or conjugate pole lies on the imaginary axis
Relative Stability
• By applying Routh-Hurwitz criteria, we can determine whether a system is stable or not. This is
known as absolute stability. If there are no roots in the RHS of s-plane, we conclude that the
system is stable.

• But imagine a System to have some roots with a very small negative real part i.e., the roots
are very near to the jω-axis.

• jω -axis is the border for stable and unstable regions.

• Due to some environment conditions, let us assume that the parameter values have changed,
which cause the roots nearest to the jω -axis to cross the threshold and enter unstable region. The
system obviously becomes unstable.

• Hence it is necessary that the system's dominant poles (poles nearest to the jω -axis) are
reasonably away from the jω -axis.

• Systems with more negative real parts of the dominant poles are relatively more stable than
systems with less negative real parts of the dominants poles. Hence the distance from the jω axis
of the dominant poles is a measure of the relative stability of a system.

• We are more concerned with the relative stability of a system rather than its absolute stability.
• However we can modify the procedure to determine how far the dominant pole is from the
jω-axis by shifting the jω-axis to the left by a small amount.

• Apply Routh Hurwitz criterion to find out if any roots lie on the right side of this shifted
axis. By trial and error the negative real part of the dominant pole can be located

• Let the dominant poles of the system be given by

• The response due to these poles is of the form

• The time constant of the exponentially decaying term is given by,

• Thus we see that the time constant is inversely proportional to the real part of the pole and
hence the setting time which is approximately equal to 4T is also inversely proportional to
the real part of the dominant pole

• For reasonably small value of the settling time, the real part of the dominant pole must be
at a suitable distance away from the jω-axis.

• Thus shifting the jω-axis by σ to the left and applying Routh-Hurwitz criterion, we can
ascertain whether the largest time constant is indeed greater than τ

• To do this let s = z - σ in the characteristic equation and we get an equation in z. Applying

Routh criterion to z-plane polynomial,

• we can find if any roots are lying in the right half of z-plane. If there are no right half of z-
plane roots, it means that the system has no roots to the right of s = - σ line and therefore the
time constant of the dominant pole is greater than τ sec.
Determine the stability of a system having
characteristic equation as
Find stability of a unity feedback system having closed
loop T.F.
 I. J Nagrath and M. Gopal, Control Systems
Engineering, Fifth edition, New age
International, 5th Edition, 2009.
 Normal S. Nise,, Control Systems
Engineering, 7th Edition, John Wiley,2014
 K.Ogata, Modern Control Engineering, 5th
Edition, Prentice Hall, 2010
N.S. Beniwal and R. Beniwal, Automatic
Control Systems with MATLAB Programming,
University Science Press, Laxmi Publication
PVT Ltd, 2009

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