Distal Femur Fracture

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Case Presentation

Unit : RED


D-Ortho Student
Department of Orthopaedics
Patient Particulars
• Name: Nipa Baul
• Age: 30 years
• Sex: Female
• Occupation: Housewife
• Address: Moksedpur,Gopalgonj
• Date Of Admission: 17-7-23
:Date of examination :18-07/23
Complains of
1. H/O fall on slippery floor 1 day back
2. Pain on lower part of right thigh for same duration.
History of Presenting illness
•According to patient statement she was reasonably well 1 day back. Then she had h/o
fall on slippery floor during walking.She felt sever pain on lower part of her right
thigh.She was unable to stand over her right lower limb.Then she was brought to local
hospital &X ray of right thigh with knee joint done.She was dignosed as a case of distal
femoral shaft fracture & long leg back slab given and refferd to dhaka for better
Then she was brought to our Orthopedic Emergency & admitted to our unit for
further management.
History of Presenting illness (Cont..)

There is no constitutional symptoms.

Her bowel and bladder habit is normal, Sleep/ Appetite is
Past history:
• Nothing significant
Drug history:
 Analgesic,antibiotic
General Examination
• General condition- anxious, Average body built.
• Non- Anemic, non-icteric, non-dehydrated.
• Vitals
– BP- 130/80mm of Hg,
– PR- 72 beats/min,
– RR- 18/ min,
– Temp- Afebrile
Systemic examinations
• Systemic examinations revels no abnormality
Loco- Regional Examination
• Look:
After withdrwan weight ofUTST found--
Skin condition :- Normal & knee joint
 No Scar mark and overlying skin injury
 No apparent muscle wasting of lower limb
Loco- Regional Examination
• Feel:
– No local rise of temperature
– Tender ness present
– DNVS:Intact
Loco –regional examination:
Move: Not elicited due to pain.
• A case of 10days old Right sided fracture shaft of distal Femur
(AOType:33 A1)of a 30 years old female.
Treatment plan

Open reduction &internal fixation by Distal Locking femoral


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