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Wind. Weather creates many challenges

for helicopters, but the most significant is
often wind. High winds can cause loss of
tail rotor effectiveness, mast bumping or
mechanical turbulence as winds react to
the terrain or urban environments in which
helicopters often operate.
Terrain. Few fixed-wing pilots operate as close to
terrain as helicopter pilots do. This greatly increases
the danger of controlled flight into terrain (CFIT) or
contact with other obstacles like utility cables and
antennae. Situational awareness—and terrain
awareness solutions such as 
Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning Systems—
helps helicopter pilots navigate the close terrain.
Disorientation and Instrument
Meteorological Conditions.
 Instrument meteorological conditions (IMC)
such as heavy fog, sun glare and a number
of other factors can cause disorientation
and greatly increase the chance of CFIT and
other errors. Advanced weather radar such
as our IntuVue 3-D weather radar system
 can help pilots navigate challenging
weather or avoid it altogether.
Bumps or turbulence in helicopters are basically non-
existent. Without getting into an aerodynamic lecture
(as exciting as they are), a helicopter's response to
light and medium turbulence is completely different to
a plane.
Controlled Flight into Terrain, or CFIT, occurs
when an airworthy aircraft under the
control of a pilot is flown unintentionally
and without prior awareness into terrain,
water, or an obstacle. CFIT ranks as the 13th
most common of helicopter accident types.
Controlled Flight into Terrain (CFIT) occurs when an airworthy aircraft under
the complete control of the pilot is inadvertently flown into terrain, water, or
an obstacle. The pilots are generally unaware of the danger until it is too late.
Most CFIT accidents occur in the approach and landing phase of flight and
are often associated with non-precision approaches.
Many CFIT accidents occur because of loss of situational awareness,
particularly in the vertical plane, and many crash sites are on the centre line
of an approach to an airfield. Lack of familiarity with the approach or
misreading of the approach plate are common causal factors, particularly
where the approach features steps down in altitude from the initial approach
fix to the final approach fix.
•Collision with the ground resulting in Hull
Loss and fatalities/injuries.
Typical Scenarios
•Pilot-induced situation: The pilot encountered weather conditions that were worse
than forecast and, in an attempt to maintain or regain visual contact with the ground
in an area of very low cloud, descended below Minimum Safe Altitude (MSA) and the
aircraft struck the ground. Contributing to this accident was the pilot's over-reliance
on GPS while attempting to maintain Visual Meteorological Conditions (VMC) and a
resultant lack of adequate situational awareness of terrain.
•ATCO-induced situation: The controller gave an aircraft which was still at 210 KIAS an
intermediate heading towards the ILS centre line during a radar vectored initial
approach but was subsequently distracted and failed to issue the intercept heading
for the ILS LLZ. When the flight crew, who were unfamiliar with the approach, failed to
notice the situation in time to query it, the aircraft flew beyond the centre line and
into high terrain on the other side before resolution was possible.
Contributory Factors
•Weather: Rain, turbulence, and icing, may increase the workload of the
pilot and cause interference reducing the accuracy of radio navigation beacons.
Poor visibility, particularly at night can contribute to disorientation and loss
of situational awareness.
•Approach Design and documentation: The depiction of an approach, and
particularly step down fixes, on Terminal Approach Procedure (TAP) plates may
not be clear. Approaches may take aircraft close to high terrain in order to
comply with diplomatic or noise abatement constraints, or to deconflict with
departure routes.
•Failure to use Standard Phraseology leading to confusion and
•Pilot fatigue and disorientation. Approach and landing is a demanding phase
of flight for pilots.
The wind caused by the descending air is called a
katabatic wind

When mountain slopes cool (quite abruptly in some

situations), the adjacent air is cooled through contact
with the cold slopes and a large scale descent of air
may result. It can become quite strong if the slopes are
smooth and steep.

Katabatic winds are not necessarily restricted to night

time conditions.
The katabatic downdraft area is entered, a rapid
increase in the rate of descent close to the ground may
ensue. This is aggravated by the fact that at this point
in the approach the pilot has reduced airspeed which
calls for increased power requirements.
The katabatic downdraft area is entered, a rapid
increase in the rate of descent close to the ground may
ensue. This is aggravated by the fact that at this point
in the approach the pilot has reduced airspeed which
calls for increased power requirements.
Anabatic wind

After sunrise when mountainsides exposed to the sun are

warmed, the reverse wind can occur. Adjacent air rises so
that an anabatic wind develops. Large scale updrafts develop,
the strength of which depend on the nature of terrain and
locality. Gravity opposes the updrafts, generally making this
wind less significant than its katabatic counterpart.
Nevertheless, some valleys around the world can have
temperature differences of some 25°C between the valley
floor and mountain tops, allowing strong anabatic winds to
Anabatic wind

After sunrise when mountainsides exposed to the sun are

warmed, the reverse wind can occur. Adjacent air rises so
that an anabatic wind develops. Large scale updrafts develop,
the strength of which depend on the nature of terrain and
locality. Gravity opposes the updrafts, generally making this
wind less significant than its katabatic counterpart.
Nevertheless, some valleys around the world can have
temperature differences of some 25°C between the valley
floor and mountain tops, allowing strong anabatic winds to
Mechanical Turbulence

turbulence is caused by erratic wind patterns involving

rapid changes in both speed and direction in a short
distance. Turbulence can cause air to approach the
helicopter from up and down, left and right, fore and aft at
amazingly quick intervals. Induced flow, inflow angles, total
rotor thrust and rotor rpm may fluctuate wildly in
turbulence, resulting in obvious control problems.
*Helicopters are somewhat less uncomfortable in
The potential danger of turbulence lies in the takeoff and
landing phase, when power requirements are high and
ground clearance is low.

Pilot inputs must be timed and adequate for the conditions.

When operating near mountain tops, at altitudes where

control effectiveness is reduced and surplus power is limited,
moderate to severe turbulence can be dangerous.
Pilots can predict mechanical turbulence near the ground by
• wind strength
• the size and shape of the mountains
• the stability or instability of the air
• wind direction relative to mountain orientation
Wind Strength

Winds up to 15 to 20 knots rarely produce significant turbulence. Depending on

the mountain’s shape, it is possible that stationary eddies are present on both the
windward and leeward side. With stronger wind speeds, turbulence becomes
more intensified and stationary eddies no longer exist. Frictional eddies form
repeatedly in the vicinity of ridges or individual hills and drift downwind.
The worst turbulence, associated with strong winds, is found at or
below mountain height on the leeward side, where, under certain
circumstances, rotor action can be present close to the slopes .

On approach to a landing site on the lee side a headwind and

downdraft can suddenly change to a tailwind and updraft. In
the worst situation, a helicopter may be forced into the slope in
spite of corrective pilot action.
The worst turbulence, associated with strong winds, is found
at or below mountain height on the leeward side, where,
under certain circumstances, rotor action can be present
close to the slopes.

On approach to a landing site on the lee side a headwind

and downdraft can suddenly change to a tailwind and
updraft. In the worst situation, a helicopter may be
forced into the slope in spite of corrective pilot action.
Size and Shape of Mountains

Some time Shape and size of a mountain can cause an

increase the speed of wing. Mountains or hills with rounded
tops and gentle slopes rarely produce more than light to
moderate turbulence unless the wind is strong. An
environment the downdraft from the preceding ridge can
cover the windward side of the next one, where an updraft
was expected.
Pilots can avoid problems by choosing to fly at
altitudes that are 1,500 to 2,000 feet above ridge

Even takeoffs and landings on the lee side should

pose no great difficulty provided the pilot remains
alert to the possibility of minor downdrafts. If a
choice of landing sites is available, those on the
windward side are obviously preferred.
When mountain tops are irregular and sharp, the
effect on turbulence and drafts intensifies.
Stability or Instability of Air

Humid air is more prone to instability than dry air.

When operating in the mountains in the presence of

substantial cumulus cloud, it is fair to assume that moderate
turbulence may be encountered between the top of the high
ground and the base of the cumulus cloud.
The worst turbulence and drafts can be expected during the
hottest time of day.
The least turbulence is to be expected in the early hours of
the morning.
Wind Direction Relative to Mountain Orientation

If the wind blows humid air more or less at right angles to a substantial
mountain range, updrafts and precipitation are found on the windward
side, while dry and gusty conditions with moderate to severe turbulence
are present on the lee side. This condition often produces wave action as
well as the warm and dry wind on the lee side(föhn wind).
The föhn wind’s effects invariably spread many miles downwind from the
mountain range. Low-level and slow-flight helicopter operations close to
the mountains on the lee side should not be attempted when these
conditions exist. Downdrafts, severe turbulence and rotor action can
overwhelm even the most powerful helicopters.
Föhn wind can cause gale force winds carrying vast amount of dust and
Large stones. Which can do damage to fuselage and engine intake.

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