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•Conductors & Non-Conductors
•Factors Affecting Electrolysis
•Exam Style Questions & Answers

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Electrical Devices & Circuit Symbols
Switch is used to
Electrical Devices Cell is the source of Battery is a
stop the flow of
are: Electricity. collection of cells.

Resistor ensures
Bulb is used to
Voltmeter is used Ammeter is used to that a suitable
register whether
to measure current. measure current. amount of current
current is flowing.
is flowing.

Variable resistor is
a resistor those
ratings can be
Devices &
Circuit Symbols
 Conductors

Conductors & Non- • A conductor is a substance that conducts

electricity but is not chemically changed during
Conductors the conduction.
• Conductors have free moving valence electrons.
• E.g graphite and metals.
 Non-Conductors
• A non-conductor is a substance that does not
allow the passage of electricity.
• It does not have free-moving valence electrons.
• E.g All non metals except graphite

This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-SA.

Electrolytes, Weak &
 Electrolyte
• Electrolytes are compounds that when molten
or dissolved in water conduct electricity.
• All acids, alkalis, and salts are electrolytes.
• They conduct electricity by the movement of
ions between electrodes.
 Weak Electrolyte
• Weak acids and weak alkalis are classified as
weak electrolytes.
• They contain only few ions.
Electrolytes, Weak &
  Non-Electrolyte
•  Non Electrolyte is a liquid which does not
allow the passage of electricity.
• Distilled water, alcohol, oil, paraffin, and their
organic solvents are examples of non-
• The process of decomposing a compound by passage of an
electric current is called electrolysis.
• When electricity is passed through electrolyte, anions start
moving towards anode and cations towards cathode.
• Anions are usually non-metal ion for example Cl-, Br- and
• Cations are usually metal ion for example Ag+, Cu+2 and
• When anion reach anode they lose their electron to anode,
which is ready to gain electron due to positive charge.
• When cation reach cathode they gain electron from cathode,
which is ready to donate electron due to negative charge.
Factors affecting

 Position of ion in reactivity

• More reactive ion undergoes
Factors affecting
 Concentration
• If the concentration of particular ion is high,
then this can alter the preferential discharge.
• Concentrated ion will be discharged.
 Types of Electrode
• Type of electrode used can affect the
• Carbon electrodes are inert electrodes and do
not effect electrolysis.
Electrolysis of
NaCl Solution
• Ions Present in the Solution
• Anions present in solution are
OH- (from water) and Cl- (from
• Cations present in solution are
H+ (from water) and Na+ (from
Electrolysis of Concentrated NaCl Solution

 Reaction
• Anode
• Chloride and hydroxide ions migrate toward the anode.
• Chloride ions are discharged as the concentration of chloride ions is
• 2 chloride ions lose 2 electrons to form chlorine gas.
Electrolysis of Concentrated NaCl Solution

• Cathode
• Sodium and hydrogen ion travel towards the cathode.
• Hydrogen ion is discharged as sodium is too high up in the reactivity
• 2 hydrogen ions gain 2 electrons to form hydrogen gas.
Exam Style Questions


Electroplating of steel objects with

silver Involves three steps.
step 1 A coating of copper is
applied to the object.
step 2 A coating of nickel is
applied to the object.
step 3 The coating of silver is
applied to the object.
Exam Style Questions

 A diagram of the apparatus used for step 1 is


 Answer the Questions Given below:

Exam Style Questions
The chemical process taking place on the surface of the object is

Explain whether this process is oxidation or reduction.

• This process is a reduction. Copper ion is gaining electrons.

The concentration of copper ions in the electrolyte remains constant throughout step
1. Why?

• The formation of copper ions at the anode happens at the same rate as the removal of copper ions at the
Exam Style Questions
Give two changes that would be
Give two in order to
changes coat
that nickel
would be
onto the
needed objecttoincoat
in order stepnickel
onto the object in step 2.

replace (anode of) copper with nickel.

Answer: replace electrolyte with nickel(II) sulfate / NiSO4.
• Copper, nickel, and silver are transition elements. Typical physical properties of transition elements are a high density and a high melting point.

Give three different properties of

transition metals that are not
typical of other metals.
Exam Style Questions
(good) catalysts;
variable oxidation numbers;
form colored compounds / colored ions;

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