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Do’s and Don’ts in Researching

2022 TV-PG
Every researcher wants to submit an excellent
research paper at the termination of their research.
Your piece of writing is the only medium that
conveys your hard work to the readers. Whether
you write an abstract, a research paper, research
proposals or thesis, your ways of presenting the
data and your writing style all together create a
holistic picture of you. Owing to the utter
significance of a research paper, here are some tips
can ease the+ complicated
MY LIST process of writing.

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1. Explain ideas and concepts in a precise way. Writing stories in an elaborated way is not good for a
useful paper.

2. Be honest about the findings and methodology of the research. Strive for honesty in all scientific
communications. Honestly report data, results, methods and procedures, and publication status.

3. Disclose methods, materials, assumptions, analyses, and other information needed to evaluate your

4. Protect confidential communications, such as papers or grants submitted for publication, personnel
records, trade or military secrets, and patient records.

5. Avoid discrimination against colleagues or students on the basis of sex, race, ethnicity, or other factors
not related to scientific competence and integrity.
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6. Cite and Acknowledge Sources: Properly cite all sources of information and ideas used in your research to
give credit to the original authors and demonstrate the basis of your work. Acknowledge the contributions of
others by citing their relevant work and providing appropriate references.

7. Engage in Peer Review: Participate in the peer review process as both a reviewer and an author. Constructive
feedback from peers can improve the quality of research and help maintain high standards in the scientific

8. Reproducibility and Transparency: Strive for reproducibility by sharing your data, code, and methodology
openly. This transparency fosters trust in your findings and allows others to verify and build upon your work.

9. Ethical Considerations: Adhere to ethical standards in research involving human subjects, animals, or
sensitive data. Obtain necessary approvals from ethics committees and follow established guidelines to ensure
the well-being of participants and the integrity of the research.

10. Collaboration and Communication: Collaborate with fellow researchers and experts in related fields. Effective
communication, both within your research team and with the broader scientific community, can lead to innovative
ideas and a deeper understanding of complex problems.
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1. Plagiarize: Never use someone else's work without proper attribution or permission.

2. Rush: Avoid hasty conclusions; take time for comprehensive analysis and interpretation.

3. Bias: Minimize personal bias in research design, data collection, and interpretation.

4. Ignore Feedback: Don't dismiss constructive criticism; use it to refine vour research.

5. Manipulate Data: Never alter or manipulate data to fit desired outcomes; report findings accurately.
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6. Oversell: Avoid making exaggerated claims beyond the scope of your findings.

7. Lack of Reproducibility: Ensure your research is designed in a way that others can replicate your results.

8. Neglect Proofreading: Poor grammar and writing can undermine the credibility of your research.

9. Ignoring Ethics: Don't overlook ethical considerations, especially when involving human subjects.

10. Incomplete Citations: Don't leave out citations for sources you've used in your work.
2022 GRADE 12 C | GROUP 2

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