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Game: Dream job!

1. Work in groups of 5-6

2. Write as many jobs as possible in 3 minutes

3. The team with the longest correct list will


How do people find job?

Websites Job fair Job advertisement

Unit 6: People and work
Writing: A job advertisement

1. Review
2. Draw out format
vocabularies related 3. Write a full job
to jobs and personal
of a job
qualities advertisement
Structure of a job advertisement
Job title Acrobat


Personal qualities

Skills and talents

Interview place
List out some personal qualities
List out some personal qualities
1. Take out the handout “Dream job”
2. Keep working in groups of 5-6
3. list out some personal qualities related to the jobs that you have
written, 1 point for 1 correct word

Pilot Teacher

brave knowledgeable

….. …..
Grammar note

What tense do they use in the

first sentence?
Present continuous

Do they use long or short

sentences? Shortened sentences
No pronoun
Look at the advert. Find and correct the mistakes.
What sentences can be shortened?

Write a job advert
Option 1 Write a job advert

1. Think of an unusual job

2. Brainstorm vocabularies you use to write

about personal qualities, talents and skills

3. Write a full job advert and decorate

Option 2
Write a job advert

1. Work in groups of 5-6

2. Think of an unusual job

3. Brainstorm vocabularies you use to write

about personal qualities, talents and skills
4. Write a full job advert and decorate
Reflection checklist
How did you do? Tick the sentences that you think are true.

I wrote suitable job title.

I wrote a short introduction.

I wrote about personal qualities.

I wrote about talents and skills.

I included interview place

I used shortened sentences.

Option 1

1. Display students’ job advert

2. Students go around to choose

one job they like
3. The job with the most votes
will win.
Option 2

1. Display students’ job advert as a job fair

2. Each group presents and introduce

about their job advert
3. Students listen and choose one
job they like

4. The job with the most votes

will win.
What have we leant today?
Writing – workbook

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