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Business | Marketing Mix

By Aarush, Mamdouh, Dawood & Zain

• Slide 3 – Marketing Mix
• Slide 4  - Product 
• Slide 5 -  Product 
• Slide 6 - Price
• Slide 7 - Price
• Slide 8 - Placement
• Slide 9 - Placement
• Slide 10 - Promotion
• Slide 11 - Promotion
• Slide 12 - Real Life Example of 4Ps (Apple iPhone)
• Slide 13 - HPL & SDG
Marketing Mix
• ‘Marketing Mix’ is a set of controllable marketing tools or strategies
that a company uses to advertise its products or services to its target
audience. It is a fundamental concept in marketing. The four primary
elements of the marketing mix—often referred to as the "4Ps" are
product, price, promotion, and place.
• Businesses can create effective marketing strategies that help them
reach and engage their target audience by taking these four
components of the marketing mix into consideration and managing
them well. Increased sales, client loyalty, and eventually business
success can result from this. 

• The term "product" in marketing mix, refers to a good or service that a business sells to
its clients. This includes the product's attractive design, packaging, branding, and other
components. The most significant part of the marketing mix is the product itself. 
• There are various ways a product can be successful. Firstly, and most importantly, a
product must fulfill client needs and wants in order to be successful. It must also be
fairly priced for the purchase to be justified. The product must also make money for the
company to avoid losses and possible long-term failure of the venture. 
• Businesses can develop a product as well. It can provide an USP, a competitive edge and
spur internal growth, but it can also be expensive and lead to losses if it doesn't work out.
However, some large businesses with research funding are willing to take the chance on
creating new products. Failure can damage a business’s reputation.

• Building a powerful brand and fostering consumer loyalty requires both brand image and
packaging. Brand image is the overall impression that consumers have of a business, including
their reputation, values, personality, and identity. A strong brand image distinguishes a business
from their competitors, fosters customer loyalty, and increases sales and revenue. It also builds
trust and credibility with customers. A good brand image also boosts brand image, attracts new
customers, increases market share, and gives a business an edge over rivals.
• A product's packaging is also essential since it prevents spoilage, allows for easy usage, and
facilitates safe transportation of the product from the warehouse to the destination. It must be
appropriate for the product and not too delicate. Additionally, packaging can draw clients by
making a good first impression and giving details about the goods, enticing clients to purchase
the product. To give consumers a consistent brand experience, it is crucial to make sure that the
packaging is not only practical but also aesthetically pleasing and in line with the business’s

• ‘Price’ describes the sum of money that customers must pay to purchase a good or
service. Pricing choices can have a big effect on a company's sales, profits, and
market share. A thorough analysis of factors such as manufacturing costs,
competition, and client demand is necessary to determine the appropriate pricing
for a good or service.
• A pricing plan needs to be in line with the company's overall marketing and
business goals. In the long-term, costs should be covered by the price, and the
business’s prices needs to be compared with the the prices of the competitors’
products. A well implemented pricing plan can aid a company in achieving its
revenue and sales targets, cultivating client loyalty, and eventually boosting
business growth. 
• Businesses need a solid pricing plan if they want to develop, increase
customer loyalty, and meet revenue targets. They might decide to
charge more to position themselves as a luxury brand or less to appeal
to clients who are price conscious. You may employ a variety of
pricing techniques, such as cost-plus, competitive, penetration,
market/price skimming, and promotional pricing, to achieve your
marketing goals while paying for ongoing expenses. Prior to
execution, each strategy's advantages and disadvantages must be taken
into account. Therefore, in order to achieve their revenue and sales
goals as well as grow their customer base, businesses need a well-
thought-out pricing strategy.

• ‘Place’ refers to the various distribution channels and methods that a

business uses to make its products or services available to its target
customers. This includes decisions about where the products will be
sold, how they will be transported, and how they will be stored.
• This is important because it ensures that the products are available in
the right locations and at the right times to meet the needs of the target
customers. This involves analyzing customer needs and preferences,
understanding the competition, and selecting the most effective
channels to reach customers.

• There are four channels of distribution, which are:

• - Retail Distribution: The practice of selling products in physical stores.
• - Direct Distribution: Direct sales of products to customers online.
• - Wholesale Distribution: Selling to middlemen who subsequently resell them.
• - Franchise Distribution: Allowing independent businesses (franchisees) to sell their
products under the franchiser’s branding.
• The revenues, profitability, and consumer satisfaction of a business depend on
selecting the appropriate distribution channel. Companies must build plans to
effectively reach their target markets and determine which channels are best for their
products or services.

• Promotion involves communicating with customers to inform, persuade, and remind them
about the company's products or services. It refers to the various activities that businesses
undertake to create awareness of their brand, increase demand, and generate sales.
• The objectives of the promotion mix include creating awareness, generating interest,
persuading customers, and reminding them about the product or service. 
• Effective promotion can increase brand awareness, encourage customer loyalty, create a sense
of urgency for customers to purchase a product, and differentiate a company from competitors.
• Ultimately, promotion can significantly influence a company's sales and profitability.
• There is also types of advertisements: Informative advertisements is a type of advertisement
that focuses on providing information, and Persuasive advertisements is a types of
advertisement that aim to persuade the audience to take a specific action.

• Businesses often use sale promotions to encourage customers to make a purchase, here are
two very common examples:
• - Discounts and Coupons: One of the most popular kinds of sales marketing is the
distribution of discounts and coupons. If a customer thinks they are getting a good deal, they
have a tendency to purchase the product. 
• - Buy One, Get One (BOGO): Customers can receive a free item when they buy one item at
full price during BOGO sales. This is a common strategy used by retailers who need to
move goods. This makes the customer feel like they are getting more in value.
• In summary, sales promotions are a useful strategy for companies aiming to increase sales
and draw in new clients. Businesses can entice customers to make purchases and foster
long-term loyalty by providing discounts, coupons, limited-time deals, and other incentives.
Real Life Example of 4Ps | Apple iPhone
• Apple's marketing plan for the iPhone is extremely dependent on the
four Ps of marketing (product, pricing, location, and promotion). To
retain its reputation as a luxury product, the iPhone is marketed as a
high-end smartphone with premium features that is also sold at a
premium price. Apple sells the iPhone through a variety of outlets,
including its own stores and approved resellers. Its marketing plan
includes aggressive platform advertising that emphasizes the
product's cutting-edge innovation and technology. Apple's product
mix places an emphasis on quality rather than quantity, and the
company's marketing approach encourages premium branding by
putting a significant emphasis on the four Ps.

• Meta Thinking – We were able to critically think about the Marketing

Mix – the 4Ps and the impact they have on businesses and business
activity in general.
• Linking – We were able to link the 4Ps to the marketing choices and
how marketing choices impacted the sale of iPhones.
• Agile – We were able to take risks and were creative in our
powerpoint. We were also curious about how certain marketing
decisions worked.

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