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 Let’s dig deeper and break down the essential questions to answer
about the discussion:
1. What is required in transporting a victim or an injured person?
Answer and Rationale:
• It requires a safe place and great care for the victim. 
• Before transporting the victim, one must be extremely careful and
check the vital signs of the patient (perform CPR if necessary). A
first aider must see through it if the place is safe enough to drag the
victim. There are instances wherein the area is dangerous for the
victim such as streets, mountains, seas, rocky, wild, or secluded
2. What are the factors a first aider must consider when
carrying or transporting the victim?
Answer and Rationale:
• The first aider must consider the weight and height of the
victim (if he/she can be dragged since the body mass
and gravity affect our energy to pull or carry someone).
One must know the techniques on how to safely carry
the injured person before performing the act.
• Check the status of the victim if he or she is unconscious
or conscious. If the victim is already conscious do the
basic questioning like
“Are you okay?”
“What happened?”
“Are you hurt somewhere?”
“What’s your name?
“Where do you live?”
•In addition, check for the safety of the area such
as smooth flooring, narrow, wide, dry, and wet,
which can affect the difficulty in lifting or
carrying the person.

•Also, ask and check if there are injuries the victim

got before he/she was unconscious, if he or she
can stand, or in pain with fracture, bruises,
abrasion, avulsion, or punctures.
•In addition, check for the safety of the area such
as smooth flooring, narrow, wide, dry, and wet,
which can affect the difficulty in lifting or
carrying the person.

•Also, ask and check if there are injuries the victim

got before he/she was unconscious, if he or she
can stand, or in pain with fracture, bruises,
abrasion, avulsion, or punctures.
3. What are the types of carrying or transporting the victim?
The types of carrying or transporting
the victim are:
Shoulder Drag
Fireman’s Carry
Fireman’s Drag or Tied Hands Crawl
Blanket Drag
Pack-Strap Carry
Chair Carry
Two-Person Carry
Hammock Carry
Bearer Alongside
(A student will be called to read one of the
transportation techniques and explanation)
Shoulder Drag - used when the floor is smooth,
short-distance transport. The shoulder drag is
another emergent maneuver for when a person
needs to be moved quickly. This drag is
difficult to perform over long distances as it's
physically taxing on the rescuer. The feet
dragging is a last resort.
Fireman’s Carry - the easiest way to
transport a light and smaller victim.
The fireman's carry allows a soldier
to carry an injured comrade securely
using only one hand, leaving the
other hand free to carry and fire
their weapon if required.
Piggy Back – when the victim is
conscious but cannot walk.
Fireman’s Drag or Tied Hands Crawl –
used when the first aider and victim must
crawl underneath a low structure. It can
also be used to drag an unconscious
casualty for a short distance. To carry a
casualty by this method, lie the patient
flat on his/her back. Cross the patient's
wrists and tie them together.
The blanket drag can be used to
move a person who, due to the
severity of the injury, should not be
lifted or carried by one person
alone. Place the casualty in the
supine position on a blanket and
pull the blanket along the floor.
The pack-strap carry is used when the
victim is smaller than the first aider and
is generally used to carry a conscious or
unconscious casualty for a moderate
distance. This carry is not used if the
casualty has a broken arm or wrist. The
pistol-belt carry is generally used to carry a
conscious or unconscious casualty for a
long distance.
Chair Carry - when there are two first
aiders and a chair is available. This is
a good method for carrying victims up
and down stairs or through narrow or
uneven areas.
The two-man support carry can
be used to transport either a
conscious or an unconscious
casualty. It is especially useful if
the casualty is conscious and
needs assistance walking or is too
heavy for one person.
The hammock carry is when there are
three first aider It is a method of moving a
patient with three or more rescuers
positioned on both sides of the victim
(usually with the strongest on a side with
the fewest rescuers).
Bearer Alongside - carriers
will stay on the uninjured side
of the victim. This technique is
for lifting patients onto a bed
or stretcher, or for transporting
them short distances.
4. Why do think these
techniques are essential in
our daily life?
(The student may vary in
constructing their ideas)
Why do we need to study these
transporting or carrying techniques?
Why do we need to study these
transporting or carrying techniques?

It can prevent further damage to the victim,

can save the lives of injured people, and can
be useful, especially for accidents and
Did you know that in the Philippines, we have a
traditional way of carrying a child?

Some Traditional Slings or Carrying Practices

It was believed that mothers of tribes make a sling

carrier for babies to avoid harming their babies
from anitos, wild animals, and sickness.
Here’s the traditional way of how Negritos carry
their child.
Here’s the traditional way of how Negritos carry
their child.

Aetas use an ‘ubfan’ to carry the child. It is

practically any thin blanket, about 2-3 meters in
length and less than 1.5m in width. It can be made
with any fabric, sometimes they even use katsa or
flour sack. They use the hip carry and finish it with
a double knot by tying both ends
Do you
have any
about our
FIX THE PUZZLE (10 minutes)
Group yourselves into 13 and build
the pieces of the puzzle together.
Identify what type of transporting or
carrying is given in your puzzle and
explain why is it essential in our
daily life.
You have 5 minutes to
brainstorm and fix the puzzle
Based on your groups before,
demonstrate the proper techniques in
carrying and transporting an injured
person according to their situation.
Make sure to follow the criteria given
below. You have 5 minutes to prepare
for your skit and choose the
representatives of your group.
Situation #1:
You are on a mountain trip with three of
your friends. Sadly, as you climb the
peak of the mountain one of your
friends slipped on a rock and got his or
her legs badly injured. What
transporting method will you use to
help your friend? Follow the correct
method in helping an injured person.
Situation #2:
While you are standing on the side of
a highway, a stranger beside you
walking towards you suddenly got a
heart attack and collapsed in the
middle of the road. What method of
transporting will you use to ensure
the injured person’s safety?
Situation #3:
You are upstairs with your family when
an earthquake happened in your area.
You know that you have to exit
immediately with your brother and your
mother who is incapable of walking due
to her severe operation on her leg. What
method will you use if you don’t have an
available wheelchair in your home?
Situation #3:
You are upstairs with your family when
an earthquake happened in your area. You
know that you have to exit immediately
with your brother and your mother who is
incapable of walking due to her severe
operation on her leg. What method will
you use if you don’t have an available
will chair in your home?

TOTAL 100%
Write down the safety steps
before and during transporting
the injured person safely and
explain their importance. Use an
essay format and follow the
rubrics below:

For your assignment, draw the proper

techniques for transporting or carrying an
injured person. Follow the criteria below:
Concept/Ideas – 50%
Creativity - 25%
Neatness – 25%
Total of 100%

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