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Presented By
Sonali Sahoo
Department of Psychology
 Definition
 Needs of adolescence
 Problems of adolescence
 Solution of adolescent problem
 Conclusion
 It derived from a Latin word adolescence, which
means to grow up or to grow to maturity. It is a
critical a critical stage of development which lies
between later childhood and maturity. It is the
time period of childhood to adulthood.
 This period develops our personality in new
 It is the period to learn new things.
 It is period of anxieties and worries.
 Adolescence is the period of rapid changes in the
individual’s physical, mental, moral, emotional,
social and sexual aspects.
 Period of ambitions as well as of conflicts and
Needs of adolescent
 The adolescence needs may be conveniently divided into two

Needs of

Primary Needs Secondary Needs

Or Or
Physiological Needs Socio-psychological Needs
Primary or psychological needs include
bare necessities of life such as

 Needs for oxygen

 Needs for water and food
 Needs for rest and sleep
 Needs for sex
Secondary or Socio-psychological needs

 Need for love

 Needs for recognition and approval
 Needs for achievement
 Needs for freedom and independence
 Needs for self expression
Problems of Adolescence
 Depression
 Sexual activity
 Drug and alcohol consume
 Peer Pressure
 Social media
Solution of adolescent problem
 Paying attention to their problem with love and sympathy
 Keep them mentally busy
 Tasks should be given according to their interest
 Counselling – educational, vocational, personal
 NCC, NSS, Sports, Game, Cultural Program
 Aim to develop leadership qualities
 Immediate feedback for doing good-awards, certificates of
Conclusively as an adolescent you should be aware
of oneself and know what will benefit your also
what will affect you so as to live a healthy
adolescence towards adulthood and the rest of
your life time.

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