Personality Development Workshop 2023

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Personality Development Workshop

Sonali Chitalkar

Department of Pol. Sc (Miranda House)

Delhi University
Personality Development Workshop

 Whatis Personality ? What do we mean by

develop your personality?
 Can it be developed ? Yes
 How do we understand Personality
2 ways
 Western way and Indic Way
What is Personality ? Western Focus on Mind
and Behavior
Indic View of Personality : Panch Kosha
How Does All This Help us in Today’s
Discussion on Careers etc
 Four Main Things

 You have to Focus on Your Mind

 You Have to Self Assess
 You have to work on Yourself
 You You You
What is a Career
Career can be defined as the
sum of decisions that direct
your educational, social,
economic, political and
spiritual endeavors and reflect
your unique personality
characteristics and basic life
values .
Major Points For Discussion : Module B
What is a Career ?

Itis the sum total of decisions

that direct your Educational,
Social , Economic, Political,
Spiritual Endeavors
Career vs Job

The main difference between career

and a job is that a job is just something
you do for money, whereas a career is a
long term endeavor, something you
build towards and work upon everyday.
A job is just a role, but a career is made
up of the combination of roles,
experiences, education and pathways .
Why is career better than a job?

A job may give a steady pay-cheque

short-term, but a career gives you
long term financial security, as it
encourages you to build on your
skills and continue learning in order
to move up the career ladder .
Disadvantage of Jobs
As technology advances, industries
evolve, or things like recessions cause
some jobs to become unstable, a career
acts like a safety net. The more skills,
qualifications and experience you have
in your career-area, the more
prepared you will be for any situation .
If you’re enjoying a career in an
area you’re passionate about, you’ll
get more job satisfaction and sense
of pride in what you do, which in
turn leads to increased overall
happiness. A career will challenge
you on a daily basis.
The Story of Pranav
 Class 10 , son of an Army Officer , regular middle class
 Student of Humanities
 Fine Art – not a natural artist but worked and learnt
 Skill – Commercial Art – Graphic Design –Worked at top
levels in Media Houses
 Industry underwent a Change. Everything came on Mobile.
 Tough Decision – Went abroad for a M.A Communications
Design, at the age of 38.
 Came back – Within 2 years is now placed in a Swiss Bank.
Package of 64 Lacs
What is the thing that one can identify
in his Career graph ?
Openness to Learning
Focus on Self
Doing – No one else is going to do it for
Emotional Stability
Career Development Skills

 Identifying a Career Opportunity

 Major Steps :
1. Self Assessment
2. Matching of Skills With Career
3. Gathering Information about Matched Career
4. Identifying Career openings
5. Fixing Career Goals
Self Assessment

Educational Qualification
Career Matching
 Level I : Careers That Match With Educational Qualification

 Level II : Careers That Match With Educational Qualification and


 Level III: Careers That Match With Educational Qualification,

Experience, Skill

 Level IV: Careers That Match With Educational Qualification,

Experience, Skill Interest
Finding Career Opportunities

 Job Portals
 Newspapers
 Employment Exchanges
 LinkedIn
 Placement Drives
 Identify Companies
 StartWorking …Most of the Skills that You can
acquire are in the Real World
Find out Information About Careers That
You Have Identified

Job Profile
Career Path
Entry Level Salaries
Example of Sonali Chitalkar
Careers Final

 Set Career Goals , not JOB Goals

 Make a Flowchart of Your career

 What more can I learn ? Identify the Skills that will take
you to the next level
 Time flow your progression
 Investment Versus Expenditure in Careers
Resume Skills
 What is a Resume ?
 Resume Vs CV
 Broad Framework

1. Personal Statement – What are You . Think about it !! Your identity is made up of your academic
area you are pursuing,the internships,projects you have done , your and one statement on Your Why
2. Personal Details
3. Demographic data

4. Educational Qualifications
5. Professional Experience
6. Technical Qualifications
7. Core Competencies
8. Achievements
9. References
How to make it Still Better
 Powerful words
Tailored to the purpose
Mention language proficiency
Computers proficiency
Simple logical
Forward to backward or vice versa
Put the job You are applying for above all. Resume should be able to convey
your eligibility for the job

 Why are you changing?

Search resume on Google.
Sleep over it
Take Feedback
Contact details
Decent photograph
Some guidelines

 Company values: To demonstrate that you are a good fit for the company,
use key terms that the company uses to describe itself. You might find this
language on the company’s “About Us” web page. For example, if the
company identifies itself as “innovative,” one power word you might
incorporate into your resume is “innovate” or “innovative.” 
 Popular skill words: There are certain skills  that almost every employer is
looking for in a job candidate. For example, employers always want an
employee who is responsible, passionate, and a strong leader. Try to use this
kind of language to demonstrate you have these essential skills.
Keywords: Keywords are words from the job listing that relate to
particular skills or other requirements for the job. By embedding them in
your resume or cover letter, you will demonstrate, at a glance, that you fit
the requirements of the position. Keywords might be “analyzed,”
“quantified,” “planned,” “programmed,” “designed,” “taught,” or
Industry buzzwords and jargon: Each industry has certain keywords that
are important. Knowing and accurately using those words demonstrates you
have the necessary hard skills.
Resume buzzwords: You can decode the buzzwords that employers use in
job postings, and use them to highlight your relevant skills in your resume.
Sprinkle the appropriate buzzwords into your resume and cover letter to
demonstrate that you are a part of the industry. Some common buzzwords
are experienced," "expert," "skilled," "facilitated," "launched," and

 Main Purpose is to select the best Candidate for the Job

 What All Can You Do ?
 Be Prepared
 Online
 Panel
 One to One
 Practice Practice, Practice – Mirror , You Tube
Main Points Round up

 Dressing : Both Online and Offline

 Connectivity
 Punctuality
 Non Verbal Communication
 Verbal Communication
Presentation Skills

 Presentation has to be
 Clear, Concise , Crisp
 How?
 First make a written Draft . Compile your Material
 Then make a Presentation
 In the Slides Have Only Points
 Do not Read from the PPT. Explain Each Point .
 A Script that You have Practiced
 Infantry School - !0 Kms with 23 Kg , 6 minutes per Km
 Fauja Singh – 102 years , runs 46 Marathon
 Reading
 Time Management
 Basic Human Values
 Adaptability
 Seeking Responsibility
 The only Thing Stopping You is Your Own Mind
Finally …….

In the Comfort Zone

There is only Comfort

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