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Learning goals-
• Definition of genetics related terminologies.
• Important terms related to genetics.
Starter questions
Family members resemble each other. Why?
The baby resembles his father or mother?
What do you know about

• The study of mechanism of

Genetics heredity

Heredity • Transmission of genetic

characters from parents to
Variation in population

• Within a species individuals share many characters or traits.

• Within the same race or tribes or even family, members show
2 differences in body features.

• Small differences among individuals are called variation

Character VS trait

characte • Any inheritable feature

• Alternative forms of a
Character Vs trait
colour of eye brown or blue
eyebrow heavy bushy or
Height thin
Ear lobe tall and short
Colour of the skin
free or attach
dark and fair
• “Your father and mother both are of same height. But
you are short and your sister is tall. Your maternal
grandparents have fair complexion. But your mom has
a dark complexion.” Find out the character and the
trait from the above statement .
Chromosomes- the carrier of heredity
Karyotype:- artificial arrangement of chromosome
according to their size and shape on a chart.
Chromosomes in homologous pairs
• Chromosomes always occur in pair.
1 • One from each parent.

• In human 46 chromosome means 23 pairs.

2 • The two chromosomes of each pair are similar in size and shape

• A pair of corresponding chromosome of the same shape and size,
one from each parent is called as Homologous chromosome
• A pair of
chromosomes of the
same shape and size,
one obtained from each
Homologous chromosome
Gene and Allele
• Gene- Specific parts (DNA segments) of a chromosome which determine the
hereditary characteristics.
• Every gene has two alternative forms for a character producing different
• These alternative forms are called alleles.
• Allele- Alternative forms of a gene, occupying the same position on the
homologous chromosomes and affecting the same characteristic but in
different ways
• Dominant allele- the kind of allele which
expresses itself regardless of the presence of
another allele/s for a given gene.
• Dominant alleles are denoted in the upper
Dominant case. Eg: Tall (TT)
• Recessive alleles- the kind of allele whose
and expression is suppressed in the presence of a
Recessive dominant allele for a given gene.
• Recessive genes can only express itself in
alleles the presence of another recessive gene.
• They are denoted in the lower case. E.g.
dwarf (tt)
Dominant and Recessive allele
• Superruling allele.

Dominant • This allele will be expressed if present.

• Represented by a capital letter.

• Subordinate or submissive allele.

Recessive • This allele will only be expressed in absence of

a dominant allele.
• Represented by small letter.
• Homozygous- when both alleles are similar.
Eg (TT), (rr)
Heterozygou • Heterozygous- when alleles are dissimilar
Eg. (Tt), (Rr)
s and
• Homozygous dominant
• Homozygous recessive
Homozygous and Heterozygous
Homozygous dominant or Homozygous Recessive
• Genotype- The set of genes present in the
cells of an organism.
Genotype • Denoted by alphabets. Eg; Aa, RR
and • Phenotype- the observable characteristics
which are genetically controlled.
Phenotype • Description of the organism. Eg: Axial
flowers, Tongue roller
Categories of chromosome
(in Human)
• Chromosome pairs numbered 1-22
Autosomes • Do not influence the sex of an
• Responsible of body characters.

• 23rd pair of chromosomes.

Sex • Influence the sex of an individual.
chromosome •

In male it is XY
In female it is XX
Gene and Genome

• The genome of an organism is the whole of

Genome its hereditary information encoded in its

• Includes all gene and the intergenic regions

• Specific DNA segments of a chromosome,

Gene which determines the hereditary

Gene and Genome
Understanding Punette square
Inheritance in humans
Character Dominant trait Recessive trait
Eye color Brown Blue
Tongue Rolling Non rolling
Hand Right handed Left handed
Ear lobe Free Attached
Lips Thick Thin
Rh Blood group Positive Negative
Cheek Dimpled Normal
Hair Curly Straight

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