Edusol Student Tracking System

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EduSol is a tracking system which integrates RFID with Moblie Technology EduSol is a Automated Tracking System provides option of standalone as well as web based solution. EduSol Student Tracking system can be integrated with EduSol School ERP System.

Invented in 1948 by Harry Stockman. Initial application was during World War II-The United Kingdom used RFID devices to

distinguish returning English airplanes from

inbound German ones. RADAR was only able to signal the presence of a plane, not the kind of plane it was.. Came into commercial use only in 1990s.

What is RFID? Radio Frequency Identification

Read without


Reading without person waiting or stopping

Will read through plastic, paper, glass, wood, clothing, etc Allows reading without other person being aware

RFID choices for People Tracking Passive UHF Active

UHF = 5 to 7 meters Active = 25 to 100 meters

UHF is used in metal-free/liquid-free areas where there are hundreds of people but only few read points Active is used where large distances are required and number of read points are high

Easy to track People and their movement without delays Electronic RFID tags cannot be duplicated without password authorization Electronic RFID tags cannot be tampered by outside elements Immediate alarm in case of misuse or tampered card use


Turbo-charged Customer Service
Track & Alert immediately when people move around areas

Get real-time Metrics and Usage data

Measure time spent by people in the branch and at various areas

Simplify Queue Management

Use as replacement for token-numbering system

Use for Student time and attendance

No need to punch-in or get it line to record timing

Security-guard friendly identification

Super fast ID as people walk in-and-out.

Passive RFID: How does it look?

RFID Card is tracked as people move through the RFID gateway. Portal will be located at each entry/exit and areas connecting various building blocks. Portal is mounted on the side of gates or on ceiling. Camouflaged to be part of dcor.

Active RFID: How does it look?

Students are trained to always wear their ID Card. This is a must. Visitors can be given temporary IDs on a returnable basis

Data is captured automatically with date/time/location as person moves in or out

Project Implementation Steps

Order Hardware Commissioning

Project LIVE

Hardware Installation

Ongoing Training

Software Development & Customisation


Ongoing Support

Upon PO Receipt Post Installation

Hardware Delivery


~ 5 days

~ 5 days

Software and Reporting

At the core of our industry specific application is a special middleware software that interacts with the RFID hardware. Our solutions are flexible and can be modified by our clients to a certain extent. Our application provides extensive reports and is designed for easy visibility into attendance and movement of people/visitors.

Reports and Exceptions

Following Reports are available: Attendance tracking for entire location Report per person by date/time Report per gate by date/time Report per security guard by date/time Report per visitor by date/time Report per person by movement gate Following Exceptions are managed:

Wrong person in area Wrong person at restricted time RFID tag tamper alert Overstay of employee or visitor Entry in High Security Zone by un authorised person


Front side of Sample RFID Card

Packet of blank un-printed Passive UHF ID Cards. Same size as Credit cards RFID Chip is inside the Card Tamper proof, Water-proof, Dust-proof Active RFID Card RFID Chip is inside the Card RFID Battery can last over 5 years Tamper proof, Water-proof, Dust-proof


Cards can be pre-printed through printing shops. All art-work and data is supplied and cards arrive in few days. This is useful for one-time bulk printing of cards at the start of the installation An ID Card Printer can print on plastic cards and useful for ongoing printing of cards on-site

Once printed, the correct RFID Tags are assigned on the computer with a simple RFID reader and then distributed to correct people


Alien ALR-8800 Reader Depending on the type of application, we can recommend two types of RFID Fixed Readers Fixed Readers are connected to the LAN using standard RJ-45 cables and need A/C power Fixed Readers can be used as install-and-forget with minimal maintenance and upkeep CSR-6021 Reader


Portable Wi-Fi + Bluetooth RFID + Barcode Extra Long Battery


Useful for performing surprise checks within the campus


The attendance management process of this attendance

software can be integrated with RFID access card system.

Reports about student present/absent students or those

reporting late can be generated and a notification through sms to mobile phones can be sent to their parents with this attendance management software.

The attendance reports will be generated by system day

wise/student wise.

Each Student will be given a RFID ID Card Each morning, they have to walk through the gate for their time and attendance Each Student ID will be read from a distance No need of Flashing the ID Card. It will even read through clothes/handbags. They just have to carry ID Card or Hang on to the Neck, ID detection will happen automatically As many as 10-15 Students ID can be read in a few seconds. Reporting through SMS is done automatically to the parent Individual Student Report can be generated, Statistical Student attendance record maintained.


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