DS-D Rayyan Mohsin 22i-2052

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Presentation by:

Muhammad Rayyan Mohsin

Table of Contents

● Fundamentals of Stoicism

● The Inception

● Stoic Way of Life

● Examples
What is Stoicism?
Stoicism is a philosophy that advocates living a
virtuous life in harmony with reason, accepting what
we cannot control, and focusing on what we can
● Founded by a philosopher named Zeno from
Ancient Greece.

● Later developed by other notable

philosophers, including Cleanthes,
Chrysippus, and Epictetus.

● The philosophy was named after the Stoa

Poikile, a place Zeno and his followers
Become Undefeatable


Personal Growth

Self - Improvement

Virtue Ethics
Stoic View Of Life The Stoic Ethics

● Acceptance ● Living a life of Integrity

● Non-Materialistic mindset ● Fairness

● Vitality of Inner virtues ● Cosmopolitanism

● Rationality ● Advocacy for nature

Stoic philosophy emphasizes the importance of daily
practices to cultivate virtue and to develop resilience.
These practices include journaling, meditation and
visualizing worst case scenarios. By engaging in these
practices, one can develop the ability to face adversity
with courage and serenity.
The Epic Portrayal of Stoicism by Bruce
Arya Stark, a product of Stoic Philosophy.

"The chief task in life is simply this: to identify

and separate matters so that I can say clearly to
myself which are externals not under my control,
and which have to do with the choices I actually
control" - Epictetus
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