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AI & Its Multidisciplinary Research


Prof. Amlan Chakrabarti

IEEE Computer Society Distinguished Visitor, SMIEE, SACM, FWAST
Vice President, Society for Data Science (S4DS)
Director, A.K.Choudhury School of Information Technology
University of Calcutta

• AI the driver of this Century

• AI and ML Trends

• AI Research: Activities of my Group

We always overestimate the change
that will occur in the next two years
and underestimate the change
that will occur in the next ten.

- Bill Gates, The Road Ahead, 1996

Recent Trends of AI Applications
Enhancing Work Process and Business
Machine Learning is Everywhere
Machine Learning
• “Machine learning is the field of study which gives the computers the ability to learn without being explicitly
programmed”- Arther Samuels 1959

• “A computer program is said to learn from experience E with respect to some class of tasks T and
performance measure P, if its performance at tasks in T, as measured by P, improves with experience E.”-
Tom Mitchells 1997

• Machine learning focuses on the development of computer programs that can access data and use it learn
for themselves.

• Example: To predict, traffic patterns at a busy intersection (task T)

• We can run it through a machine learning algorithm with data about past traffic patterns (experience E)

• If it has successfully “learned”, it will then do better at predicting future traffic patterns (performance
measure P).
What is Machine Learning?
The Essence of Machine Learning
• Example: Predicting how a viewer will rate a movie

• 10% Improvement = 1 Million Dollar Prize

• When does Machine Learning help?

• A pattern exists

• We cannot pin it down mathematically

• We have data
Trend 1: Formative AI

Formative AI is a type of AI capable of dynamically changing to respond to a situation. There are a variety of
types, ranging from AI that can dynamically adapt over time to technologies that can generate novel models to
solve specific problems.
Formative AI is used for:
 Create new novel content (images, video etc.) or alter existing content. The new artefacts are similar to, but
not exactly the same as, the original. 
 Drug discovery and synthetic data generation
 Other emerging technologies in this trend include composite AI, differential privacy, small data and self-
supervising learning. 10
Trend 2: Neuromorphic Hardware

The human brain is the most energy efficient and the lowest latency system existing on Earth. It processes complex
information faster and in a far better way than any computer. This is largely due to its architecture which consists of
dense neurons transmitting signals through their synapses efficiently.
Neuromorphic Hardware encompasses any electrical device which mimics the natural biological structures of our
nervous system. The goal is to impart cognitive abilities to a machine by implementing neurons in silicon. Due to its
much better energy efficiency and parallelism it is being considered as an alternative over conventional architectures
and energy hungry GPUs.
IBM’s neuromorphic chip — TrueNorth has 4096 cores each having 256 neurons and each neuron having 256
synapses to communicate with others. The architecture being very close to the brain, it is very efficient in energy. It
draws 1/10,000th of the power density of a conventional Von Neumann processor. 11
Trend 3: Small Data

Small data is data that is 'small' enough for human comprehension. It is data in a volume and format that
makes it accessible, informative and actionable.
A formal definition of small data has been proposed by Allen Bonde, former vice-president of Innovation
at Actuate: "Small data connects people with timely, meaningful insights (derived from big data and/or “local”
sources), organized and packaged – often visually – to be accessible, understandable, and actionable for
everyday tasks."
 The term "big data" is about machines and "small data" is about people.  
 Big Data is all about finding correlations, but Small Data is all about finding the causation, the reason why.
Trend 4: Responsible AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) is maturing rapidly as an incredibly powerful technology with seemingly limitless
application. However, with great power comes great responsibility. Specifically, AI raises concerns on many
fronts due to its potentially disruptive impact. Responsible AI is a framework for building trust in AI solutions.
Responsible AI is intended to bring the following critical practices together:
 Ensure the ethical, transparent and accountable use of AI technologies in a manner consistent with user
expectations, organizational values and societal laws and norms.
 Guard against the use of biased data or algorithms, ensure that automated decisions are justified and
explainable, and help maintain user trust and individual privacy.
 Provide clear rules of engagement 13
Trend 5: Digital Twin / Predictive Twin

Digital twins are virtual replicas of physical devices that data scientists and IT pros can use to run simulations
before actual devices are built and deployed. The concept and model of the digital twin was publicly
introduced in 2002 by Michael Grieves of Florida Institute of Technology.
Recently, the concept of “digital” twin has been extended as “predictive” twin.
 The digital twin “can include a description of the devices, a 3D rendering and details on all the sensors in
the device. It continuously generates sensor readings that simulate real life options”. 
 The predictive twin “models the future state and behaviour of the device based on historical data from
other devices, which can simulate breakdowns and other situations that need attention”.
IOT Data Analytics and Fog
Multi – fog based IoT framework
IoT Based Data Analytics Model
Fog Based Data Analytics Model Building Work Flow
Case Study 1: PCA + SVM Based Water Quality Analysis (4/4)

Research Work Supported By: MietY, Govt. of India

Water Quality Monitoring Based Application

Research Work Supported By: MietY, Govt. of India

Case Study 2: PCA + SVM Based Fruit Quality Analysis (2/4)

P. Ganguly, A. Bose, K. Chakraborty, A. Chakrabarti and

A. K. Dasgupta, "Development of a Multi-Fog Based
Water Quality Monitoring System Using Bio-Sensing
Platform," 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Smart
Electronic Systems (iSES) (Formerly iNiS), 2018, pp. 223-
228, doi: 10.1109/iSES.2018.00056.

Research Work Supported By: MietY, Govt. of India

IoT Based Fruit Quality Monitoring


filed in April 2020, Application No.: 202031017818, Publication
Date: 29/10/2021

Research Work Supported By: MietY, Govt. of India

Machine Learning for
Medical Image Analytics
Medical Imaging

• Medical imaging is often perceived to designate the set of techniques that noninvasively
produce images of the internal aspect of the body

• As a discipline and in its widest sense, it incorporates radiology, tomography, endoscopy,

thermography, medical photography and microscopy
Computer Aided Detection & Diagnostics
Data Description
Swash Thoracic Image Dataset
Detection of Pulmonary Nodules

J Mukherjee, M Kar, A Chakrabarti, S Das, “A soft-computing based approach towards automatic detection of
pulmonary nodule,” Elsevier Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering 40 (3), 1036-1051, Vol. 40, 2020 .
Classification of Sub-Centimeter Nodules

Jhilam Mukherjee, Triparna Poddar, Madhuchanda Kar, Bhaswati Ganguli, Amlan Chakrabarti, Sayan Das:
An automated classification methodology of sub-centimeter pulmonary structures in computed tomography images.
Elsevier Comput. Electr. Eng. 84: 106629 (2020) 29
A Stochastic Approach for Automated Brain
MRI Segmentation
• We propose a novel fully automatic segmentation algorithm without any prior knowledge of the
intensity of foreground and background
• We formulate a technique based on Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) to initiate the random walker

Pubali Chatterjee , Kaushik Das Sharma , Amlan Chakrabarti: A stochastic approach for automated brain MRI
segmentation. IET Image Process. 15(3): 735-745 (2021)
3D Reconstruction of MRI

Somoballi Ghoshal, Sourav Banu, Amlan Chakrabarti, Susmita Sur-

Kolay Alok Pandit: 3D reconstruction of spine image from 2D MRI

slices along one axis. IET Image Process. 14(12): 2746-2755 (2020)

“3D Reconstruction and Slicing of MR Images of Brain”, A. Chakrabarti, S. Ghoshal,

P.Chatterjee and S. Banu, Indian Copyright Registration No.:L-69022/2017 31
Biomedical Signal
Arrhythmia Detection and Classification
using Machine Learning Techniques

Network Approaches in Anomaly Detection
for Disease Conditions

Sridhar Mandyam, Anjan Kr.

Dasgupta, Usha Sridhar, Panini
Dasgupta, Amlan Chakrabarti:
Network approaches in anomaly
detection for disease conditions.
Biomed. Signal Process. Control. 6
: 102659 (2021)

Embedded & Cloud Security
Self Aware Nature Inspired Approaches Ensuring Security
Step 1
Step 2
Analyze a Problem Survey various intelligent
Scenario security mechanisms exhibited
by different species of nature
Step 3
Propose a Self Aware Approach based
on a suitable security mechanism
exhibited in nature, to counteract the
Step 4 related problem
Step 5 Demonstrate the proposed
Implementation, methodology via FSM based
experimental validation, State Analysis
result and overhead analysis Krishnendu Guha, Sangeet Saha, Amlan
Self Aware Security for Real Time Task
Schedules in Reconfigurable Hardware
Platforms. Springer 2021, ISBN 978-3-030-
79700-3, pp. 1-183 36
Proposed Security Methodology
Krishnendu Guha , Atanu Majumder, Debasri Saha, Amlan
Chakrabarti: Dynamic power-aware scheduling of real-time tasks
for FPGA-based cyber physical systems against power draining
hardware trojan attacks. J. Supercomput. 76(11): 8972-9009

Multi-Tasking Environment (a) SoC

Architecture with Security Components
(b) Structure of a SAA

Krishnendu Guha , Debasri Saha, Amlan Chakrabarti :

Stigmergy-Based Security for SoC Operations From Runtime
Performance Degradation of SoC Components.
ACM Trans. Embed. Comput. Syst. 18(2): 14:1-14:26 (2019)

Diagrammatic Representation of the working for a Multitasking Environment (a) Normal Scenario
(b) Problem Scenario (c) Proposed Solution
Mitigating Attacks in Multi-User-Multi-
FPGA Platform

Krishnendu Guha, Amlan Chakrabarti, Krishna Paul, Biswadeep

Chatterjee: Criticality based Reduction of Security Costs in a FPGA
based Cloud Computing Farm. VLSI Design 2021: 264-269 38
ML and DL Research @ AKCSIT, CU
Computer Vision
 Computer Aided Disease Detection and Diagnosis (UGC/UPE-II, TEQIP-III, Collaborators: Peerless Hospital, Park Clinic Hospital
Kolkata, M.R. Bangur Institute of Neurosciences, SSKM Kolkata )
 Video Analytics
 Accelerating Deep Network Processing through Custom Hardware Design (Funded by DRDO, in Collaboration
with IIT Hyderabad)
Renewable Energy
 Prediction and Forecasting of Power Generation (funded by USAID in collaboration with University of Colorado
Boulder )
Text Analytics
 Sentiment Analysis from Social cites, News etc.
 AI based signature analysis of Crypto-ciphers ( Funded by DRDO)
 AI for Hardware Security in Cloud Platforms ( Intel India)
 Blockchain for IoT Analytics (TCS)
Quantum Machine Learning
 Quantum Inspired Machine Learning (DST Indo-Japan Project, Iwate Prefecture University, Japan )
Thank You


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