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Media & Information Literacy

Quarter 1 – Module 3
Responsible Use of Media and Information
Responsible Use of media and
Technology is very significant in our life specially in using the
internet. It makes our works in schools, offices and at home easier
and faster in communication, researches, doing business and other
online transactions. It greatly helps continue education despite the
pandemic. The world in the internet is not a hundred percent safe
for us users. We should bear in mind to follow laws and rules in
order to be protected from any cybercrime. This issue shall be
discussed in detail in the succeeding activities of this module and
how to conquer these problems.
Answer the following questions
based on your personal point of
view. Write your answers on your
answer sheet.
 1. What issues do you see in the
 2. Which one do you
understand? Which one do you
not know?
 3. What possible dangers and
issues of unguarded use of the
internet are depicted in the
 4. Which of these issues have
happened to you or to your
friends? Why did they happen?
Using the Anticipation guide, under the “Before Reading” boxes, write YES on the
blank if you agree and NO if you disagree the statement. Read the statement
carefully. Do this activity using your answer sheet.
Hitting the Target
Digital Divide (DD)

Digital divide pertains to the social and economic imbalance of the opportunities to
access to, use of or knowledge of information and communication technology (ICTs).
It refers to a gap between sector in the community who can access, has the skills
and has desire to use the internet and those who cannot. The unequal opportunity of
the internet acquisition is caused by the differences of skills, motivations and
preferences of use based on category such as personal category (gender, age,
race/ethnicity, personality, intelligence and Health), positional category (education,
occupation, household and nation) and the resources category (economic, social and
cultural capital) status of a person.
Digital Divide (DD)
Benjamin Company defines „digital divide‟ as the disparities in access to
telephones, personal computers, and the internet across certain demographic
groups. Different segments have varying levels of access to digital developments
due to a number of factors. This can include but are not limited to race, gender,
age, employment, income, location, and religion.
However, this doesn't mean that the elderly do not have „access‟ or they are
simply not as comfortable with the internet as their younger counterparts
resulting to their limited presence online. Another example would be between
rural and urban settlers. Due to their distance from major cities, their relatively
small population size, and their low-income private digital service providers do
not often invest in far-flung provinces.
Digital Divide (DD)
We will be able to overcome this phenomenon by:
1. lowering the cost of internet connection in the house
2. a law should be created to make all public places to have free
internet access set by the government
3. the different LGUs and NGOs should conduct a forum about the
advantage of technology and how to use the advance technology in
rural areas.
4. the parents should be given trainings related to technology by the
schools and libraries.
Computer Addiction
Addiction is defined as an overdependence on something or a damaging
need to do something. While it is commonly associated with substances
like recreational drugs, the digital age has now ushered an addiction
that is gradually raising concerns in industries and society as a whole.
Thanks to smartphones and mobile internet data services, media
information is now widely available and constantly present in people‟s
lives. More and more individuals are now developing a heightened
dependency with media and information. Nowadays, smartphones have
become a necessity, something any average person couldn‟t live
without. In fact, whenever one goes, be it at a restaurant with friends or
within the confines of one's own bedroom, everyone feels the need to
connect online. This addiction according to the Huffington Post has
been linked to poor quality, anxiety, and even depression.
Let me ask you these following
1. Are you absentminded because you are thinking of an online activity?
2. Do you spend more time in the internet before you are satisfied?
3. Have you tried to stop using the internet (like playing online games)
chatting but fail to do it?
4. Is your education, relationship of the family and friends or work
affected by using the internet?
5. Is your behaviour becoming moody, irritable or depressed if you
cannot use the internet?
6. Do you skip meals or sleep late because of excessive internet use?
7. Does internet give you comfort when you have a problem or when you
are in a bad mood?
If you have more YES answers than NO,
then it‟s a sign that you are experiencing
Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD) or
known as Computer Addiction.
What is Computer Addiction?

Computer Addiction means the inability to

control the desire of using the technology (like
computers, smartphones and internet) or an
extreme use of the computer which makes the
person uneasy or feel anxiety in the absence
of the gadgets. It affects the daily routine in
life like work, eating or sleep is affected that
could lead to social problem, change in
behaviour, relationships and thought process.
Types of Computer Addiction
1. Information Overload is an excessive online surfing
which results to inefficiency at work and less family
2. Compulsion is more time spent in online activities like
gaming, bartering of stocks and gambling which cause
problems at work.
3. Cybersex addiction is excessive time spent in surfing
porn sites that could interfere with one‟s relationship.
4. Cyber relationship is excessive time spent in social
networking sites to make relationship online than
spending time with real persons like family and friends.
Different Symptoms of a computer
addict person

1. Emotional Symptoms. These are feelings of guilt,

anxiety, depression, dishonesty, feeling of great
happiness or excitement (euphoric) in front of the
computer, defensive, distress, escaping of work, isolation
and cannot follow schedule
2. Physical Symptoms. These include back pain,
headache, increase or decrease of weight, sleep disorder,
carpal tunnel syndrome, blurred or strained vision.
Computer Addiction can be prevented
if you:

 set limit in using computers and doing online

 talk to your family and friends and mingle with
them most of the time;
 organize a non-computer related activity like
 place your gadgets away from you when they are
not needed.
 Social media is a significant tool in communication, and
updating information.
 As the result from the survey of Stairway foundation reported
in a news that 80% of young people ages 7 to 16 are victims of
cyber bullying through social media. The term bullying “refers
to any severe, or repeated use by one or more students of a
written, verbal or electronic expression, or a physical act or
gesture, or any combination thereof, directed at another
student that has the effect of actually causing or placing the
latter in reasonable fear of physical or emotional harm or
damage to his property; creating a hostile environment at
school for the other students; infringing on the rights of other
students at school; such as, but not limited to the following:
1. Any unwanted physical contact between the bully and the victim like
punching, pushing, shoving, kicking, slapping, tickling, headlocks,
inflicting school pranks, teasing, fighting and the use of available objects
as weapons;
2. Any Act that causes damage to a victim's psyche and /or emotional
3. Any slanderous statement or accusation that causes the victim undue
emotional distress like directing foul language or profanity at the target,
name calling, tormenting and commenting negatively on victim's looks,
clothes and body.” (Republic Act No. 10627-Anti-Bullying Act)
What is cyber bullying?
Cyber bullying is a type bullying done online with
the use of technology like computers, laptops, and
cell phone that can destroy the physical and
emotional aspect of the victim (called as bullied) by
the one who does the act (referred as bully). This
problem is associated with the use of internet and
different platforms like text messaging, chatting,
emails, websites and social networking sites. The
different forms of cyberbullying are posting
shameful pictures or videos in social media, sending
threatening or hurtful messages through chatting or
text messages.
Cyberbullying or bullying through electronic
means, is one of the many problems brought
about by advancement in technology. With the
existence of smartphones, tablets, laptops,
and 24/7 internet access, cyberbullying, can
happen to anyone, anywhere, and anytime.
This may involve exposing embarrassing
content about someone or sending messages
with the intention of hurting the receiver
emotionally or mentally.
Cyberbullying can be prevented by doing the
1. Be optimistic.
2. Share the problem with the person whom
you can trust.
3. Keep your password to yourself. Don't share
4. Always check the content before posting or
sharing it.
5. Always log out your account after using.
6. Respect and love other people and yourself.
The Cornell University Law School defines defamation as a statement
that injures a third party‟s reputation. The civil wrong of defamation
includes both libel (written statements) and slander (spoken
To win a defamation case, a plaintiff must show four things:
a. A declaration that a false testimony is a fact;
b. Publication or communication of that statement to a third person;
c. Fault;
d. Damages to the subject (person, institution, etc.) of the statement.
Privacy in this context is defined as the freedom from
unauthorized intrusion. Also called as one‟s right to privacy, it
refers to the concept that one‟s personal information is
protected from public scrutiny. This age of information has
made it difficult for this right to be asserted. Social media has
become the spotlight the world uses to take a peak into
everyone„s private lives. Even more concerning is the fact that
we ourselves beam it on our own personal lives. Our penchant
for oversharing details of our lives online poses serious
security concerns. In fact, social media has been linked to
various stalking cases all over the world. Such a problem
reiterates the need for the responsible consumption of social
media information.
Obscenity and Pornography
Obscenity and Pornography although related,
are not the same. Pornography is the term used
to refer to any material that uses the elements
of nudity to cause sexual arousal among the
audience. A pornographic material is considered
obscene when it crosses the line to a point that
may be offensive. The concept of what‟s
obscene and what's not in pornographic content
may be vague or subjective. This is because what
might be obscene in one sector of society can be
totally acceptable in another.
Copyright is its literal sense means right to copy.
The owner of a copyright has the exclusive right to
reproduce, distribute, perform, display‟ license, and
to prepare derivative works based on the
copyrighted works. This protection is for “original
works of authorship”. It applies to intellectual
properties like images (graphic designs, photos,
drawings etc.), written books (books, manuscripts,
publications etc.), audio content (music and any
other sound recordings), and performance arts
(play, movies, shows, and etc.)
Basic Ethical Orientation

Basic Ethical Orientation refers to the ethical

perception of an individual. It is the reasoning
behind his or her moral judgments and ethical
Types of Basic Ethical Orientation

 Divine Command Theories

 Being good is equivalent to doing whatever the Bible—or the
Qur‟an or some other sacred text or source of revelation—tells one
to do.
 “What is right” equals “What God tells me to do”.
 The Ethics of Conscience
 Conscience dictates what is wrong and right.
 It often has a religious source.
 It may be founded on a notion of human nature.
 It is often negative in character, telling people what is not right.
 Ethical Egoism
 It says the only person to look out for is oneself.
 The Ethics of Duty
 It begins with the conviction that ethics is about doing
what is right, about doing one‟s duty.
 Duty may be determined by reason, professional role, and
social role.
 The Ethics of Respect
 Human interactions should be governed by rules of respect.
 What counts as respect can vary from one culture to
 Utilitarianism
 It seeks to reduce suffering and increases pleasure or happiness.
 Demands a high degree of self-sacrifice- considers the consequences
for everyone.
 Utilitarianism claim the purpose of morality is to make the world a
better place.
 The Ethics of Justice
 What is fair for one should be fair at all.
 Treating people equally may not mean treating them the same.
 Virtue Ethics
 It seeks to develop individual character.
 It assumes good persons will make good decisions.
 It was developed by Plato and Aristotle.
 It is the spiritual exercise.
 It provides a way of integrating all the theories
Netiquette or network etiquette is a set of rules for behaving properly
online (Shea, 1997). These are rules, that may not be strictly
enforced or given.
 Rule 1: Remember the Human
 Rule 2: Adhere to the same standards of behaviour online that one follows in real life
 Rule 3: Know where you are in cyberspace
 Rule 4: Respect other people’s time.
 Rule 5: Make oneself look good online.
 Rule 6: Share expert knowledge.
 Rule 7: Help keep flame wars under control.
 Rule 8: Respect other people’s privacy
 Rule 9: Don’t abuse one’s power
 Rule 10: Be forgiving of other people’s mistakes.
Summative Assessment Time!

Let’s Campaign!
1. You are going to create a Campaign Ad (it is a set of
advertisement which focus in a single message with a
certain objective need to achieve). You can create the
Ad in a form of video or poster slogan or infographics.
2. The main objective of a Campaign Ad is to combat
the problems of digital divide, computer addiction and
cyber bullying.

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