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Circles of hell

Design assignment 5: Syeda Ghazal & Yugishtha

Reflection Shrivastava
Circles of hell
The idea - the map of our game is based on the work
of the Italian writer Dante Alegieri "Divine Comedy".
Based on the location, we took his description of the
circles of hell.
According to the assignment, we developed the first 5
circles - 5 levels - 5 locations
Circles of hell
The player will descend in a
spiral. That is, the card will
be based on spiral.
This is a sketch of how the
map will look. The player
moves from level to level. He
has no opportunity to skip
any of these. New opens only
after passing the challenge
on the previous one.
Circles of hell: Level 1: Limb
The first circle of Hell is Limb, where the souls of
those who have not been convicted of unrighteous
deeds, but died unbaptized, abide. Charon is on guard.
 Punishment: sorrow without pain.
Challenges: training level - understand how character
is moving, use arrows, just walk around the field.
approach the guard - Charon (soul carrier) The guard
passes to the next level.
Circles of hell: Level 2: Lust
At the entrance, travelers are met by
King Minos (a just judge and father
of the Minotaur), who distributes
souls in circles. Everything here is
covered with mist and a storm is
constantly raging - gusts of wind
hurl the souls of those who were
pushed into the path of sin by love.
Punishment: Torsion and Torture by
the Storm.
Challenges:Go around obstacles
(triangles creating a maze) to get to
the next level.
Circles of hell: Level 3: Gluttony
Gluttons are enclosed in this
circle: here it pours icy rain
forever, souls get stuck in a
dirty slush, and the demon
Cerberus gnaws at the
prisoners caught under the
clawed paw. Punishment:
decay under the sun and rain.
Challenges: Eat - collect all
the apples that are in space.
Circles of hell: Level 4: Greed
The abode of those who
“unworthily spent and saved”
is a gigantic plain on which
two crowds stand. Thrusting
loads, they go forever to each
other, collide and then
disperse to start all over again.
Punishment: Eternal dispute.
Challenges: Dodge the evil
souls on the way to get to the
next level
Circles of hell: Level 5: Anger and Sloth
The giant river, or rather the Stygian
swamp, where exiled for laziness and
anger. All circles until the fifth are a
haven of incontinence, and
incontinence is considered a lesser sin
than "malice or wild bestiality," and
therefore the suffering of souls there
is relieved compared to those who
live in distant circles.
Punishment: An eternal brawl in the
Challenges: Cross the bridge over the
river, find the key, save yourself from
evil spirts.
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

• Training • Go
level - around
understa obstacl
nd how es • Eat -
characte (triang collect
r is les all the
creatin apples
arrows, ga that
just maze) are in
walk to get space.
around to the
the next
field. level.
Circles of hell Tour
1 2 5


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