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Leadership Moments

Are we influencers or copers?

Managing Complex Change

Vision Skills
Incentive Resources

(Leroy Model)

Action Plan





Action Plan
Action Plan



Gradual Change




Action Plan
Action Plan

Frustration False Starts



To change what happens in our schools we need:

Changes in what we do Changes in how we do it Changes in how effectively we do it And more.

Within our cluster, we need alignment between (in order of difficulty)

Senior Leadership Technical staff and ICT decision making Leaders without title we urgently need to grow these people and cherish them lets call them Influencers! Professional learning programs Sharing/celebrating what works

Lack of success is often attributed to a lack of resource success is often attributed to abundance of resourcefulness
Resources Time Money Technology Contacts Experience Management Resourcefulness Creativity Determination Curiosity Passion Resolve Caring

Emotion HOW we feel is the key!

For changes to happen with what we do, we firstly need to change peoples minds
This requires the input of Influencers Influencers can only be effective if they are allowed to influence and if they are actively supported in this role This is not enough Influencers also need to be able to shape the environment within which learners operate If Learners increasingly use ICT, then what are the implications, here?

(Beware of pain you get used to!)

In any workplace there are:

Innovators (2.5%) Early adopters (12.5%) Early majority Late majority Laggards

Together, these people are influencers

In a typical workplace, we need a critical mass of 15% Influencers to move things forward

Early adopters 12.5% Early majority

Late majority Laggards

Innovators 2.5%

So how do people respond to ongoing change and challenges?

We respond in 2 ways: Firstly we ask Can I do it? We then ask Will it be worth it?

Great leaders respond with

Can I do it? Great leaders empower Will it be worth it? Great leaders motivate

Motivation is pivotal!




There are 3 key elements needed for significant social change to occur
Law of the Few
Significant change occurs

A sticky message

A receptive environment

Malcolm Gladwell Tipping Point

Empower and motivate strategies by influencers can

Firstly build the 15% critical mass

Subsequently build on this to transition others And deliver us all to.. .. The promised land

So what does empower and motivate look like within a school?

How people feel how do we notice? How people are supported How leaders walk the talk Quality of communication Levels of trust Effectiveness of meetings Effectiveness of PL programs and events Quality of relationships

From the video clip..

We need a critical mass of 15% How do we convey what we believe to motivate and enable people to transition? Emotion is the ultimate resource here how do we create/awaken/harness it? What implications are there for school leaders, PD programs, how meetings are run etc?

Lack of success is often attributed to a lack of resource success is often attributed to abundance of resourcefulness
Resources Time Money Technology Contacts Experience Management Resourcefulness Creativity Determination Curiosity Passion Resolve Caring

Emotion HOW we feel is the key!

Emotion is pivotal the ultimate resource We are all (potential) leaders and influencers We need to grow and encourage Influencers within our schools and allow them to shape our learning spaces How we organise PL and meetings important with regard to how people feel AND quality of outcomes

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