Talha & Abdul Muqeet Final Project HRM

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Name: Talha Ahmed / Abdul Muqeet

Subject: Human Resources management

Teacher name: Mam Asma Baber

class: MSC semester 1st

Project: Case Study

Key Priorities:

 Select the hotels that Brunt Hotels will rebrand and create a project schedule for the rebranding
 Create a strategic hiring plan to replace the employees that left and consider the 30 % of the
employee that stayed, determine what their future with Brunt Hotels looks like.
 Great expectations for managers that would like to work abroad, it was mentioned they will require
their managers to be flexible and move between countries if problems arise;
 Create a training program for the managers that will be moving to France.
 Language course is needed as none of their existing managers speak French fluently.
 Create a cross-culture program for French and English employees
Case Study 1
Arguments on Hiring Candidates

 Arguments for hiring only PCNs:

• Being familiar with the parent company’s management strategies.

• Selecting trained professionals from the parent company having proven track records.
• Well versed with the culture of the parent company.
• Their qualifications and capabilities are easier to assess and measure.
• Already possess a well-established loyal relationship with the organization

 Arguments for hiring only HCNs:

• Familiar with the host country’s local culture, customs, language and the environment at large.
• Cost less than expatriates.
• Possess competitive capabilities to function at ease in the host country.
• Eliminate language related problem.
• Familiar with the local business scenarios.
• It may enhance the company’s brand image if they are in higher management positions.
A well balanced human resources that consists of both PCNs and HCNs should be considered.

Arguments against PCNs: Arguments against HCNs:

• Employee will be unfamiliar with the • Limited familiarity with parent

foreign environment company’s operations
• Expensive orientation programs to • The net employee strength might be
orient the persons to the foreign higher than necessary.
country’s culture. • Loyalty may be to the country rather
• There may be problem of adaptation in than the company
the host country. • Gap between PCNs and HCNs at the
• They may not be very productive headquarters might lead to problems.
before they adapt.
Case Study 2
Recruitment Advertisement

To work with the newly acquired star rated hotel in France

Hotel Management Degree With 1 year experience in the hotel industry dealing with
international clients.

(For existing employees minimum 3 years relevant experience is required.)

Job Description:
Capable of handling domestic and international staff and customers, handle accounts, sales,
HRD and overall administration of organization. Listening skills help hotel managers to
determine guest concerns to motivate and guide hotel staff and conflicts.
Skillset Required:

Excellent communication skill in French & English. Knowledge of other language

will be a plus.

 Customer relations:
 Professional techniques / Production
 Commercial / Sales
 Management and administration
 Hygiene / Personal safety / Environment
Case Study 3
Designing a Compensation Package

A compensation package is the combination of benefits that an employer offers to

employees. This may include wages, insurance, vacation days, guaranteed raises, and other

The compensation can be as following:

MD = 100,000 PKR
GM/SM = 80000 PKR
Managers = 50000 PKR
Chef = 35000 PKR
Security Staff = 18000 PKR

Financial Benefits Non-financial Benefits

 25% Accommodation allowance on BS  Education facilities for the ward
50% Medical allowance quarterly in a year  30% waver for family members visit to
on BS Brunt hotels
 10% Marketing commission 5%  Car Expenses for official & personal use
 Travel allowance on BS
 2% commission on Target revenue
Case Study 4
Selection Process

Selection Factors:

 Organization (Relevant Organization Knowledge, Job Related Skills etc.)

 Cultural Adjustment (Diversity Acceptance, Global Experience etc.)
 Personal characteristics (EQ, Stress Coping etc.)
 Personal concerns (Career Growth, Personal Life Demands, Family Considerations etc. )
 Communication skills (Language, Listening, Conflict Resolution etc.)
Selection Procedure:

 Fixing up a date for interviews

 Preparing the experienced panels to conduct interviews
 Perform initial screening of applications.
 Preparing interview questions as per the job description.
 Justify the educational qualifications of the candidates viz a viz the job description
 Check the fluency in English and French languages.
 Evaluating the personality and attitude traits.
 Evaluate their logical and management skills.
 Matching the experience with job requirements.
 Judging the candidate knowledge and understanding of the culture of France.
Case Study 5
Training Program Proposals

Managers Training

General Training Professional training

Manager A, C & E Manager B, D & F

Pre-departure Language Education: Business Language Education: Business

Training (10 Days) French French

Lecture Focus: Lecture Focus:

 Management of International • Management of International
Hotel Hotel
 French hotel standards, • French hotel standards,
marketing and consumers marketing and consumers
 Motivation • Information technology
 Laws & regulations support
 French policies & procedures • Laws & regulations
Job Rotation: • French policies & procedures
 Recognition of whole hotel
 Different case analysis
On-the-job Language Education: Business Language Education:
Training French Business French

In the New Action Learning Action Learning

Country (At least
2 week) • Hotel Operation in France • Hotel Operation in France
• Team Project • Team Project
• Corporate Strategy • Corporate Strategy
• Organization Culture • Organization Culture
Programmed Learning Programmed Learning
• Problem solving and planning • Problem solving and
• Special cases analysis planning
• Special cases analysis
Case Study 6
Expatriate Support Services

 Website (in French and English).

 English Sky TV and satellite TV suppliers and installers throughout France for homes and
businesses. French Digital TNT supplied and installed.
 Offers a house sitting service in France for absentee owners.
 Financial Services
 Healthcare & Medical treatment in France
 Leisure, entertainment & sports
 Franco-British property solicitor based in the south of France works nationwide.
 Course on Basic French language and French culture.
 Social security in France
Thank You 

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