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 Leadership is a process whereby an individual influences a group
of individuals to achieve a goal. Leaders carry out this process by
applying their leadership knowledge and skills. Good leaders
develop through a never ending process of self-study, education,
training, and experience.
 A dedicated leader inspires his workers into higher levels of

 leadership is the art of motivating a group of people to act

towards achieving a common goal
 Leadership is the quality of an individual ,which enables him in
guiding and directing the community people to bring desirable
changes in the community.

 A leader is "a person who influences a group of

people towards the achievement of a goal“
  leader is a person whom others follow -- whether on a
team, at work, in school or in any situation where there are
goals are to achieve. A leader directs the group and
inspires the others to work together for a common

 L- lead by example
 E- enthusiastic
 A- ambitious
 D- determined
 E –encourage others
 R- ready to learn and teach
 Communication
  Motivation
 Delegating
 Positivity
 Trustworthiness
 Creativity
 Feedback
 Responsibility
 Commitment
 flexible

 There are two types of leader and they are:

1. Formal leaders
2. Informal leaders
Formal leader
 They are the persons working under the framework of formal rules
and regulations , and obligations.
 They are formally appointed or elected ,and have a specified roles
in the institutions they work.
 They are usually responsible for their respective organizations.
 They are mostly involuntary and are paid by concerned
 The formal leader has a job to organize and direct group members
to meet the goals of the organization or team
Eg Principal, in-charge, manager, director
Informal leader
 Informal leaders will be from among the local people of community.
 They are not obliged to formal rules and regulations.
 The informal leader is someone who does not have the official
authority to direct the group.
 Despite this, the group chooses to follow the lead of this person.
 The leadership is voluntary service based on education , contribution
, experience, efficiency etc. they may be business people, priests,
social workers, teachers, educated persons, etc.
 These leaders are socially accepted as faithful, sincere and
According to degree of control, there are three types of leadership,
they are :
1. Authoritarian leadership or autocratic leadership
2. Democratic leadership
3. Laissez faire leadership
Autocratic leadership
 Autocratic leadership, also known as authoritarian
leadership, is a leadership style characterized by
individual control over all decisions and little input
from group members.
 Autocratic leaders typically make choices based on
their ideas and judgments and rarely accept advice
from followers.
 Autocratic leadership involves absolute,
authoritarian control over a group.
Autocratic leadership

 This is the leader who himself takes decision for the whole group
and does not permit any further thinking by others and therefore is
rigid about his decisions. His words are final and the group must
accept his decision.
 The authoritarian leader exercises absolute power and puts
maximum control over the group. He dictates on the matter of
taking decision and actions.
 Members becomes passive and cannot do a thing by themselves.
Characteristics of Autocratic Leadership
 Little or no input from group members
 Leaders make almost all of the decisions
 Group leaders dictate all the work methods and processes
 Group members are rarely trusted with decisions or important tasks
 Work tends to be highly structured and very rigid
 Creativity and out-of-the box thinking tend to be discouraged
 Rules are important and tend to be clearly outlined and communicated
Democratic leadership
 Democratic leadership, also known
as participative leadership or shared
leadership, is a type of leadership
style in which members of the group
take a more participative role in the
decision-making process.
 This type of leadership can apply to
any organization, from private
businesses to schools to government.
Democratic leadership
 Everyone is given the opportunity to participate, ideas are exchanged
freely, and discussion is encouraged.
 While the democratic process tends to focus on group equality and the
free flow of ideas, the leader of the group is still there to offer
guidance and control.
 The democratic leader is charged with deciding who is in the group
and who gets to contribute to the decisions that are made.
 Researchers have found that the democratic leadership style is one of
the most effective types and leads to higher productivity, better
contributions from group members, and increased group morale
Characteristics of Democratic leadership
Some of the primary characteristics of democratic leadership include:
 Group members are encouraged to share ideas and opinions, even
though the leader retains the final say over decisions.
 Members of the group feel more engaged in the process.
 Creativity is encouraged and rewarded.
Laissez faire leadership
 Laissez-faire leadership, also known as delegative leadership, is a type
of leadership style in which leaders are hands-off and allow group
members to make the decisions.
 However leaders are still responsible for the decision that are made.
 Researchers have found that this is generally the leadership style that
leads to the lowest productivity among group members.
Characteristics of Laissez-Faire Leadership
Laissez-faire leadership is characterized by:
 Very little guidance from leaders
 Complete freedom for followers to make decisions
 Leaders provide the tools and resources needed
 Group members are expected to solve problems on their own
 Power is handed over to followers, yet leaders still take responsibility
for the groups decisions and actions
Importance of Leadership:
 Initiating Action: Leadership starts from the very beginning, even
before the work actually starts. A leader is a person who
communicates the policies and plans to the subordinates to start the
 Providing Motivation: A leader motivates the employees by giving
them financial and non-financial incentives and gets the work done
efficiently. Motivation is the driving force in an individual’s life.
 Providing guidance: A leader not only supervises the employees but
also guides them in their work. He instructs the subordinates on how
to perform their work effectively so that their efforts don’t get wasted.
Importance of Leadership:
 Creating confidence: A leader acknowledges the efforts of the employees,
explains to them their role clearly and guides them to achieve their goals.
He also resolves the complaints and problems of the employees, thereby
building confidence in them regarding the organization.
 Building work environment: A good leader should maintain personal
contacts with the employees and should hear their problems and solve
them. He always listens to the point of view of the employees and in case
of disagreement persuades them to agree with him by giving suitable
clarifications. In case of conflicts, he handles them carefully and does not
allow it to adversely affect the entity. A positive and efficient work
environment helps in stable growth of the organization
Importance of Leadership:
 Co-ordination: A leader reconciles the personal interests of the
employees with the organizational goals and achieves co-ordination in
the entity.
 Creating Successors: A leader trains his subordinates in such a
manner that they can succeed him in future easily in his absence. He
creates more leaders.
 Induces change: A leader persuades, clarifies and inspires employees
to accept any change in the organization without much resistance and
discontentment. He makes sure that employees don’t feel insecure
about the changes
Leadership roles of community leader in community
health program
 Increase community participation
 Easy to introduce with the community people.
 Help in identifying health need and problem
 Easy to identify internal resources and collect it
 Successful and effective implementation of the program
 Sustainability of the program

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