Environmental Factors

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SINA Institute Of Nursing and Allied

Health sciences Quetta

 Community Health Nursing
 Assigned By Miss Fatima Jaffar
 PREPARED by 4th Batch
 TOPIC :Environment
GROUP Members
Nisar Ahmed (Group Leader)
At the end of this presentation the learner will be able to

 Define Environment

 Components of Environment

 Factors and their impact On Community Health

 The complex of physical,chemicals and biotic factors (Such
as climate Soil and living things) that act upon An organism
And determines its form And survival

Types of Environment

 Biotic Environment
 Abiotic Environment
 Manmade Environment
Types of Environment
Manmade Environment
Environment is made up of

 Atmosphere
 Biosphere
 Lithosphere
 Hydrosphere
 Atmosphere includes the thick gaseous
Surrounding the earth
 Such as water vapours
 Industrials gasses
 Dust and smoke pasrticles
 Micro organism etc
 Itinvolves the part of the earth consist of Living

 Theword lithosphere originated from a Greek

word means “Rocky”
 The solid outermost shell of the earth

 The hydrosphere is combined mass of water found

on under and above the surface of planet
 SALT WATER 97.5%
 Fresh water 2.5%
Components of Environment

 Physical
 Biological
 Psycosocial

 SOIL,Housing,climate
 Heat
 Light
 Radiations etc

 Viruses
 Microbial agents
 Insects
 Rodents
 Animals
 Plants etc

 Cultural values
 Beliefs ,Habits
 Attitudes ,Morals
 Religion
 Education, lifestyle, community Life
 Health services
 Social and Political Organizations
Environmental factors affecting
 Population ExpLosion
 Industrialization
 Urbanization
 Automobiles
 Modern agricultural practices
 Deforestation
 Radioactive substances
 Natural disaster
Population Explosion
 The rapid increase in our population Is creating a problem
Of waste management There increasing Waste generation of
 BioDegradable
 Like kitchen waste
 Non Biodegadable
 Plastic begs,Packing material, disposable Material
All this creat a problem And a threat To public health In a

 All
industries generates lots of gasses, solid
matters,Thermal waste Etc
 These wAstes are often released directly into the
air, drains,rivers and dreams or on the land
 Which are Affecting environment And causing
harmful affect On human health and As well as on
the other component of biolgoical Environment

 Itis due to industrial revolution, poverty And lack of

resources And poor services in village
 PeopleFrom villages migrated To cities For
employment , education etc resulting in overcrowding
 Usually in these areas Basic amenities Like water
electricity,drainage,toilet Facilities etc
 This situation Results in many physical And mental
disorders and social health problems

 Theexhaust release From the automobiles is

creating a great hovac In the environment
 Thatexhaust is composed of Carbon monoxide
hydrocarbons,nutrogen Oxide Which are very
 Road vehicles are also cause Noise pollution That
is also a threat for environment
Modern aggriculture practices

 The insectIcides and Chemical fertiLizers Have

lasting affect on Agriculture products And are
passed Onto various animals through The food
chain and Food web And cause harmful Effects on
living organisms
 It refers to removing of forest
 Itis done because Of wood required By human
 Demand on wood for Construction of
Houses,Buildings,industries,dams etc
 Deforestationcauses Soil erOsion,change in
climate and obviously community health
Radioactive Substances

 These are used in

labortries,Hospitals,Powerplants where nuclear
bombS are manufactured
 Radioactive Waste requires Specialized methodS
of disposal
 Ifsuch methods are not Then They pollute Water
as well as air
Natural disaster
 Itis a major Adverse event Resulting from natural
processes Of the earth
 Floods
 Hurricanes
 Volcanic erection
 Earthquakes
 tsunamIs

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