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‫المشورة فى المجال‬

What is Counselling:

It is two way communication,

the main objective in that processes
in that the counsellors generally try
to empower clients to be self
sufficient and discover their own
solutions rather than be dependent
on someone else’s advice.
Put in Your Consideration the
1. A central feature of counselling is the
2. Counsellors need to be aware of their
motivation, or reasons for counselling,
because this will influence their
3. Client expectations may be at variance
with counsellor goals.
4. Clients often ask for direct advice and
solutions to their problems
‫المشورة الناجح‪:::‬ة توف‪:::‬ى المنتفعات‬
‫حقوقهن التي تتمثل في‪:‬‬

‫الكرامة‬ ‫•‬ ‫الراحة‬ ‫•‬

‫الخصوصية‬ ‫•‬ ‫المعلومات‬ ‫•‬
‫سهولة الوصول‬ ‫•‬ ‫العدالة‬ ‫•‬
‫للخدمة‬ ‫األمان‬ ‫•‬
‫االختبار‬ ‫•‬ ‫إبداء الرأي‬ ‫•‬
‫االستمرارية‬ ‫•‬
Skills Gained from Counseling
• Leadership
• People skills/working with people
• Communication
• Patience/tolerance
• Responsibility
• Teamwork
• Problem Solving
• Planning & Organizing
Factors of Bad Consultation

“Bad consultations result

from having insufficient
clinical knowledge, from
failing to relate to patients or
from failing to understand
the patient's behaviour, his
perception of his illness or its
The Counselor Search

Know the Know

Process Yourself

Know the
The Counselor Search…cont.

• Identify your
interests & goals.
• Evaluate your KNOW
• Choose job objective.
The Counselor Search…cont.


• Search the open job market.

The Counselor Search…cont.

• Design for the session

or meeting.
KNOW THE • Process conduction.
PROCESS • Evaluate your progress.
Identifying Your Interests

• Do you enjoy working with people,

data, or anything else?
• How important is it to be yourself
own boss?
• How important are job stability?
• How important are working
environment, colleagues, and job
Evaluating Your Qualifications

• What skills have you acquired in

school / faculty, on the job, or
through other activities?
• How can you demonstrate these
• Do you work well with people?
• What evidence can you offer from
extra- curricular activities, and
• Are you a leader, self-starter, or
• What examples can you suggest?
• Are you creative?
• How can you demonstrate these
• Do you learn quickly?
• Do you communicate well in speech
and in writing?
• How can you verify these talents?
The Biomedical Model
• Take an accurate and relevant
history (OBSERVATION).
• Perform an accurate and relevant
examination (OBSERVATION).
• Make a provisional diagnosis
• Order and interpret the results of
appropriate investigations
• Make an accurate diagnosis
6 Phases of the Consultation
1. The counsellor establishes a
relationship with the patient /
2. The counsellor discovers or
attempts to discover the reason
for the attendance.
3. The counsellor conducts a verbal
communication and/
or physical examination.
6 Phases of the Consultation…cont.

4. The counsellor, the

doctor and patient, or
the patient consider the

5. The counsellor and occasionally the

patient detail further treatment or
6. The consultation is terminated,
usually by the counsellor.
Counsellor Tasks

• Define the reason for the patient's /

client’s attendance.
• Consider other problems.
• Together choose an appropriate
action for each problem.
• Achieve a shared
understanding of problems.
Counsellor Tasks…cont.

• Involve the patient /client

in the management of
problems and encourage
acceptance of appropriate
• Use time & resources appropriately.
• Establish & maintain a relationship
with the patient / client which helps
to achieve the other tasks.
Phases of Counseling:
During counseling sessions, there are 3
main objectives

Responding Questioning
Phases of Counseling…cont.

When you actively listening,

Active you can communicate verbally
and non-verbally well and can
Listening ensure that you’ve received
the client’s message.

To fully understand the client’s message,

you must listen to the words and
observe the client’s manners.
Phases of Counseling…cont.

Elements in Active Listening

Eye contact.
Maintaining eye contact without
staring helps show interest.

Body Posture:
Being relaxed and comfortable will help
put the client at ease.
Phases of Counseling…cont.
Head nods:
Occasionally nodding your head while
keeping eye contact, shows the client’s
that you’re paying attention,
encourages client’s to continue.

Facial expressions:
Keep your facial expressions natural and
relaxed. No blank or fixed expression,
this may disturb the client.
Phases of Counseling…cont.

Verbal expressions

Refrain from talking too much and avoid

interrupting. Let the client do the
talking while keeping the discussion on
the counseling subject (this depends on
the type of counseling being done).
More and Less
Effective Listening Skills
More Effective Listening Less Effective Listening
Stays active, focused Is passive, laid back

Pays attention Is easily distracted

Asks questions Asks no questions

Keeps an open mind Has preconceptions

Assimilates information Disregards information

Phases of Counseling…cont.


Responding skills follow-up on active

listening. A leader responds to
communicate that the leader
understands the client.
From time to time, check your
understanding, clarify and confirm
what is being said.
Phases of Counseling…cont.

Although questioning is a necessary skill, you
must use it with caution.
During a leadership developmental review, ask
questions to obtain information or to get the
client to think about a particular situation. The
question should be open-ended so as to evoke
more than a yes or no answer. Questions will
help to verify understanding, encourage further
explanation, or help the client move through
the stages of the counseling session.
Basic Questions Skills

Open- Closed- Para- Reflection

Ended Ended
Phrasing Of feeling
Question Question
Closed-Ended Questions

Questions that the other can easily

answer with a “Yes,” “No,” or one - or
two-word responses.
• “Are you going to have the test done?”
• “Did you drink before you got into the
• “Do you drink often?”
• “Do you exercise?”
• “Do you like your job?”
Purpose of Closed-Ended Questions

• To narrow the topic of discussion.

• To obtain specific information.
• To identify parameters of a
• To interrupt an over talkative
Open-Ended Questions

Questions that clients cannot easily

answer with “Yes,”, “No,” or one- or two
word responses
• “Tell me about your family while you were
growing up”
• “Why is that important to you?”
• How did you feel when that happened?”
• “What did you do when she said that?”
• “What are your reasons for saying that?”
Purpose of Open-Ended Questions

• To begin an interview.
• To encourage client elaboration.
• To elicit specific examples.
• To motivate clients to communicate.
Closed vs Open-Ended Questions

C: Are you scared?

O: How do you feel?
C: Are you concerned about what you will
do if the test results are positive?
O: What do you think you might do if the
test results are positive?
C: Is your relationship with your husband
a good one?
O: Tell me about your relationship with
your husband.
Restatement of a message’s content
Example 1
“I know it doesn’t help my depression
to sit around or stay in bed all day.”

“You know you need to avoid staying in
bed or sitting around all day to help
your depression.”

Example 2
Client, a 40-year-old woman: “How can I
tell my husband I want a divorce? He’ll
think I’m crazy. I guess I’m just afraid to
tell him.”

• Steps
1.Recall the message and restate it to
2. Identify the content part of the message
 Wants divorce, but hasn’t told husband
because he will think she’s crazy.
Purpose of Paraphrasing

• Tells the client that you have

understood what they said.
• Can encourage the client to
• Helps the client focus or get back on
• Helps the client clarify her or his
Reflection of Feeling
Restatement of Affect

• Listen for obvious feeling words.
• Watch nonverbal behavior.
• What feelings are implied in the client’s
nonverbal behavior? E.g., disgust, anger,
upset, frustration, discouragement
• Verbally reflect the feelings back to the
Purpose of Reflection of Feeling

• Helps clients feel understood.

• Encourages clients to express more
• Helps clients manage feelings.
• Helps clients discriminate among
various feeling.
Counseling Errors:
Effective leaders avoid common
counseling mistakes as the following.

• Dominating the counseling by talking too

• Giving unnecessary or inappropriate
“advice”, not truly listening, and projecting
personal likes, dislikes, biases.
• Avoid also other common mistakes such as
rash judgments, loss of emotional control,
inflexible methods of counseling and
improper follow-up.
‫الص‪:‬فات الشخص‪:‬ية الواج‪:‬ب توفره‪:‬ا‬
‫في الممرضة لتقدم مشورة ناجحة‬
‫• حب الناس و الرغبة في معاونتهم‪.‬‬
‫• اإليمان بأهمية الموضوع المراد مناقشته‪.‬‬
‫• اح‪:‬ترام اآلخ‪:‬ري‪:‬ن واحترام حقه‪:‬م‬
‫في اتخ‪:‬اذ القرارات‪.‬‬
‫• عدم التحرج من تناول أى موضوعات‪.‬‬
‫• تقب‪:‬ل اختالف قيمه‪:‬ا م‪:‬ع قي‪:‬م المنتفعات‬
‫بالخدمة ‪.‬‬

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