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Individual Assigment BHLT 3103


TOXICLOGY: Article about vaccinology
application in a specific occupation


Table of contents

01 02
Introduction Discussion

Intro to what is vaccine Findings disccusion


vaccines are a crucial tool in preventing and controlling the

spread of infectious diseases. They have played a significant
role in reducing the burden of various illnesses and have saved
countless lives worldwide. Vaccines work by stimulating the
immune system to recognize and fight specific pathogens, such
as bacteria or viruses, without causing the actual disease.
No Author Year Study Design Location Occupation Findings

1 Katrina 2014 Cohort Atlanta Factory worker This article expounds on the significance of
Kretsinger administering tetanus toxoid, reduced
diphtheria toxoid, and acellular pertussis
vaccine. Tetanus plays a crucial role in
safeguarding factory workers against lockjaw.

2 Ricco Matteo 2019 survey Province of Contruction This article pertains to an institution that
trento workers conducted a survey aimed at determining the
timeliness of tetanus inoculations among its
population. The findings revealed that over
30% of respondents had received their last
tetanus shot more than a decade ago,
rendering them susceptible to potential
infection. Consequently, these individuals were
administered booster shots through
vaccination services.

3 CDC USA 2011 - USA Animal control This article highlights the significance of
workers Human Rabies Immune Globulin (HRIG) in
protecting workers who have been bitten by
rabid animals.
4 Allen Smith 2019 cohort California Nurses,Doctor This is article about on does employes require
measles shot. In this articles also state that in
2004 there 667 cases reported this makes that
it isrequired to take the shot to prevent any

5 Skerdi Haviari 2015 Cohort USA Healthcare This article about vaccine that needed by
workers healthcare workers one of them is influenza.
The article said about how many patients that
affected by it and it is recommended for all
HCW in 26/31 EU/EEA countries.

6 GOC 2023 - Canada Healthcare worker This article discusses various vaccines that are
essential for the healthcare industry, including
Bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG), which serves as
a crucial immunization against tuberculosis
when administered early on.
7 Australian gov 2023 - Australia Labotory workers In this article it talk about labotory worker to
risk to exposure of Neisseria menigitidas are
recommended to receive MenACWY vacine
which can prevent the worker to expose to the

8 Raman ismail 2005 Case study Malaysia Healthcare worker In this article state that polio vaccine is
important to eridate polio outbreak

9 S.E Robertson 1995- Litreture review USA Factory workers This article state that over 78 countries use
1996 rubella vaccine, rubella not only affect children
but it also adult

10 Ho Chiew Lim 2003 Case study Malaysia Construction This article do a survey to a resident where
worker most worker live to know how many of them
took vaccine for hep a and B. the survey show
less than 8%took the vaccine this can make the
worker who expose to sewage water more
vulnerable to the virus
Australian department. (2023, June 23). laboratory workers who frequently handle neisseria meningitidis.

(n.d.). Malaysian Journal of Pharmacy (MJP).


Metteo, H. (n.d.). Tetanus vaccination status in construction workers: Results from an institutional surveillance campaign. PubMed Central

(n.d.). National Center for Biotechnology Information.

Preventing tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis among adults; use of tetanus toxoid, reduced diphtheria toxoid and acellular pertussis vaccine :
Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). (n.d.).

Public Health Agency of Canada. (2022, September 16). Immunization of workers: Canadian immunization guide.

Public Health Agency of Canada. (2022, September 16). Immunization of workers: Canadian immunization guide.

Rabies vaccination. (2019, February 22). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Smith, A. (2021, July 7). Can employers require measles vaccines? SHRM.

Vaccination of healthcare workers: A review. (n.d.). PubMed Central (PMC).

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