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● Course Title:- principal of seed technology

● Coures no:-GPB-243
● Credit:-3(1+2)
● Course Teacher:- Prof. P.B.Shinde
● (Assit. Prof. Of Depart.of Botany )
Species - Deshi (Old World): G.arborium (2n-26)
G. herbaceum (2n-26)

Species (New world): G. hirsutum -(2n-52)

G. barbadense- (2n-52)
Family: Malvaceae
Genus: Gossypium
A)Certified Seed Production Of Deshi Cotton :

Source of seed:
1.Breeder's and Foundation seed is obtained for
foundation seed production and foundation seed is
obtained for certified seed production from an
approved source.
2.The purity of seed is verified from tags and lables
which are kept safe after sowing.
Selection of field:

1.The selected field should be free from volunteer

2.The soil should be fertile, black cotton soil or
sandy loam with good water holding capacity.
3.The field should be well drained
Field Inspection :
A minimum of two inspections
shall be made fro'tll the time crop
appro;aches flowering until it is
ready for, harvesting.
Isolation distance :

-Seed crop of cotton should be isolated 50

M for foundationand 30 M for certified seed
as there is 10-15% crossing in cotton.
Preparation of the field:

- The land should be deep ploughed and

harrowed 2-3 times, followed by leveling
to make it well pulverized and leveled.
Seed rate and sowing:
1.Seedrate varies with varieties, soil types and
cultivation practices. 60-90 cm distance between rows
and 30 45 cm between plants is required, 3-4 seeds
are dibbled per hill, but only one plant is retained after
2.Gap filling is done from the seedings raised in
polylthene bags at 20-25 DAS. 15-20 kg seed is
1.The fertilizer dose of 100:50:50 (NPK) kg/ha for
irrigated cotton
2.40 :40:40 (NPK) kg/ha for rainfed cotton hybrids and
50:25:25 NPK kg/ha both for desi 
3.F.V.M. or compost @ 15-20 tonnes ha should be
applied before sowing. This helps in better conservation
of moisture in the soil.
4.Azotobacted treatment save up to 20 kg N ha.
Irrigation :

1.Number of irrigations is depend on rains

and type ofsoil.
2.Light irrigation is required at each 15-20
days interval.
Plant protection :
A) Weed control:
1.Three harowings and three weedings are necessary
to keep the crop weed free.
2.Weedicides like Fluchloralin (Basaline) or Diuron or
Alachlor (lasso) fround quite effective in controlling the
3.Basalin @ 1 kg a.i. ha. Diuron 0.5 kg a.i. or Alachlor
1.5-3.0 kg a. i. ha', in 1000 I water should be used as
Preplanting sprays.
B) Disease control:
1.Wilt, root rot and bacterial blight are
main diseases of cotton.
2.Seed tretement with carbendazim@3g
kg seed before sowing control root rot.
3.Spray of Blitox@2 kg ha' with 1.5g
Agrimycin ha' in 1000 I of water control
wilt and blight.
C) Insect control
1.Pink boll worm, spotted boll worm, leaf roller and
jassids are main pests of cotton. 2.For controlling pink
boll worm. fumigation of seed with celphos@3g per
cu. metre space for 48-72 hrs. should be done. 3.Grow
Bt varieties. For controlling spotted boll worm, spray
of Dimethoate 30 EC@1.5 lit in 1000 I of water ha
Initial spray when 25% plants bear flowers and there
after spraying may be repeated at 15 days interval.
4.Plant protection schedule should be followed.

–Off types and diseased plants are

removed, from time to time.
Seed Standard :
Field Standard :
Picking and ginning:
1.Several pickings are made as flowering
a fruiting continues for long time in
cotton. 2.After ginning, the seeds are
dried to 8-10% moisture level.
3.Sometimes, the fuzz is removed from
the seeds by flame or acid treatment to
facilitate in sowing and to promote
Varietiess of cotton :

1.Deshi improved varieties - AKAS,

AKA-7. AKA 8401
Yield :

12 to 14 quintal/ha
B) Certified Seed Production Of Hybrid Cotton :

Land Requirements - The land should be free

from volunteer plants, soil should be
fertile, moisture retentive with good drainage.
Season :

-Cotton is a Kharif crop in the major parts of the country

viz. Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya
Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra and parts of Andhra
Pradesh & Karnataka.
-In these areas, the irrigated crop is sown from March-May
and the rain fed crop in June-July with the commencement
of the monsoon.
Sowing : - Seed of both male and female parents is soaked in
water for 6 to 8 hours before sowing.
- The lighter as well as damaged seed is discarded. The seed is
dried and treated with 1% mercuric fungicide@7 g/kg seed.
- The recommended planting ratio of 4:1 to 5:1 in respect of area
under female and male parent should be used.
- Since the male and female parents flowers at different periods,
it is necessary to adjust their sowing in such a manner that there
will be adequate supply of flowers from male parent for
hybridization throughout the period of flowering of female
Spacing: Row to row distance = 150 cm, plant to
plant distance 120 cm in female rows and 60 cm in
male rows.

Seed rate : Female parent = 3.75 kg/hg, male

parent = 2.5 kg/ha.
Isolationn requirements:
- Cotton is mainly a self pollinated crop.but naturally cross
pollination to the extent of 10 to 50 per cent in G. barbadense has
been recorded.
- The actual isolation requirement vary according to the extent of
natural cross pollination.
- In india a minimum isolation distance of 50 m for certified seed
production; from fields of other varieties of the same species,
other species and field of the same variety not confirming to
varietal purity requirements for certificationis necessary.
- The hybrid cotton seed is produced by hand
pollination. The individual bud emasculation of the
female parent is done in the evening and pollination
of the same is done in the next day morning (with
the pollen of male parent).
Genetic Purity : 90 %
Seed Standard :
Field inspection:
Minimum Distance ( Meter)
Foundation Certified

Fields of other varieties of the

same species including 50 30
commercial hybrid of the same

Field of the same variety not

conform to varietal purity 50 30
requirement for certification

Fields of other varieties of

different species 5 5
Between block of the partial
line of the same hybrid — 5
Ginning :

Ginning of seed cotton shall be done on the gains

approved by the certification agency.
Varieties :

American improved varieties - DIY -

286, AKH 081, PKV Rajat, AKH 8828
Yield :

22 to 24 quintal/ha
Harvesting and picking :
Picking of crossed boils:
1.Pick up the ripe and completely opened boils along with
pedicel with threads on and collect in buckets for a second
2.Crossed boils collected is buckets should be sorted for
second time to verify that they are the crossed boils.
3.Allow seed cotton to sundry for one or two days and store
in gunny bags until supplied to processing plant.

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