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Cell Load Sharing

08/20/23 cell lpad sharing

The purpose of the Cell Load Sharing feature is to distribute some of a cells
traffic load to surrounding cells during peaks in traffic. This is achieved by
moving established connections to neighboring cells that have idle resources.


The Cell Load Sharing feature distributes the traffic load more evenly in a
network and reduces the probability of congestion in a cell. This is achieved by
moving established connections to neighboring cells and thereby reducing the
high load peaks in the cell.
Cell Load Sharing increases the number of handovers in the part of the network
where the traffic load is unevenly distributed.

08/20/23 cell lpad sharing

Cell Load Sharing Consists of the
Following Activities:
• the traffic load in the cells are monitored
• if a cell has too high load, MSs close to the cell
border are made to perform a handover
• the handovers are carried out if the receiving cell has
low enough load

Note: Load share evaluations are only performed

for existing TCH-connections, i.e. it is not
applied during the assignment phase.

08/20/23 cell lpad sharing

. The performance of the feature is regulated by parameters which are
changeable by operator commands.

08/20/23 cell lpad sharing

Load Monitoring
Cell load sharing acceptance level

This parameter indicates the percentage of available TCHs

below which no handover due to cell load sharing is

The value of the parameter CLSACC must be greater than

the value of the parameter CLSLEVEL.

Default value: 40
Numeral 1 - 100
CLSLEVEL Cell load sharing level

This parameter indicates the percentage of available traffic

channels at which or below which cell load sharing
evaluations are initiated.

The value of parameter CLSLEVEL must be less than the

value of parameter CLSACC.

Default value: 20
Numeral 0 - 99

08/20/23 cell lpad sharing

Cell Load Sharing
Nominal cell border
Target Serving
cell cell

100% idle TCH 100% idle TCH

Inc. HO due to
CLS allowed Outg. HO due to
CLS allowed
CLS region

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Cell Load Sharing
Nominal cell border

Target Handover border from A to B at

cell load sharing from cell A to B


Normal handover from cell A to B

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08/20/23 cell lpad sharing
Cell Load Sharing
Number of TCHs for different settings of

No. of TRXs 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40%

1 (7 TCHs) 0 1 1 1 2 2 2

2 (14 TCHs) 1 2 2 3 4 4 5
3 (21 TCHs) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

4 (28 TCHs) 2 4 5 7 8 9 11
5 (36 TCHs) 3 5 7 9 10 12 14

08/20/23 cell lpad sharing

Cell Load Sharing

Assume that the cells have three TRXs and that one cell tends to be
congested more than its neighbors.

For the cell with high load a suitable setting might be:

and for the neighbors


This means that when the cell with high load has only three idle
TCHs or less (CLSLEV=15), the cell will perform CLS evaluations.
Its neighbors will accept incoming CLS-triggered handovers if
they have six idle TCHs or more (CLSACC=25).

08/20/23 cell lpad sharing

Sample for solve tch blocking for sites E1212 with cell load

08/20/23 cell lpad sharing

Map google earth

08/20/23 cell lpad sharing

Change below parameter:

BSC Cell Parameter Current Proposed




08/20/23 cell lpad sharing

Command with winfiol

08/20/23 cell lpad sharing

CLS Conditions

08/20/23 cell lpad sharing

HOCLSACC=hoclsacc Handover due to cell load sharing
accepted to this cellThis parameter
changes the status of the handover
due to cell load sharing.
ON Cell Load Sharing handover
accepted by the cell OFF Cell Load
Sharing handover not accepted by
the cell

08/20/23 cell lpad sharing

Hysteresis Reduction

nominal cell border

(cell A=serving cell)

(cell B=target cell)
RHYST = 100%
Handover border, RHYST = 75%
cell A to cell B
RHYST = 50%
without reduction
RHYST = 25%
RHYST = 0%

Hysteresis area
0% no reduction of the hysteresis
50 % all hysteresis removed, the border
reduced to the nominal cell border
100 % negative hysteresis

CLSRAMP: The time it takes to fully decrease the hysteresis

08/20/23 cell lpad sharing
CLSRAMP Cell load sharing ramping time
This parameter indicates the
interval during which the value of
parameter RHYST is ramped up
from zero to the final value. The
parameter is expressed in seconds.
Default value: 5
Numeral 0 - 30

08/20/23 cell lpad sharing

Cell Load Sharing, Cell Parameters

Parameter Default Recommen- Value Unit

name value ded value range
CLSLEVEL 20 – 0 to 99 %
CLSACC 40 – 0 to 100 %
CLSRAMP 5 8 0 to 30 s


RHYST 75 100 0 to 100 %

08/20/23 cell lpad sharing

The counters in this section belongs to the object types NCELLREL,
NICELHO and NICELASS. If Ericsson 3 locating algorithm is used, the
object type NICELHOEX have to be considered. NICELHOEX can also
be used to measure high handover rate. There are corresponding
counters for handovers to external neighbour cells; NECELLREL,
NECELHO, NECELSASS and NECELHOEX respectively, which contain
the same set of counters.

08/20/23 cell lpad sharing

The most important counters are:

HOVERCNT   Number of Handover Commands sent to the MS.

HOVERSUC   Number of successful handover to the neighboring cell.

HORTTOCH Number of handover attempts where the MS returns to the old channel or has been ordered by
the network and succeeded in getting back to the old channel.

HODUPFT   Number of successful handovers back to old cell within 10 seconds.

HOTOKCL Handover attempt made to better K-cell (only for the Ericsson 1 locating algorithm). The
corresponding for better L-cell is called HOTOLCL.

HOTOHCS   Handover attempt due to HCS.

HODWNQA Number of handover attempts due to bad downlink quality. There is one HO counter for bad uplink
  quality called HOUPLQA and one for excessive timing advance called HOEXCTA.

HOASBCL Number of assignment attempts to better cell. The corresponding counter for assignment to worse
cell is called HOASWCL.

HOSUCBCL Number of successful assignment attempts to better cell. The corresponding counter for
assignment to worse cell is called HOSUCWCL.

HOATTLSS Number of handover attempts when the serving cell is a low signal strength cell. The
  corresponding counter for attempts at high signal strength is called HOATTHSS.

HOATTHR Number of handover attempts at high handover rate. The counter for successful handovers at high
handover rate is HOSUCHR.

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What is meant by “attempt” for the counters above is before a channel has been allocated that is in the case of
congestion the “attempt” will fail. A better way to express this would be to use the term “decision” and to use the term
“attempt” for the actual attempt to perform for example a handover (when handover command is sent).
The number of lost handovers is counted by subtracting HOVERSUC and HORTTOCH from HOVERCNT and the ratio
of all handovers is given by:

Equation 34   Ratio of Handovers Lost of Total Number of Handover Commands

To see the ratio on cell level, all cell relations have to be summarized.
Cell Load Sharing (CLS) makes it possible to cope with high load peaks in a cell. If the load is above a certain threshold
in a cell, all active connections close to the border to cells with low load (below a certain threshold) become load sharing
handover candidates.
This is achieved by recalculating the ranking values for the suitable neighbouring cells, using a reduced hysteresis
The hysteresis reduction applies to all hysteresis (KHYST, LHYST and TRHYST for Ericsson1, HYST for Ericsson3). It
is applied in a gradual manner over a certain time, starting from zero to a specified percentage of the normal hysteresis
value. The result is that a worse neighbour may eventually change status and become better, thus initiating a load
sharing handover.

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Influence from GPRS

Cell Load Sharing regards dedicated PDCH as busy full rate traffic channels
when evaluating the parameter CLSLEVEL. On-demand PDCHs are regarded as
either idle or busy depending on the setting of the cell parameter GPRSPRIO

GPRS priorityThis parameter controls whether preemptable on-demand Packet

Data Channels (PDCHs) will be treated as idle or busy for functions: Dynamic
Half Rate (HR) Allocation and TCH Packing Functions, Cell Load Sharing, Subcell
Load Distribution and GSM - UMTS Cell Reselection and Handover, BTS Power
Preemptable on-demand PDCHs will be treated as busy or idle for the different
functions according to the following table.

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Preemptable on-demand PDCHs will be treated as busy or idle for the different functions according to the
following table.

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Cell Load Sharing, Field Experience

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Cell load sharing does:

• Cut high load peaks
• Allows a higher average load while GOS
(allowed congestion level) remains the same
• Increases the number of handovers in parts of the
network with high, and unevenly distributed traffic.

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