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Exercise No (1)
Group Number (1)
Group 1 Members
1. Deng Manyang
2. James Kenyi Nichola
3. Akon Omer
4. Morzuk Kamal
5. Muras
6. Harun Deng Mangok
7. Night John
8. Medina John
9. Malual Bul Peter
Exercise ( 1)
Calculate the mean, median,
variance and standard
deviation of the finger length
of MPH students.
:Presentation Contents
1. Generation of Data
2. Classification of Data
3. Measures of Central Tendency
(i) Mean
(ii) Median
(iii) Mode
4. Measures of Spread
(i) Max and Min
(ii) Range
.…Measures of Spread Cont

(iii) Percentiles (P25 and P75)

(iv) Interquartile Range (IQR)
(v) Variance
(vi) Standard Deviation
5. Histogram
Generation of Data .1

Step One
Index finger length from 6
members of the
group has been measured to
the following data
 Measures of fingers length in CM
Data in
Sorted random S/N
  8.5 10.1 1
  8.9 9 2
 9 8.9 3
  10 10 4
  10.1 10.1 5
  10.1 8.5 6
2. Classification of Data:

This data is classified as numerical –

Because we are measuring the length

3. Measures of central tendency:

(i) Mean:
Is the sum of all values / total number of
…Mean cont
Mean = ∑of all values
total number of observations
= x1 + x2 + x3……..+x6
= 8.5+8.9+9+10+10.1+10.1
= 56.6/6 = 9.4
Mean = 9.4
:Median )ii(
  8.5 Is the middle point of a
sorted data
  8.9 Since we have even
 9 number of data;
The order of the median
  10 = n/2 + 1 = 6/2 +1 = 3+1
  10.1 =4th observation
So, Median = 9+10/2
  10.1 =19/2 = 9.5
:Mode )iii(
Is the most frequent
  8.5 value in the data
So, the mode is 10.1
4. Measures of spread:
(i) Max and Min
The max measure in
  8.9 this data is 10.1
 9 And the min
measure is 8.5
:Range )ii(
Range is the difference between the
Max and the Min or = Max – Min
1.6= 8.5 – 10.1
So, the range is 1.6
(iii) Percentiles:
Percentile = P/100 (n+1)
(a) P25 = 25/100(6+1) = 0.25 x 7 = 1.75
So, P25 = 1.75
P75 = 75/100(6+1) = 0.75 x7 = 5.25 )b(
P75 = 5.25

(iv) Interquartile range:

Is the difference between P75 and P25
= P75-P25 = 5.25 -1.75 = 3.5
Therefore, IQR = 3.5
(v) Variance:
Variance is the sum of squared
differences between each value and the
mean divided by total number of
observations minus one

=∑ of the squared differences

 Find the differences between the
mean and each data value
differences Value - Mean
- 0.9   8.5 – 9.4
- 0.5   8.9 – 9.4
- 0.4   9 – 9.4
0.6   10 – 9.4
0.7   10.1 – 9.4
0.7   10.1 – 9.4
 Square the differences
Squared differ differ Value - Mean
0.81 - 0.9   8.5 – 9.4
0.25 - 0.5   8.9 – 9.4
0.16 - 0.4   9 – 9.4
0.36 0.6   10 – 9.4
0.49 0.7   10.1 – 9.4
0.49 0.7   10.1 – 9.4
 Sum the squared differences
Squared differ Var. = ∑ of the
0.81 squared
0.25 differences /n-1
0.16 = 2.56/6-1
0.36 = 2.56/5 =0.512
0.49 So, the variance =
2.56 0.512
(vi) Standard Deviation:

Standard Deviation is the square root

of the variance

= √0.512 = 0.72
So, the standard deviation is 0.72
!Thank You

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