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IoT Fundamentals

Patri Upender
Asst Professor
VIT Chennai
What is Internet of Things?

 The IoT is the network of physical objects or

“things” embedded with electronics, software,
sensors, and network connectivity, which enables
these objects to collect and exchange data.
 IoT is an ecosystem of connected physical
objects that are accessible through internet.
 IoT allows objects to be sensed and controlled
remotely across existing network infrastructure,
creating opportunities for more direct integration
between the physical world and computer-based
systems, and resulting in improved efficiency,
accuracy and economic benefit.
Home automation
 Module:1 Essentials of Internet of Things
IoT Emergence, Definition and Characteristics of IoT, Impact of IoT on business and
society, IoT product development life cycle, IoT enabling Technologies, Applications.

 Module:2 Architecture Reference Model

Domain Model, Information Model, Functional Model – Communication and security
model, SOA based architecture.

 Module:3 Protocol Suite

Physical layer, Link layer -BLE, LoRAWAN, Network layer, Transport layer,
Application Layer protocols - MQTT, CoAP – Communication Models.

 Module:4 Edge Computing

Introduction to Edge/Fog computing, Front end Edge Devices, Gateway, Edge ML for
Industry automation.
 Module:5 Security Engineering
IoT Attacks and Security Challenges, Threat and Mitigating Threats to IoT
Systems, Privacy concerns - Access control, Lightweight Cryptography,
Privacy in IoT

 Module:6 IoT Platforms for Usecase Development

Open source IoT platforms and services, Communication API’s- REST,
Websocket, Scalability of IoT Solutions

 Module:7 IoT Verticals

Roadmap for developing complete IoT solutions; Smart Cities, Healthcare,
Agriculture and Farming

 Module:8 Contemporary Issues

Guest lectures from Industry and R&D organizations.
Elements of IoT
 IoTis a a network of physical elements
empowered by:
 Sensors: to collect information.
 Identifiers: to identify the source of
data (e.g., sensors, devices).
 Software: to analyze data.
 Internet connectivity: to
communicate and notify.
 It allows physical objects to be sensed (to
provide specific information) and controlled
remotely across the Internet.
 Thereby creating opportunities for more direct
integration between the physical world and
computer-based systems and resulting in
improved efficiency, accuracy, and economic
 The main idea of IoT is to physically
connect anything/everything (e.g., sensors,
devices, machines, people, animals, trees)
and processes over the Internet for
monitoring and/or control functionality.
 IoT in its simplest form may be considered
as the intersection of the Internet, things, and
data as shown in Fig
The definition of IoT should also include
“Standards” and “Processes” allowing
“Things” to be connected over the
“Internet” to exchange “Data” using
industry “Standards” that guarantee
efficiency and enabling useful and mostly
automated “Processes,” as shown in Fig.
How to Monitor and Control Things
from Anywhere in the World?
 The basic requirements for IoT are the unique
identity per “thing” (e.g., IP address), the ability to
communicate between things (e.g., wireless
communications), and the ability to sense specific
information about the thing (sensors).
 With these three requirements, one should be able
to monitor things from anywhere in the world.
 Another foundation requirement is a
medium to communicate. Such
requirement is typically handled by a
telecommunications network.
Why Do We Want to Monitor and Control Things?

 Monitoring and controlling things by experts (e.g., a patient’s

temperature or blood pressure while the patient is at the
comfort of his or her own home)
 Learning about things by pointing a smartphone to a thing of
interest, for instance.
 Searching for things that search engines (e.g., Google) do not
provide today (e.g., where are my car keys, remote, etc).
 Finally, providing more affordable facilities (entertainment
and games) for children and adults.
 All of these are examples of huge business and service
opportunities to boost the economic impact for consumers,
businesses, governments, hospitals, and many other entities.
Who Will Monitor and Control?
 Monitoring and control of IoT services may be done
by any person or any machine.
 For example, a homeowner monitoring his own
home on a mobile device based on a security system
she or he has installed and configured.
 The homeowner may also control lights, turn on the
air conditioning, shut off the heater, etc.
 Another example is for a service provider to monitor
and control services for its customers in a network
operations center (NOC) as shown in Fig.
Impact of IoT on business and
 The global IoT market is increasing day by
day and about 41 billion devices will be
connected to the internet by 2027.
 IoT offers many benefits to businesses,
including reduce in the operating costs, new
consumer insights and opportunities to
optimize business operations.
 It'snot always a positive situation, though.
Some businesses might only see the
disadvantages of IoT devices and be
hesitant to use them.
Smarter Products / Devices 

 IoT brings new smart products to the market and helps to

make better versions of the existing products.

 Firstly, by gathering precise information about the real-world

usage of devices, companies get an opportunity to adjust their
products to the customer’s needs, remove unnecessary features,
and improve ones in use. 

 Secondly, manufacturers have the opportunity to offer smart

devices that people have never seen before. Some examples of new
smart devices that didn’t gain huge popularity are smart forks or
smart water bottles.
Businesses Go Remote, Education Follows 

 One of the most noticeable ways how IoT has affected

businesses is the spread of a remote business model.

 Due to Covid-19 pandemic, the job market offers a lot of offers

in terms of working from home. 

 It also refers to education, since the number of online learning

platforms continues to grow and world universities adapt their
programs to the online format.
Increase in the Number of
Android-Based Devices

 Since the first release, the Android operating system has been open
source. That means that developers have access to its source code
and can customize it to any need and any gadgets, which they
do. Android is written in the Java programming language, which
is considered highly suitable for connected devices.

 The number of Android-based smart devices increases every year,

and this trend continues so far as the number of IoT devices grows..
Simplify the Automatization Process 

 Using tablets or even smartphones, people can

remotely control devices in the IoT system, alter their
configuration, or change the state (like adjusting the
temperature at home or inside the storage container).

 Devices, in turn, notify users and send them messages,

alerts, and warnings in different cases. So, the IoT
system provides two-way communication between
smart things and users. 
Facilitates Assets Tracking

 The most popular approach for product tracking is using

barcodes and scanners. It has changed with the introduction
of IoT sensors like Radio Frequency Identification
Tags (RFID or it’s also called smart labels) that hold all
necessary information about the particular product.

 The main advantage of the RFID compared to barcodes is

that the RFID system has detectors that can read smart labels
outside the line of sight without human participation, while
barcodes must be right in front of an optical scanner.  
Machines Downtime Reduction
 IoT sensors are constantly monitoring the health of
machine’s parts and notify about asset health,
utilization, and the possibility of failure, providing an
opportunity to take action before the failure happens.

 As a result, businesses have fewer maintenance costs

because an IoT-based monitoring system predicts
machine failures and allows scheduling the optimal
time for maintenance activity. 
Some Business Models Will Disappear

 Plastic credit card companies – people start using their smart

gadgets like watches or smartphones to pay for goods and services.

Credit cards gradually go out of use. 

 The delivery and logistics industry may become almost completely

automated, so modern business models that use couriers have to


 Retail shops without lines and checkouts where the smart system of

cameras and sensors tracks goods people grab and charge them

automatically after they finish. No sellers. Small retail shops wouldn’t

be able to compete with large supermarkets, and they will probably

Less Energy and Fuel Consumption  &
Reduce Waste 

 Companies empowered by IoT monitoring systems

report a reduction in energy consumption.

 Smart systems help to detect and eliminate resource

leaks as well as find a new and smoother way for
machines to operate. 
Boost Efficiency and Profits 

 As a result of machine downtime reduction,

automatization, and less energy consumption, real-time
data businesses experience growth in their efficiency
and productivity.

 In addition, IoT can provide accurate data about the

production process at different stages of manufacturing,
hence allowing to identify bottlenecks in the process
and increasing the throughput capacity of the
The Unmet Demand for Skilled Workers Is Growing

 The Internet of Things and accompanying technologies

develop too rapidly. University programs, training, and
retraining programs fail to adapt.

 This leads to the shortage of highly skilled specialists

that can build and maintain IoT systems. 

 When it comes to the Internet of Things, the business

community is still overcoming a significant skills gap,
and this IoT trend is expected to continue.
The Emergence of New
Business Models: 
 Industry 4.0
 Smart Agriculture
 Wearable technology market
 Self-driving cars industry
 Smart homes 
 Smart cities
 E-healthcare
The Emergence of New Business Models: 

 Industry 4.0
Technologies led to the Industrial Revolution also known as
industry 4.0, which features high devices interconnectivity, IoT,
enormous amounts of data, automation, machine learning, and Big
Technology methods. 
 Wearable technology market

Smart devices like smartwatches, bracelets, and other accessories

connected to the Internet are replacing traditional devices.  

They provide additional functionalities like payments as well as

gather meaningful information to users like step counting or 
sleep tracking.
 Smart Agriculture
There are a lot of ways in which the Internet of Things has affected
the agriculture industry.

Farming in the 21st century seriously differs from agriculture in the

20th century. Interconnected IoT devices can give valuable
information to farmers on which crops to plant and where, when to
plow, what is the best route to take while plowing, when to sow, and
how to reduce the loss of production.
 Self-driving cars industry
Remote control and monitoring was the first phase of
car automation. Nowadays, modern cars are
equipped with a lot of sensors that are capable of
tracking their environment and moving safely with
little or no human input. 
 Smart homes 
Smart homes are the second most popular IoT
technology implementation. If we bring different
smart devices like a smart thermostat and smart
refrigerator to one place, then connect 
smart light switches and door locks to one system
(usually a mobile application) along with the
thermostat, refrigerator, and other smart gadgets, we
get smart homes. 
 Smart cities
The smart city concept is a new IoT trend that hasn’t got great popularity
yet. Smart cities are based on technological solutions that are supposed to
manage the life of the whole city, like automotive street light adjustment,
traffic congestion control, waste management, etc. 

 E-healthcare
One of the industries IoT technology affected most is healthcare. IoT
sensors and systems became professional health assistant that measures
biometric data and send it to the doctor. Human organs can be transported
between two hospitals by drones in case of emergency surgery. The
information from sensors is essential to understanding the health of the
patient. Thanks to the Internet of Things, doctors can make better diagnoses
because they have real-time information about a patient’s biometric data.  
IoT product development life cycle

 The IoT product development journey is long and challenging.

 It involves taking an IoT product from an idea to a thoroughly tested

prototype and detailed design, including a complete bill of
material (BoM) and design for manufacturing and assembly.

 But IoT product lifecycle doesn’t stop there. After a product is

launched, and it is taken into use, its battery life, wireless performance,
and compatibility with the ecosystem and other devices are put into a
test every day.

 The software must be continually improved, tested, and distributed

across the installed base throughout the product lifecycle. Finally,
products must be decommissioned and recycled without jeopardizing
users' private data.
 IoT market is intense. Everyone wants to win the
customers’ hearts with ever more innovative products.
Device makers must accelerate time-to-market while
raising the bar for innovation.

 Developers must determine creating outstanding

products with robust security, superior wireless RF
performance, long battery life, and excellent user
 Production services has made IoT product
manufacturing easy. Anybody with an innovative idea
can hire a manufacturer and scale production globally.

 However, the ease of contract manufacturing comes

with risks such as counterfeiting, over-production, fake
components, cloning, and copying.

 Thus, one of the most critical lifecycle challenges for

IoT device makers is, how to protect intellectual
property (IP) during outsourced manufacturing? 
Use & Maintenance
 The lifetime of an IoT device can extend from days to months
or years, depending on the application.

 When a user takes a product into use, all the design choices,
software implementation, hardware design, wireless
performance, energy efficiency, security capabilities, and
compatibility with networks, companion devices, and
ecosystems are put to an ultimate test.

 The device must deliver its user a great experience every day
while the device maker must maintain the installed base with
fresh software and latest security updates throughout the
Internet of Things (IoT) Enabling
Cloud computing is the
delivery of computing
services over the internet
—including servers,
storage, databases,
networking, software,
analytics, and intelligence
—over the internet (“the
cloud”) to offer faster
innovation, flexible
resources, and economies
of scale.
EX: A Company wants to
host its web application in
the cloud. Instead of
purchasing physical
servers, they can opt for
IaaS. They can rent
virtual machines from an
IaaS provider, configure
the operating systems,
install the necessary
software, and deploy their
web application on these
virtual machines.

Example: Consider a developer who wants to build

Example: Imagine a company that needs
a mobile application. Instead of setting up and
managing servers, databases, and other a customer relationship management
infrastructure components, they can choose a PaaS (CRM) system. Instead of purchasing and
provider. installing CRM software on their own
servers, they can subscribe to a SaaS-
Platform Examples
AWS Elastic Beanstalk,
PaaS Google App Engine,
and Adobe Commerce
Gmail, Slack, and
Microsoft Office 365
Amazon Web Services,
Microsoft Azure, and
Google Compute
3. Big Data Analytics
 It is a collection of data coming from various types of sources. The data is
often huge which cannot be handled by the traditional databases and data
warehouses. BigData is often characterized by six Vs. They are:
• Volume: Refers to the huge volume of data aggregated from various
• Variety: Refers to different types of data.
• Velocity: Refers to the speed at which the data is generated. Now-a-days
the amount of data available on the Internet per minute is several peta
bytes or even more.
• Veracity: Refers to the degree to which the data can be trusted. If the data
collected is incorrect or has manipulated or wrong values, the analysis of
such data is useless.
• Value: Refers to the business value of the collected. Even though we have
huge amount of data, but it is not useful for gaining profits in the
business, such data is useless.
• Variability: Refers to the ways in which the big data can be used and
 The data analytics framework consists
of six steps namely: collection, cleaning,
integration, analysis, visualization and
alerting. These six steps can be
summarized as shown in the below
4. Communication Protocols

 Communication protocol refers to the set of rules and

standards that govern how devices, sensors, and systems in
an IoT network communicate and exchange data.

 Examples of communication protocols commonly used in

IoT include MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport),
CoAP (Constrained Application Protocol), HTTP (Hypertext
Transfer Protocol), AMQP (Advanced Message Queuing
Protocol), and Zigbee.
5. Embedded systems
An embedded system is a computer system—a combination of a
computer processor, computer memory, and input/output
peripheral devices—that has a dedicated function within a larger
mechanical or electronic system.
Applications of IOT

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