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The Effects of Humidifier

Smoke with Lavender Oil

(Essential Oil) on the Growth
of Alas Diyes (Flowering
Justin Mavric M. Pangilinan
12 – STEM D
Due to the pandemic most of the people are bored inside the house. Many people tried to experiment on plants like the “plantitas” and “plantitos”. Most of their plants don’t thrive
on dry conditions. I chose this study because it will benefit the “plantitos” and “plantitas” that are having a hard time waiting for their plant to grow due to the dry conditions. On
the other side, this will also help as an alternative moisturizer on the plant because humidifier is the simplest and most obvious solution for growing the plants that cannot thrive
on dry conditions. The added moisture benefits most houseplants. And it benefits furniture and people, too. There are different humidifiers the most used humidifier is the cool
mist because it gives high humidity on plants. There are also different types of humidifier and the most used type of humidifier for plant is the ultrasonic because of its fine mist
that moisturizes the plant well.
In this study we want to use the alas dyes plant because it is easy to propagate and can grow easily that can cover a garden patch. The alas dyes plant is a low, fleshy,
trailing perennial herb attaining a height of 15 to 30 centimeters. Stems are slender and terete, prostrate or ascending, with hairy joints. Leaves are small, thick and fleshy,
clustered, up to 2 centimeters long, alternate or in small clusters. Flowers are showy, terminal, up to 3 centimeters across, subtended by clustered leaves. Petals are five, red, white,
yellow or pink, opening in mid-morning and closing by mid-afternoon. Fruit is a small capsule, releasing seeds when ripe. This plant is widely distributed in the Philippines. Also
this plant can thrive in full sun in dry to moderately moist. The benefits that we can get from this plant is that its properties can be used as an antioxidant, lipid-regulating,
phytoremediative, antibacterial properties.
Unlike any other pesticide the lavender essential oil is the best natural pesticide. Lavender essential oil is very antibacterial and antifungal and work well to
combat fungus and bacteria issues on your plants. Lavender is prized for its decorative, aromatic and medicinal uses. Not only is lavender a desirable addition to almost
any garden, but the essential oils from the herb are used in cosmetics, antiseptics and even insecticides. The essential oil in lavender is composed of as much as 30 percent
linalool and 40 percent linalyl acetate, depending on the species. Lavender essential oil has many benefits not just for the plants but also for the humans. Lavender essential
oil benefits are anti-anxiety and helps promote sleep and fight insomnia
Research Problem
The researcher has formulated problems that are relevant to the study which are
the effects of Humidifier Smoke with Lavender Oil (Essential Oil) on the growth of
Alas Diyes/Time Plant (Flowering Plant).

First, the properties of essential oil that affects the growth of the plant, if it has
noticeable effects on the growth and length of the plant. Next are the specific
properties of essential oil that affects the growth of the plant.

These are the problems and questions in executing this experiment about the
effects of a humidifier smoke with essential oil on the growth rate of alas diyes that
will be answered.
In this study, the researcher is expected to see the effects of
the humidifier smoke with lavender oil (Lavandula
Angustifolia) that was set-up beside the flowering plant which
is the alas diyes. The humidifier smoke with the essential oil
which is the lavender benefits the plant a lot, not just for
moisture but also for pesticides to avoid it from being eaten.
The researchers suppose that the study has a pleasing result
and that is the growth and budding of alas diyes.
Set-ups (variables)
• Dependent variable: Alas Diyes (flowering plant)
• Independent variable: Lavender Oil (essential oil)

There would be two set-ups for this experiment. Set-up A is the flowering
plant (alas dyes) with a humidifier smoke with an essential oil (lavender) while
in the Set-up B the flowering plant (alas dyes) will only be watered. The growth
of the flowering plant (alas dyes) will be the dependent variable. Both plants
will be placed in a controlled environment in a sunlight of every 6am – 9am in
the morning. Set-up B will be water trice a week while Set-up A will be
humidified every morning (morning sun).
The method used in this study is a very common procedure which
can be seen in typical gardening at home. However, the materials in this
experiment are slightly different (i.e. the use of humidifier with the
essential oil).
Gantt chart




1. Submission and approval of the research          

2. Gathering of materials          

3. Conducting of the experiment          

4. Data Gathering          

5. Finished Manuscript          
• Better Homes & Gardens. 2021. Houseplant Humidity Guidelines. [online] Available at:
[Accessed 26 February 2021].
• Epic Gardening. 2021. The Best Plant Humidifiers For Your Indoor Garden | Epic Gardening.
[online] Available at: <> [Accessed 26
February 2021].
• Home Guides | SF Gate. 2021. Can I Use Lavender as an Insecticide?. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 26
February 2021].
• 2021. Portulaca grandiflora (Moss Rose). [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 26 February
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