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Overview of Selling
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Learning Objectives
L 1
Define personal selling and describe its unique characteristics as a marketing communications tool.

L 2 Distinguish between transaction-focused L 3


traditional selling and trust-based relationship selling, with the latter focusing on customer value and sales dialogue. Describe the evolution of personal selling from ancient times to the modern era.

Learning Objectives
L 4 L 5 L 6 L 7

Explain the contributions of personal selling to society, business firms, and customers. Discuss five alternative approaches to selling. Describe the three primary roles fulfilled by consultative salespeople. Understand the sales process as a series of interrelated steps.

Personal Selling Defined

An important part of marketing that relies heavily on interpersonal interactions between buyers and sellers to initiate, develop, and enhance customer relationships.

Trust-Based Relationship Selling

Requires that salespeople earn customer trust and that their selling strategy meets customer needs and contributes to the creation, communication, and delivery of customer value.

Customer Value

The customers perception of what they get for what they have to give up.


Importance of Sales Dialogue

Allows for more thorough qualifying. Demonstrates sincere interest in the prospective customer. Helps Determine prospective customers unique needs. Ensures meaningful presentation of valueadded solutions. Promotes open communication and satisfaction feedback.

Sales Dialogue: business conversation between buyers & sellers that occur as salespeople attempt to initiate, develop, & enhance customer 4/19/12 relationships.

Transaction-Focused Selling vs. Trust-Based Relationship Selling


Transaction-Focused Selling vs. Trust-Based Relationship Selling


Evolution of Personal Selling

Peddlers selling door to door . . . served as intermediaries 1800s Industrial Revolution PostIndustrial Revolution Selling function became more structured

1900s War and Depression

2000s Modern Era

Business organizations employed salespeople 4/19/12

Selling function becoming more professional

Evolution of Personal Selling

(The past several decades)

From Canned Sales Presentation: reliance on sales presentations that

include scripted sales calls, memorized presentations, and automated presentations.

To greater Sales Professionalism: a focus on customer-oriented approach

that uses truthful, nonmanipulative tactics to satisfy the long-term needs of both the customer and the selling firm. 4/19/12

Continued Evolution of Personal Selling


Contributions of Personal Selling: Salespeople and Society

Salespeople help stimulate the economy. Salespeople help with the diffusion of innovation.


Contributions of Personal Selling: Salespeople and the Employing Firm

Salespeople generate revenue. Salespeople provide market research and customer feedback. Salespeople become future leaders in the organization.


Contributions of Personal Selling: Salespeople and the Customer

Salespeople provide solutions to problems. Salespeople provide expertise and serve as information resources. Salespeople serve as advocates for the customer when dealing with the selling organization.

Ethical Dilemma


Alternative Personal Selling Approaches

Stimulus Response Selling Mental States Selling

Adaptive Selling: the ability of a Need Satisfaction salesperson to Selling alter his/her sales Problem Solving Sellingmessages and behaviors during a sales presentation Consultative Selling or as they encounter different sales situations


Stimulus Response Selling

Simple in design; assumes conditioned response improves likelihood of 4/19/12 success; a risky

Mental States Selling

Assumes buyer can be led through mental states; promotes one-way communication; a risky and 4/19/12 unreliable

Ethical Dilemma


Need Satisfaction Selling

Interact with buyer to determine existing needs; present solutions to needs; 4/19/12 solutions

Problem Solving Selling

Interact with buyer to determine existing and potential needs; present multiple solutions not 4/19/12 limited to

Consultative Selling
The process of helping customers reach their strategic goals by using the products, services, and expertise of the selling

The Sales Process - Overview


Role Play


Role Play


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