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Group 1 :
Della Aprilia Safira - 21144700030
Fadhilla Cahya Rahmawati - 21144700016
Mei Rohamah – 21144700013
Why do curricula in

Questions 01 change from time of time ?

What are the factors that

02 make it change ?

Find the document of

03 curricula SD !

Mentions the components of

04 each curriculum !
Curriculum in Indonesia is always changing
because it comes to the presence of the time of the
occurrence of the main,especially the development
of science and technology.
Curriculum as a guide for learning activities,it is
impossible not to change. The changing times
accompaniment of science and technology changes
requires a curriculum change. Curriculum changes
are policies set by the Minister of Education in
02 The factors that make curriculum change

The existence of the development and change of one

nation with the other
Curriculum changes must be adapted to local condition,other
countries curricula are not fully adopted due to differences in
ideology,religion,economy,social,and culture.

The development of industry and production or

The curriculum must be able to create human brings who are
ready to use in all fields of interest,even being able to create
their own new world,not only able to follow that world.

Political orientation and state practice

The practice of state politics plays an important role in curriculum
change. It is undeniable that education,including the curriculum,
can’t be separated from the politics of a nation.
Changed intellectual outlook
To improve this quality,the government is trying to implement a competency-based
curriculum (KBK) which was initiated on June 26,2002,then in 2016 a new
curriculum was implemented,named KTSP and now the latest curriculum,namely
K13 has been initiated with the same basis with changes and emphasis on aspects

New thinking about teaching and learning process

There are so many new thoughts,concepts or theories in the learning process,even
though those thoughts are sometimes just changes in the pressure point.

Changes in society
Society is a dynamic community and will always change,both positive and
negative changes.

Exploitation of science
The curriculum must at least be adapted to the development of
science,so that children have sufficient provisions to face life in the
03 Curriculum
04 The components of the KBK SD Curriculum

01 02 03 04
Class based Teaching and
Learning outcome assessment learning School based curriculum
curriculum activities management

hlm.1Muhammad Zaini. Pengembangan Kurikulum. (Yogyakarta : TERAS,

2009). 67-170

Mubarak, Ruma. "Pengembangan kurikulum sekolah dasar." Madrasah:

Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Dasar 5.2 (2013): 24.
Thank you
Any Questions ?

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