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Learner Diversity: Developmental
Characteristic, Needs and Interests
Presented by: Group
Subiate, Dioan B.
Torres, Kristine Joy B.
Trinidad, Albert P.
Viajedor, Elah Grace B.
Activity 2.1
Observing learner characteristics at
different stages

Resource Teacher: Ms. Arlene Therese E. Adon

School: Malalag National High School
Grade/Year Level: Grade 10
Subject Area: MAPEH
Date: September 16, 2021
Learner’s Development Matrix
Development High School
Domains Indicate age range of children observed:15 - 16

As we observed in the video, Grade 10 students were very
Gross motor Skills
careful in terms of their action. When they move around inside
the class they carried themselves deliberately without making
any distractions for their teacher and classmates.

In terms of their fine motor skills, we observed that they

Fine motor Skills
could write legibly, confident to read with comprehension and
they can able to arrange the puzzle letters and pictures.

They are strong enough to handle things without the

Self-help Skills
assistance or help from their teacher and classmates and one
of the example that we've seen in the video is they can carry
their own chairs when have some activities to do.
Learner’s Development Matrix
Development High School
Domains Indicate age range of children observed:15 - 16

As we observed in the video, the teachers authority was
Social interaction with
well recognized and respected because students listen
attentively when their teacher doing the class discussions.
They interact and express their thought or ideas when their
teacher ask them questions and when they are confused to the
given instructions they don't hesitate to ask question.
They love to talk with their classmates when they have an
Social interaction with
activity to do. They collaborate and share their ideas to each
other so that they can have a better outcome of their work
Since they are already in grade 10 and mature enough. They
interested in many things like they share similar experience,
hobbies, interest and having a crush or love life.
Learner’s Development Matrix
Development High School
Domains Indicate age range of children observed:15 - 16

In the video, the students shows happiness and enjoyment
Moods and temperament,
during class discussion and group activities being shared to
expression of feelings
them by their teacher. They express their feelings through
laughing and smiling when they’re happy and they shows
seriousness if the teacher is seriously discussing in front.

They could show and change their emotions easily. They know
Emotional Independence
when to get serious and when to laugh. They can control and
handle their emotions well like not getting angry easily when
being tease during group activities and such.
Learner’s Development Matrix
Development High School
Domains Indicate age range of children observed:15 - 16

Their communication skills are well develop because they can
Communication Skills
easily express and share their opinions in front of the class
during reporting and when the teacher asks them some questions.
The students can easily processes the information given by the
Thinking Skills
teachers. They are quick to think and give answer to the
questions being asked by the teacher. The students can provide
sensible and practical answers reflecting their past experiences.
As we observed in the video one of the examples that they
Problem Solving
possessed problem solving skills is when they connected the
pictures and words that they made from their group activity which
is to arranged the jumbled letters and pictures with that they
come up a topic which to be discussed by their teachers. At their
age they are mature enough to understand things and they already
develop there problem solving skills.
Level Salient Characteristic Implication to the Teaching-Learning
Observed Process

High School • High school students are • Teachers play a very vital role in
Age range of participative and able to the learning participation of the
learners voice out/express their students. Therefore, teachers should
observed_15 – 16 opinion. always show enthusiasm and energetic
• They are more observant vibe in teaching to motivate their
and aware of their students to learn and participate.
• They can understand the •Teachers should relate and
lessons better especially communicate significant lessons to
if it’s integrated with student’s everyday life.
real life situations.
 1. While you were observing the learners, did you recall your
own experiences when you were at their age? What similarities or
differences do you have with the learners you observed?

While we are observing the learners in the video, we recall and

remember our past experiences during at their age. Every time our
teacher would gave activities we were excited to do it with our
group mates and would always participate in any performance tasks
that our teacher would gave to us. However, we think the
differences that we noticed between the learners in the video and
with us is that they were very behave, organized and not too
noisy, unlike us during our high school we were messy, sometimes
noisy and we were always having fun talking with our seatmates
which wasn’t related to the topic that's why our teacher would
scold us and let us explain to the whole class the topic.
2. Think of a teacher you cannot forget for positive and negative reasons.
How did she/he help or not help you with your needs (physical, emotional,
social and cognitive)? How did it affect you?

The teacher that I couldn't forget was Miss Herra, she was my teacher
when I was in grade 10. I remember when we were having a sports fest in our
school, she told us that our section would join the cheer dance competition
and we would use the time of her class for us to practice. Then during our
practice session, most of my classmates noticed and would always correct me
because I always made mistakes and tend to forget the steps. That's why I
talked to Miss that I'm not going to dance anymore, instead if she would
allow me I’d rather join as one of the props men but she refused. Then she
said to me that I can do it if I would just think that I can do it and I
should push myself to do more because she believed in our capabilities. Even
though some of us are already dancers and some are not, she still believed
that I can do more. So, because of what she said to me I already have the
courage and confidence to dance again and I did my best to memorize the
steps so that I will never make a mistakes again.

3. Share your other insights here.

As a teacher we should encourage and motivate our students to participate

and include their selves in any activities in school because this will help
to improve the physically, socially, emotionally and cognitively. If we
encourage and motivate them to participate in any tasks and school
activities, it can’t just improve their own skills but also they show and
share their talents to everyone. They can socialize with others and can gain
more friends not just within their section but also within the school. It
can also boost their self-confidence and to do their best in the tasks or
activities they participated in. Further, it can help them think positively
about their selves that they can be better and believe with their own
SHOW Your Learning Artifacts
Which is your favorite theory of development? How can this guide you as a future
teacher? Clip some readings about this theory and paste them here.
All developmental theories are essential to understand and learn especially in
the field of teaching. However as we discuss and reminisce our knowledge about the
different theory of development, Jean Piaget's Cognitive Developmental Theory is
one of the theories we favored more. It focuses on the understanding how children
acquire knowledge and believed that such knowledge grows and develops through a
series of stages. According to one article about Cognitive Development by Dr.
Kendra Cherry, Jean Piaget believed that children constantly add new knowledge,
build on current knowledge, and adapt previously held concepts to accommodate new
information as they interact with the world around them. Added by Dr. Saul Mcleod
in his article about Key Concept’s of Piaget’s Cognitive Development Theory,
Piaget suggests that intelligence changes as children grow. It occurs through the
interaction of innate capacities and environmental events, and children pass
through a series of stages. With such information, we may able to understand how
our future students think and process the lessons we teach. Furthermore, it will
help us associate teaching strategies to be use during class sessions which will
adhere to the student’s capability to acquire knowledge.

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