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Sensor Application

1. Sabri Mohammed Ba khamis
2. Saleh Robea Bajbair
3. Abdullah Hadi Qumsi

Dr. Maged Aldhaeebi
Out Line
Types of sensors..
.Simple alarm circuit design.
Simulation Study ..
Results and discussion ..
Summary ..

We often hear about the term sensor, and some may use it daily
without any understanding of what it means. Sensors are types.
There are optical sensors and there are optical sensors,.Now we
will know what sensors are and why we hear this term a lot in
those days, especially when Talking about smartphones and
where are these sensors.
Types of Sensors:
1- Temperature Sensor:
One of the most common and most popular sensors is the Temperature Sensor.
A Temperature Sensor, as the name suggests, senses the temperature i.e., it
measures the changes in the temperature.
Temperature Sensors are used everywhere like:
 Computers.
 Mobile phones.
 Automobiles
 Air conditioning systems.
 Industries.
 etc.
:Ultrasonic Sensor -2
An Ultrasonic Sensor is a non-contact type device that can be used
to measure distance as well as velocity of an object. An Ultrasonic
Sensor works based on the properties of the sound waves with
frequency greater than that of the human audible range.
:Light Sensor -3
Sometimes also known as Photo Sensors, Light Sensors are one of
the important sensors. A simple Light Sensor available today is the
Light Dependent Resistor or LDR. The property of LDR is that its
resistance is inversely proportional to the intensity of the ambient
light i.e., when the intensity of light increases, its resistance
.decreases and vise-versa
:Smoke and Gas Sensors -4
One of the very useful sensors in safety related applications are
Smoke and Gas Sensors. Almost all offices and industries are
equipped with several smoke detectors, which detect any smoke
.(due to fire) and sound an alarm
Gas Sensors are more common in laboratories, large scale kitchens
and industries. They can detect different gases like LPG, Propane,
.Butane, Methane (CH4), etc
Simple alarm circuit design:

To clarify how to design a simple digital system, we assume that
we have an alarm system and we have three sensors (A, B, C) for
this system to operate, and each sensor gives 0 or 1 according to
a specific situation, and in the end these sensors will control the
lighting (Out) of the alarm system, but Lighting needs certain
conditions To operate.
The conditions may be in several possibilities:
1. If sensor A works alone, this means that A is equal to 1 And B and
C are zero.
2. If sensor B works alone, this means that B is equal to 1 And all of
me A and C are zero.
3. If sensor A and C work together, then both A and C are They are
equal to 1 regardless of whether the value of B is 0 or 1 .
4. If sensor B and C work together, then both B and C are 1
regardless of the value of A being 0 or 1.
We can make a fact table or Truth table for an alarm system
consisting of three sensors of the above possibilities:
We have filled the inputs (A, B, C) in the truth table, but we must
take into account that in order to get the output, the previous
conditions or possibilities must be taken into account and when
one of these is available Conditions (such as B equals 1 and both A
and C equals it) the output is equal to (1), and when none of them
are available, the output (such as A, B, C equals 0, C9 equals 1 and
both A and B equal 0) The output is in This case is equal to (0).
Convert the truth table of an alarm system into an electrical circuit:
we will deal with the possibilities at which the alarm works, that
is, when the output is equal to (1), we will find in this circuit there
are 5 cases in which the output is equal to (1), and we find that we
will use the AND gate for each probability - separately to get the
output equals (1) as follows:
For example, when the first possibility of output equals 1 is that A
equals 0 B equals 1 and C equals 0 When we use the AND gate until
the output is equal to 1.
We will do the same thing with every possibility that the output is
equal to 1, so we have used 5 gates AND ,but how do you link these
gates together?
We collect all the output of AND gates
together and this is called the sum
of product as follows:
Simulation study:
The alarm system consists of 3 sensors, each sensuer considered to
be an input for the system, this system also consists of 3 NOT gates
and 5 AND gates linked to 1 OR gate ,the OR gate is output of the
Results and discussin:
The alarm system results depends on the inputs of A,B and C in
these conditions:
1-When input of sensor A,B equal 0 and C equal 1 the output of
system equal 0.
2-When input of sensor A equal 1 and B C equal 0 the output of
system equal 1.
When input of sensor A equal 0 and B,C equal 1 the output of-3
.system equal 1
The sammury of this project is that the sensors has a lot of uses and
applications , we wrote this project that we explained which is a
simple alarm system which consisits of 3 sensors can be used as a
warning system in homes and factorys..etc.
1. M. Antoniou, M. C. Boon, P. N. Green, P. P. Green and T. A. York. Wireless sensor
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2. Ramon Pallas-Areny and John G. Webster, Sensors and Signal Conditioning, John
Wiley, New
York, 1991.
3. E-Series LVDT Data Sheet, Schaevitz Sensors,
Schaevitz Sensors is now a division of Lucas Control Systems, 1000 Lucas Way, Hampton,
4. Ko, W. H., and C. D. Fung, .VLSI and Intelligent Transducers,. Sensors and
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5. Middelhook, S., and A. C Hoogerwerf, .Smart Sensors: When and Where?.
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6. Baxter, L. K., Capacitive Sensors: Design and Applications, Piscataway, NJ: IEEE
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