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• A negative-mos transistor forms a closed circuit when receiving a

positive voltage and an open circuit when it receives a voltage at
around 0 volts.
Cross Section of NMOS Transistor
Nmos file details
• Project: sbro155
• Liberary: test_dig_1
• Cell name: n_char
• Test bench cell: TB_n_char
Test bench of NMOS
Schematic diagram of a Nmos transistor
Analyzing Id wrt Vdd constant and varying
• If we keep Vdd constant and start varying the Vin(Vgs) then the
current start to increase.
Id wrt change in Vgs by keeping Vdd
Analyzing Id wrt Vin constant and varying
• If we keep Vin constant and start varying the Vdd then the current also
start to increase once the Vdsat has reached.
• The current will remain constant for further varying of the Vdd .
Keep Vin constant
Id wrt change in Vdd by keeping Vgs
L=1um & W=2um
L=270nm & W=1um
Relation between L(length),W(width) &
• From the above it is understood that, as length increases the current
(Id) will get reduced and Vdsat and Vth will increases and as the width
increases the current(Id) will get increase and Vdsat and Vth will get
• By this we can say that the length is inversely proportional to
current(id) and width is directly proportional .

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