Presentation-Unity in Diversity

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👨‍💼Sahil Saini

🏫Aggarwal college

Unity in diversity
• More than 1,000,650 languages and tounges  are spoken in India.

• People from different religious cultures and traditions live here.

• They follow different religions of their choice because India is
a secular country.
• There are about 29 states and each state has its own culture, tradition and
• Every year more than 30 grand festivals of various communities are celebrated
in the country
• People in all parts of this country join with the faith of brotherhood
Meaning of “Unity in diversity”
• Unity in diversity is a phrase that signifies IMPORTANT OF UNITY
the unity among people with diverse cultural, IN DIVERSITY:
religious beliefs, social status and other
demographic differences. 1. FOR NATIONAL
• This phrase has its origins, since ancient
times, it is used by various political and social
groups to demonstrate unity among the 2. FOR DEVELOPMENT AND
individuals or communities. GROWTH

• Unity in India is the best example of ‘unity in 3. FOR GLOBAL RECOGNITION

diversity’ because people living with different
religions and culture follow the same laws as
laid down by the Constitution of India. 4. FOR PEACEFUL CO-
📙Unity in diversity in
Indian languages
• India is a vast country. It consists of people
belonging to different religions, professing a Sans- Gujur-
different political faith and using a different Hindi krit ati
language, varieties of face and dress, region.
• Now we see Gujarati-speaking people in Gujarat, Marat Benga Tamil
speaking Tamil in Tamil Nadu, Bengali in West -hi -li
Bengal, Marathi in Maharashtra, Odiya in Odisha
etc. These diversities facilitates the overall progress Kann- Punja- Kash-
of each state without difficulties. Each state
preserves its identity.
ada bi miri
Some indian languages

Hindi Sanskrit Beangali

Punjabi Tamil
✝️🕉Religious diversity☦☪️
• Religious diversity: India is a land of multiple
religions. Apart from the tribal societies, many
of whom still live in the pre-religious state of
animism and magic, the Indian population
consists of the Hindus (82.41%), Muslims
(11.6%), Christians (2.32%), Sikhs (1.99%),
Buddhists (0.77%) and Jains (0.41%).
• The Hindus themselves are divided into
sedhveral sects such as Vaishnavas, Shaivates,
Shaktas, Smartas etc. Similarly, the Muslims
are divided into sects such as Shias, Sunnis,etc.
Religions In india

Hinduism Islam Sikhism Christianity Jainism

We all are one

Cultural diversity
• In India Social customs and • Cultural difference can be
traditions are observed based on Religion and Region
irrespective of caste, race and
creed • Some cultures or religions have
their own rituals, marriage and
kinship patterns to be
• The vedas, the Puranas, the followedEach cultural or
Upanishads and the Gita are the religious groups have distinctive
holy treatise of all Hindus, traditions, celebrations,
though many of them speak traditional costumes, languages,
dissimilar languages food habits etc.,
The seven classical dances

Kathak Orrisi

Bharatnatyam Kuchipudi Kathakali Mohiniyattam

Great indians thought about
“unity in diversity”
-Only in love are unity and duality not in

The golden way is to be friends with the

world and to regard the whole human
family as one
The great lesson is, that unity is behind all. Call
it God, Love, Spirit. Allah, Jehovah - it is the same
unity that animates all life from the lowest
animal to the noblest man.
1.Unity in diversity increases the morale of people in the workplace,
organization and community.
2.It helps to increase coordination, relationships, teamwork among people,
thus improving performance, work quality, productivity and lifestyle.
3.This makes communication effective even in poor conditions.
4.Keeps people away from social problems and helps in managing conflicts
5.Improves healthy human relationships and protects equal human rights for
6.Unity in diversity provides a source of tourism in India. People from diverse
cultures, traditions, cuisines, religions and clothing attract more visitors and
tourists from all over the world.
1.This can give rise to various social tensions between
different states and people of linguistic origin.
2.It causes corruption and illiteracy in many areas of
the country.
3.Due to underdeveloped infrastructure, power
shortage, roads etc. it can be the cause of poor lifestyle
in various rural areas.
Unity in diversity teaches us that although we are from different
caste, creed or race, these differences cannot keep us apart and we
are always united for the betterment of our nation.
• This is the most unique event which is shown in our country, It not
only makes the nation unified and strengthened but it also keeps us
alive in the old centuries, the tradition of co-existence with love,
peace, honour and respect.

The difference in culture, customs, festivals, music and dance makes the
country of vibrancy and makes an incredible country in the world
"Unity in diversity is India's
strength. There is simplicity in
every Indian. There is unity in
every corner of India. This is
our strength."
Narendra Modi

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