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Linear Diophantine

Equations in Two Variables


Recall: Finding the GCD using Euclidean Algorithm
Find the . Find .

Therefore, the .
Therefore, the .
Problem 1:
Every year, a certain theater offers special prices for the honor students
(high school and college) in the neighborhood. They charge P180 for college
students and P75 for high school students. On a particular movie, the total
receipts were P9000, all from the students. Assuming that more college
students than high school students were present, how many students

Let college students

Let high school students
Who is Diophantus?
Diophantus of Alexandria is a mathematician who was the
author of a series of books called Arithmetica that deals
mainly on solving algebraic equations.
What is a Diophantine Equation?
Definition 1: A Diophantine equation is any polynomial
equation in one or more unknown that is to be solved in
the set of integers.
What are some famous Diophantine equations?

Pythagorean triples

Fermat’s Last Theorem

Pell’s Equation
What is a linear Diophantine equation?
Definition 2: A linear Diophantine equation is an equation of the form
where and .

Theorem: The linear Diophantine equation 𝑎𝑥+𝑏𝑦=𝑐 has a solution if and

only if , where . If is a solution of this equation, then all other solutions are
given by t and for any arbitrary integer t.

Corollary: If and if is a particular solution of the Diophantine equation.

Then all solutions are given by and for any arbitrary integer n.
Example 1: Which of the following Diophantine equations cannot be

The but . The and .

Therefore, can’t be solved. Therefore, can be solved.
Example 2: Find all the integer solutions of
and for any integer .
Example 3: Find all the integer solutions of .

and .
and for any integer .
Example 4: Find all the integer solutions of .
and .
and for any integer .
Activity: Find all the integer solutions of the following
a. b.
Activity: Find all the integer solutions of the following equations:


and .
and for any integer .
Activity: Find all the integer solutions of the following

and .
and for any integer .
Problem 1 (Revisited):
Every year, a certain theater offers special prices for the honor students
(high school and college) in the neighborhood. They charge P180 for college
students and P75 for high school students. On a particular movie, the total
receipts were P9000, all from the students. Assuming that more college
students than high school students were present, how many students

Let college students

Let high school students
Since then

Since then

Since , we can assume a maximum of

and a minimum of .
If then and .
Suppose we have .
If then and .
and .
If then and .
and for any integer
Therefore, the number of students
attending can be 50, 57, or 64.
Linear Diophantine Equation: where and .

Condition: The linear Diophantine equation has a solution if and only if , where .

Specific Solution:

General Form of Solutions: and

Process: Euclidean Algorithm and its Reverse

Assessment: Find all the integer solutions of
Assessment: Find all the integer solutions of

and .

and for any integer .

Assignment: A man has P4.55 in change compose
entirely of 25 and 10 centavo coins. What are the
maximum and minimum number of coins that he can
have? Is it possible for the number of 25 centavo coins
to equal the number of 10 centavo coins?

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