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Koala’s and Stingray’s characteristics

Bianca, Vera, Abril
Emma Domi & Caimi

Koala Stingray

Their movements are slow, no To swim, some stingrays move their

more than five meters per whole bodies in a wavy motion that
second. The koala goes to the propels them through the water. Other
lower parts of the tree when the species flap their fins like bird wings
days are very hot, and hugs the and "fly" through the water.
trunk to lose heat without
having to sweat too much.
1125/412071244301/animales-lentos.html# ish/facts/stingray
Koala Stingray
Koalas are mammals and Stingrays reproduce through
viviparous animals. They gestate internal fertilization. A male
their babies in the womb. Females impregnates the female by using a
begin mating when they are two modified pelvic fin as he bites the
years old and generally give birth female's back. The unborn young
once a year, for the next 10 to 15 are ovoviviparous, meaning they
years. The gestation period of a are nourished by egg yolk inside
koala is 35 days, then she gives the mother's body. After a period
birth to a single koala. Koalas can of three months, the female
also give birth to twins, but this is produces eggs that hatch internally
very rare.
imals/living-with/koalas/facts# before birth

The difference is koalas are mammals and stingrays are Chondrichthyes.

koalas are viviparous and stingrays are ovoviviparous meaning they lay eggs.
these eggs are protected by a hard case called a “mermaid's purse“!
They consume around 500 grams of
leaves each day, (approximately the Stingrays eat anything small that can fit in their
size of a small lettuce) and get most mouth like fish, crabs, worms, mollusks and
of their water from leaves, which can other crustaceans. They suck out all the juices
contain up to 50% water. This before spitting it back on land or into shallow
removes the need for a koala to climb waters for easy digestion. Some Stingrays have
down a tree for a drink of water, specialized jaws to help them crush hard
except during very hot or dry periods.
mollusks shells, and others use external mouth
Eucalyptus leaves are the main source
of a koala's diet, its digestive system structures called cephalic lobes to guide
has adapted to break down the harsh plankton into their oral cavity.
Conclusion: Koalas eat
mostly leaves and stingrays
things from the sea
● Koalas aren't bears, they are marsupials

● Stingrays belong to the same family as

● Koalas are picky eaters

● Stingrays migrate in large groups each year. They

can reach up to 10.000 individuals

● Koalas are born hairless, blind and without ears

● Stingrays have cartilage rather than


● Koalas can sleep up to 18 hours a day.


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